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Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057



If we take off our “religious glasses” and consider the word “lost”… we get an entirely different view of things, don’t we? : ) Forget the “religious” definition for a moment. Have you ever felt “lost”? Maybe even this WEEK, right? You know, i think for me it’s kinda important to remember that when I feel “lost”—that i have a Messiah, a “Lamp” for my footsteps, in Jesus TOO! And i need that, and i always will! i’m LOST often as not and NEED Him

For the past week or so, I have been feeling "lost". I really could not find the word to describe how I was feeling but then tonight I came across this note shared from another in Christ and it seemed to really fit with what I have been struggling with. It is really good to remember that even when I am feeling this way, Jesus is always near. Even now when I am feeling "lost" Jesus is always there, He always helps me to find my way. Just thought I would share this with anyone else out there that may be feeling this way to.

God Bless

 2009/11/19 1:39Profile

Joined: 2006/5/22
Posts: 2680
Nottingham, England

 Re: Lost

Jesus said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."

He is true to His word, no matter how 'lost' we feel.

God bless.

 2009/11/19 3:07Profile

Joined: 2009/9/21
Posts: 66


Nice post MaryJane...I feel so lost too...but I still can't seem to find Him...if He's there and He cares about me, I sure hope He finds me instead


 2009/11/19 9:12Profile

Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057


Hi enid:

You are so right, He never does leave us. That is what is so awesome even when I find myself going through some times where I just can't fully see Him, but I know He is there calling my name. He alone is my strength even when I feel "lost", no especially when I feel this way!!! I love the fact that I need Him daily, and I love the fact that He is there for me daily even more!!! What an awesome and amazing God we have the privileged to call Father!!!
Hi Jdl you wrote:Nice post MaryJane...I feel so lost too...but I still can't seem to find Him...if He's there and He cares about me, I sure hope He finds me instead

I think the one thing you need to see in what you wrote is that you doubt and question. You say "if He is there...If He cares?" For me there is no doubt that He is there and that He cares very deeply for me. I may go through times when I feel "lost" kind of like a small child in a huge big ugly world who can't see their parent in the crowd for a brief moment, but I know He is there looking out for me, I know in my heart I was never truly "lost", He always has His eyes upon me. He never will leave me or abandon me!!! I need Him every moment of every day, and that's ok:-)

God Bless you

 2009/11/19 10:31Profile

Joined: 2004/4/5
Posts: 952

 Re: Lost

When we can't go to where He is, He comes to us.
He has done this for me so many times.
Had it not been for the Lord on my side, I would totally be nothing.
With God all things are possible, and it just may be that He has us on the Potters Wheel.
I should have said has me on it, for He wants us to be conformed to His Image.
Our problem, we try to help the Potter form the clay.
He knows we are dust, but we all need to remember, we are His Dust.
It is God that worketh in us, both to will and to do of His good pleasure. Phil. 2:13.
God Bless all you saints on SI.
This is a very good post MJ.

 2009/11/19 10:41Profile

Joined: 2009/9/21
Posts: 66


hey guys...something on my mind that I wanted to ask...How could I know that God cares for me? I know that His word says He cares, but how could I know that He cares about [i]me[/i]personally?...I guess I get confused sometimes when I read the epistles (especially 1 Peter 5:7) because they are wonderful promises, but they were written for the how should someone who is struggling deep down with spiritual matters and belief (and perhaps never has been born again) take in these certain passages?


 2009/11/19 13:34Profile

Joined: 2009/6/14
Posts: 703



Jdl wrote:
hey guys...something on my mind that I wanted to ask...How could I know that God cares for me? I know that His word says He cares, but how could I know that He cares about [i]me[/i]personally?...I guess I get confused sometimes when I read the epistles (especially 1 Peter 5:7) because they are wonderful promises, but they were written for the how should someone who is struggling deep down with spiritual matters and belief (and perhaps never has been born again) take in these certain passages?

Dear Jdl,

In the eyes of the unbeliever, all Scripture is ridiculous nonsense since it teaches about a supernatural, infinite, and almighty being that one cannot see, cannot hear, cannot touch, and cannot prove scientifically.

In the eyes of one who believes, it is eternal and infallible truth -- the kind that one accepts without hesitation and without doubt.

Do you believe in God?

Look at the wonderful complexity of creation: the heavens, the earth, the seas, the forests, the trees, the leaves, the ants... a scientist once said that it takes more faith to believe that all these wonders came into being by chance, than it takes to believe in a creator. All creation shouts out that there is a God!

Look at history. There has never been an event in history that has been so completely and thoroughly documented by first hand testimony than the life and works of Jesus Christ. The hundreds who personally testified about Christ did not gain anything by their testimony -- most of them died for it. They had no reason to lie.

Look at history and prophecy. Many prophecies preceded the birth of Christ. Words were written and passed from one generation to another that eventually were fulfilled in accurate detail in the life of Christ.

Again, I ask: Do you believe in God? If you say you do, you must believe in His Word. You must accept it as inerrant, infallible and absolute truth. Over 1,500 years, He inspired the authors of the Bible to put into words his message for man. He inspired many believers down through the centuries to protect, preserve, and publish the Bible for all men.

There is a very good reason why God called Jesus Christ the "Living Word", "The Word of Life", and "The Word became Flesh". You cannot believe in Jesus and not believe His Word. You must accept both and cast away any doubt -- You must have no doubts about Jesus, and no doubts about the Word of God (Bible).

To answer your question: Any passage from the Bible (a version accepted and endorsed by the Christian faith) must be taken as absolute truth. If you want those promises, you must believe.

 2009/11/19 14:01Profile

Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057


Hi Jdl

I think the answer to your question is here John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

As Leo said the Bible clearly tells us over and over again of Gods love for us. The epistles were written to believers but the reality and truth in those letters is that Jesus came, suffered, and died for you personally. Not sure how anyone who truly looks to the cross could ever walk away doubting His love for them???

God Bless

 2009/11/19 15:46Profile

Joined: 2009/9/21
Posts: 66


Thanks Mary...I didn't mean to have your thread go in another direction, I apologize...I guess a lot of times when I try to concentrate on Jesus's death, sometimes I think "but was it for me?" One day when these doubts and fears and struggles of mine go away I hope that I can say with tears in my eyes "of course it was, how could I have ever thought otherwise?"


 2009/11/19 18:13Profile

Joined: 2006/2/11
Posts: 2895
Philadelphia PA

 Re: Lost

Hi everyone.

Maryjane, thank you for what you shared, I appreciated it, and especially being asked to think about the word outside of our typical religous defenition. I always want to be able [b]to express to God[/b] how I feel.

I'd rather be entirely honest with the words that I use to do that, than theologically rigid, but dishonest because I'm afraid to say something that is [i]technically[/i] not correct.

God's love to you,


Christopher Joel Dandrow

 2009/11/22 17:55Profile

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