@ Brother JDL, I don't see why not. Psalms, music of praise and worship and adoration, but not for our glory and pleasure lest we should boast, but solely for His glory and pleasure! As a matter of fact, glorify God right now, not just with your music, with your heart.Right now, I'm in the middle of arranging Awesome God for the sole purpose of glorifying Him when I perform and possibly leading people to Jesus for saving.Not to go off topic, why do you think you're unconverted my Brother? If need be, review what Brother Greg posted here.https://www.sermonindex.net/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=30965&forum=35&6Walk with Jesus, brother! Die to selfish desires and replace those with Jesus' desires. Jesus didn't desire us to be sticks in the mud, but He does desire us to please Him and love Him with all our hearts, including staying far away from sinful desires. Classical Music is a wonderful thing, especially Toccata in D Minor by Bach. Everytime I hear that song, I think about God's great majesty and how perfect and powerful He is! I sometimes shake just thinking about Him. The same God who will burn people in the Lake of Fire is the same God who loves us so much, He sent Jesus as propitiation, therefore fulfilling the New Covenant only HE could fulfill.With much love,Jim
Jdl,You primary concern right now should be your relationship with the LORD! Once you get in fellowship with the LORD he just might give you a new song! One that is much superior to what you now think is good! But this is not the reason you want to come to the LORD. Allow the Holy Spirit to cleanse you and you will be pleased to honor Him with your music. If you do so you will experience his good pleasure!ginnyrose
_________________Sandra Miller