Please pray for my daughter.She is 7 years old and just started waking up at night feeling nauseous and like she was going to be sick. She will run into the bathroom and come right out and then goes in a few minutes later. She does this alot through the night. This is the second night of it. In the mornings she is her happy self.No fever,no other symptoms.Me and my wife are very nervous and always fear the worst.Please keep us and her in your prayers.GOD BlessJohn
Yes brother.
I'll be praying for your daughter, John.
Praying, brother.
Thank You all for your prayers.It hasnt seemed to progress but she still seems like she may have something,hopefully nothing more than a bug.As a parent, fear strikes me greatly as to what this could be.Please continue to pray for her and for me and my wife as well so that we do not worry unnecessarily.Thank You all and GOD BlessJohn
Thank you for the update, brother. My wife and I have prayed for your family...and will continue to do so. We don't have children yet, but I can only imagine the concern that it can cause in a father's heart to see his children hurting. We will continue praying.
I just want to thank each and every one of you who prayed for my daughter. We took her to the doctors and he couldnt find anything wrong. She is in great spirits now.GOD is great!Thanks again!GOD BlessJohn