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Joined: 2006/2/11
Posts: 2895
Philadelphia PA


Hi Jdl,

I wanted to say that I appreciate how you feel and the question you asked.

Sometimes when I have wrestled with this or just had struggles with that subject, I've thought about how the Bible shows the Lord Jesus treating all sorts of people, besides His disciples.

One of the stories that has stood out to me is where it says that He actually reached out His hand to touch the leper in order to cleanse him.

From what I understand about the Jewish society, that was a really really incredible thing to do. Of course, from what we read about the Lord Jesus in other parts of the Bible, it wouldn't have been nescessary for Jesus to touch the man in order to heal him, you know? He could have just given a word, like He did with so many others.

But it says He touched him.

All that we read was nescessaary before that, was that the man believed Jesus could heal him, and he fell down at His feet, and worshipped Him.

What a response!

Love to you,


Christopher Joel Dandrow

 2009/11/22 18:02Profile

Joined: 2009/9/21
Posts: 66


Chris, never quite thought of that...thanks for the post


 2009/11/22 19:23Profile

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