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sermonindex Moderator

Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | Testimonies about the Wales Revival Conference | | Saints,
do share your testimonies here of the welsh revival conference, if you attended or watched it online.
here is one review from a blog:
The preachers all came on their own expenses. No ministry was promoted. No preacher was elevated. No famous names. No merchandise was sold. No fancy venue. No registration fee. No one asked for money, offerings or collections. No worship band. No fancy instruments or music. In fact, there was very little provision given for anyone to boast in other than the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus. How many conferences like this have you been to?
We just got back from the Revival Conference 2009 which took place in Loughor,Wales. I have to say, this is the first conference I have been to where the glory of God came so clearly through the worship and preaching. 5 of us from West London went on Monday evening and stayed for two nights in a nearby village in Llanelli. It took place in Moriah Chapel, Loughor the setting of the Welsh Revival of 1904 where Gods glory fell and Evan Roberts was used by the Spirit of God. It was organised by Greg Gordon of Sermon Index and many others who share the same urgency in their souls for the Church to be revived and for God to be given the glory.
I have been to quite a few man-centred conferences in my years and many of them have usually ended with little reverence for the majesty of God and the conviction of sin. Often very little work of sanctification and hardly any emphasis given to the reverence of God. Lots of noise, lots of people, fancy venues and innovative technologies used. But this conference was very different. Very different. This conference was all about God and about His Son Jesus Christ.
The preachers came from different backgrounds, countries, different churches, different denominations and different convictions. However, their voices and message all resembled the same cry. There was one spirit, one mind and one emphasis throughout the three day conference. And that emphasis was the person of Jesus Christ. One thing I learnt is that this conference is not about the speakers, but God. This was not about any individual speaker but about Jesus Christ.
Each day began with prayer and worship. Those who attended were encourage to pray and cry out to God. Then we were led into a time of worshipping God, followed by the preaching of Gods Word. Each preacher quickly reminded those who came that the preaching of Gods Word was central to revival, and preaching of Gods Word is really what we heard. These were not shallow confidence building sermons, but penetrating, heart and soul searching sermons. It was a picture of how the Church ought to be like. A community of believers centred around Jesus Christ, not man.
The quote which I believe best summarised the Wales Conference was said by one speaker, I dont chase revival, I chase Jesus Christ.
And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence. (Colossians 1:18)
I would highly encourage you to listen to the preaching which was recorded both on DVD and audio. I believe these will be made available very soon on Sermon Index:
from: _________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
2009/11/26 6:22 | Profile |
HeartSong Member

Joined: 2006/9/13 Posts: 3179
| Re: Testimonies about the Wales Revival Conference | | You could feel the hunger amongst the people - and the weariness of the times in which we live. I would call it a conference of contrast. While I was confused at first, I now see it as a bubble of light in a sea of darkness, and just like the depths of the sea, the darkness presses in upon the light.
So many dear people with a hunger for the Lord. Such sweet communion with those that are His. So many voices lifted high unto the Lord - the whole building was filled with song. I learned many new things at this conference and the Lord stretched me even further in my walk with Him: in learning to trust and obey; in ever increasing faith. And as the rain fell, and the wind blew, my feet were firmly planted upon the rock of His salvation. And as His sun shone forth, I was warmed by the presence of His love. Praise ye the Lord! |
2009/11/26 7:13 | Profile |
Ceri Member

Joined: 2008/10/17 Posts: 113 Notts. England.
| Re: Testimonies about the Wales Revival Conference | | Hi, As my best friend said to me - the week was 'life changing' For such a long time I haven't felt such a connection in my spirit with people as I did with those who attended. Such a sense of love and belonging. I would like to thank David, who led the worship, he was such a lovely man. The singing was so heartfelt and even when David stopped playing to join in with the congregational singing the sound of the many voices soared and filled the church. I was so moved by the number of young people attending, and also seeing so many young people on their knees in the pews crying to God. My friend had never experienced that before and also such heartfelt prayers. The preaching was brilliant, one message that spoke to me on a personal level was David Guzik and his description of the ducks in cages by the waters edge quacking loudly to each other but never meeting, until the waters rose and lifted them up and out of their cages, bringing them together. The Lord spoke so clearly to me telling me to just rest on the waters and allow Him to do the work of lifting me and guiding my future. I also thank the lord for giving me special memories of a time of joy with dad(Yorrie)and our friend. I cried Friday morning at home time! Thank you Greg and your team for your hard work organising an amazing week and such wonderful memories that will always stay with us. The Lord has started the work of reviving - on a personal level in people's lives! _________________ Ceri Elaine
2009/11/26 7:34 | Profile |
AbideinHim Member

Joined: 2006/11/26 Posts: 5185 Louisiana
| Re: Testimonies about the Wales Revival Conference | | Praise God for these testimonies that lift up the Lord and not any man.
I don't believe that I have ever heard of a Christian conference where the speakers paid their own expenses. This is the kind of work that we need to be giving to because these men are all about building the kingdom of God and not their own ministries.
Greg, you have never asked for any money to support this ministry. How would one contribute to this ministry?
It is very encouraging to read the report of the young people at the revival meetings, as well as the unity of the Spirit. Praying in the unity of the Spirit by Christians of different denominations will bring about a move of God in our cities. Corporate prayer among Church leaders and the saints for the purposes of God to be fulfilled will have a tremendous impact on the Church and will overflow into our communities, cities, and nations.
Mike _________________ Mike
2009/11/26 8:49 | Profile |
sonnysimak Member

Joined: 2008/8/1 Posts: 1 West London
| Re: | | It was great to be there. God's presence was moved and felt. It was simply beautiful and amazing. All those Prayers, Preaching and fellowship were God centred. Praise be to God.
"..all men should honour the Son." John 5:23 |
2009/11/26 10:49 | Profile |
| Re: | | Amen, I had many divine appointments Frank |
2009/11/26 11:55 | |
Dountoothers Member

Joined: 2009/1/12 Posts: 21 Northamptonshire, UK
| Re: Testimonies about the Wales Revival Conference | | If you don't listen to anything else from the Revival Conference in Wales....listen to Alan Bartley. May God bless him. Gwen _________________ Gwendoline Mead
2009/11/26 15:13 | Profile |
| Re: | | when i went to the conference in indiana the spirit was moving to, and the holy spirit began speaking and teaching me again, i pray that we could all have a group of believers seriously seeking the face of God on weekly basis together for hours. |
2009/11/26 22:24 | |
Jos_eph Member

Joined: 2009/12/2 Posts: 1 Charlottesville, VA
| Re: Testimonies about the Wales Revival Conference | | My wife and I listened to one of the sermons from the Wales Revival Conference and immediately sensed that God was speaking through the preacher in a powerful way. We decided to listen to them all - and we are so glad we did. Each sermon focused on a different aspect of revival and built on the others. I would STONGLY encourage everyone to go through ALL the sermons. I think you will find it well worth your while. _________________ Joseph Howard
2009/12/3 13:54 | Profile |
| Re: | | Hi Jos_eph,
There was definately a theme to the speakers that could only hae been brought about by the Holy Spirit. I too would urge everyone to listen to all the speakers and see the theme emerge. God was definately speaking, the question would be, do we have ears that can hear what the Spirit says?..........Frank |
2009/12/3 14:34 | |