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Joined: 2009/1/4
Posts: 353

 using other words for profanity?

I don't know if this has been talked about before but I have a friend who is always using substitute swear words and thinks that is not big deal. He uses words like bloody(no he is not from the UK), he will substitute a word that starts with a "f" instead of using that word. To me its all a matter of the heart not just the word used, if your saying a word that starts with a "g" to replace the Lords name when your upset isn't that still the same as taking His name in vain. same thing with swearing isn't that the same as using profanity but just with other words? This young man has never really used bad language ever so I am not sure why he is doing this now but he thinks its funny to get a reaction out of people. I would like to share with him more about this any good teaching or thoughts anyone has about this?

your little sis in Him

PS I hope this is not coming across as offensive, I wanted to get advice on this topic with out writing to many of the words out so as to be mindful of others when asking about this...

 2009/10/17 11:46Profile

Joined: 2007/6/14
Posts: 45

 Re: using other words for profanity?

I have never thought of it like that.

I think you have a valid point so I will go away and contemplate.

Thank you

 2009/10/17 13:19Profile

Joined: 2009/1/11
Posts: 98

 Re: using other words for profanity?

Does He know the Lord, profess faith in the Lord? Does the the aim of His life point to serving, pleasing, and delighting in God?

If yes, then ask him how this glorifies God and how does it bring men to Christ. Ask how does this keep younger Christians from stumbling and keep their fragile consciences pure. Another good question, is what would happen if everyone who professed to be a Christian behaved the way you are behaving in this matter. That is if everyone used this language, what would be the result? That question always gets me thinking about the true worth of the subject in question.

If no, then start with the Gospel for he has far more pressing matters than a potty mouth.

 2009/10/17 13:20Profile

Joined: 2009/6/14
Posts: 703

 Re: using other words for profanity?

You are right in saying that he is cursing in his heart, but using substitute words to mitigate possible adverse reactions by those around him. It is a clear indication of lack of self-control when a person must blurt out such expletives in reaction to situations. It is a sign that the person has not fully given himself to the Lordship of Jesus and the leading of the Spirit.

[i]Gal 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, [b]gentleness and self-control[/b].[/i]

 2009/10/17 13:47Profile

Joined: 2009/9/2
Posts: 60


I thought I had given myself completely, but I still used substitute words rather than what I used to use.

This got me thinking, and then I remembered Sister Ginny's articles on rock music being addictive and Christian rock usually leading away from the Lord to more salacious forms of rock. If I use substitute words, I didn't consider it as a form of cursing from the heart in my case, but I always said that as a Christian, I am to set the example! Upon closer inspection, yes, it is cursing from the heart, no matter how "clean" it sounds! :-? What kind of example am I setting if I use substitute words, others hear it, and then they themselves use the substitutes which lead them to more salacious forms of language?

To Sister Elizabeth, thank you so much for posting this, because you showed me something I hadn't yet repented of. God bless you Sister.


 2009/10/17 14:12Profile


Dang, I've been found out! :-P

I was communing with a friend in the UK and I was musing as to where something I had lost and I said, "Where is that bloody thing" and she typed in text saying, "Would you kindly not say that word in my presence, I find that offensive." I told her that I would, but I also wanted to let her know that it's not offensive in my country, it's just a word. But for our friendship sake, I did drop it and because of that I rarely say it now.

 2009/10/17 14:17

Joined: 2008/10/25
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East TN for now!



DeepThinker wrote:
Dang, I've been found out! :-P

Boy are you in big trouble when LoinGirder gets here...

:-P 8-) :-D


 2009/10/17 17:30Profile

Joined: 2007/2/16
Posts: 231
Longview WA


Phil 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

I'm guilty, I thought it would be cute to substitute swear words, but why? so I could be like them but different in some way?
God is still working on me as I mature in him,
My wife really hated me doing it and pointed out this scripture to me, I had to humble myself on that.


 2009/10/17 19:36Profile

Joined: 2009/1/4
Posts: 353


thanks for sharing your thought and heart with me everyone. Yes the young man that I mentioned is a christian but for some reason he thinks its really funny to do this kind of thing. He is still pretty immature(only 16) not sure if he knows his behavior is a stumbling block to some. I am going to share this scripture that poet shared and some of the other things posted as well. I think when he realizes that we are being serious in wanting to talk this over with him, I think he will respond with a Christ like heart. He does like to goof around but some times I don't think he knows that he is going to far. He can be really funny but sometimes the sarcasm goes to far and some in the group don't understand his kind of humor. There has been hurt feelings. I want to share with him to that he wants to be careful of the example he is setting for the younger ones.

Anyway thanks again.

your little sis in Him

 2009/10/17 19:58Profile

Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779



I shared this story a couple of times before, but I still get a laugh out of it.

When I was in high school, my pastor and his wife drove me and one other guy from our youth group to Christian youth camp. It was a long drive through the mountains, so the other guy and I spent the hours talking about nearly everything under the sun. The pastor's wife, a wonderful elderly woman, overheard me using the descriptive words, "wow," "cool," and "neat" (etc...).

During a lull in the conversation, she explained how, when she was a very young girl, she learned that such words were "ungodly" and even "blasphemous." She told us that ever since then, she had never uttered words like these.

My response?




 2009/10/18 0:03Profile

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