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 Prayer for Luke, Pastor Brian Long's son

Hi sainsts,

I would appreciate prayer for a young man called Luke. I posted a prayer request on SI a couple of weeks ago for this young boy, he is 12 years old. His father is Pastor Brian Long, a dear friend of mine and a dear friend of Greg Gordon. It was Brian's church in Oklahoma that hosted the revival conference in The summer. Luke has been diagnosed (just today) with myelodysplasia or MDS. Its a pre-leukemia disease. For those of you who like information here is a link

For those who are called to fast, I believe that this would be an appropriate situation. Pray for Luke and pray for Brian and Martha that they would clearly hear God in this situation. As some of you may know, at times like these there can be a thousand voices of advice and a swirl of noise. I pray that Brian and Martha would move into the realm of stillness and quietness before the Lord as they seek HIs direction. I pray that the Lord would anoint them with such a Spirit that their walk through this valley will astonish others and be a blessing to others as they see Brian and his family trust God even as this shadow of disease falls over them. Let us all look to the Light of the world to vanquish the shadow of this disease that has now been exposed, and brought kicking and screaming into His marvelous light. Let us pray that a Spirit of peace would rest upon them. ........Frank

 2009/10/21 15:17

 Re: Prayer for Luke, Pastor Brian Long's son

I'm in agreement with your prayer brother. Amen, I'll keep praying.

 2009/10/21 15:20

Joined: 2009/6/14
Posts: 703

 Re: Prayer for Luke, Pastor Brian Long's son

Praying for Luke's health and healing, and for God's peace and grace on him, Martha, and Brian.

 2009/10/21 15:34Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534

 Re: Prayer for Luke, Pastor Brian Long's son

Will pray as the Holy Spirit reminds me to...


Sandra Miller

 2009/10/21 15:40Profile

Joined: 2006/9/13
Posts: 3179

 Re: Prayer for Luke, Pastor Brian Long's son

Oh Father, as your servants bow down before you, I pray that you would bring down upon them such a spirit of quietness and peace that those around them would stand amazed at the love and trust that they have put in Thee. And I pray, O Lord, that You would put a warriors spirit within dear Luke, that he would learn to stand unflinchingly in Thee. Surround him with angels of mercy, that the enemy would be defeated in all points of attack. Father, we praise and adore Thee for all that Thou art and we fully trust in Thy wisdom for this seemingly difficult task. Thou has promised to light the way and we fully trust that that is what Thou wilt do. We bless Thee O Lord.
In Jesus Name,

 2009/10/21 17:14Profile


I say amen and agre with that prayer sister.......Frank

 2009/10/21 17:20

Joined: 2004/4/5
Posts: 952


Father, I ask You along with the other saints, to please touch Luke.
In Jesus Name.

 2009/10/21 20:35Profile

Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779




 2009/10/21 20:47Profile

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