~ The Coat 0f Arms Seal is an 'Insigna' of 'Some Person', 'Family' (clan) or 'Institution'.An 'Insigna' also means 'Mark'."the Mark of the Name of the beast, the Number of his Name." - Rev.13:17"Caulate the Number of the beast, the Number of his Name." - Rev.13:18Every Coat 0f Arms Seal, Mark/Insigna has a 'Registry Number' for the Name of 'Some Person', 'Family' (clan) or 'Instittion'.There are also Colors to be chosen for The Coat of Arms Seal, Mark-Insigna.'Red' means: "Warrior or Martyr, Millitary Strength And Magnanimity.""...a Scarlet beast..." - Rev.17:3"Who is able to make war with him". - Rev.13:4The beast will have One Name on all 7 heads. - Rev.13:1Which means, the beast will have the same Name for all 7 locations.The 10 one hour as Kings will have One Kingdom. - Rev.17:17~ The very next day after I looked up this information on a Coat 0f Arms Seal? As Being an Insigna Mark of a Name?On the News they spoke about how difficult it is to Identify The Iraqi Millitary.As they have no Seal for thier Uniforms. (2008)