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Joined: 2008/2/22
Posts: 173
Sylacauga Alabama

 out of the groves into righteousness

Isa. 61:3 to give us beauty, joy, praise instead of heaviness-- to be trees of righteousness. Ps. 1:3 God wants us to prosper and be fruitful. But we must come out of the groves. Ex.34:13 we must take down the groves and get rid of the idols-- things of this world we hold on to. (me to.) our love and loyalty must be to God alone, he doesn't want us to straddle the fence. Amos 3:3 Jud. 3:7 Baalim was the most popular idol. He reminds me of Matt. 4:8-10. people are busy looking for the god of money and how they can get rich quick. Some use religion as a cover up. example of Srushy, he won't admit it even after he got caught and proven guilty. He was preaching on T.V. which causes people to turn from Christianity. If a person gets caught or not they still have to stand before the throne of God. We have a promise that we will eat of the tree of life in the paradise of God if we remain faithful. Rev.22:14 1Jn.5:2


 2009/10/16 18:19Profile

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