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 2009/10/16 17:02

 Re: Classical Music?

Ah yes, I enjoy Classical Music. I particularly enjoy the works of Richard Strauss and several of his Opera's. I like anything with a soothing melody but I tend to avoid the crash bang of some orchestral pieces, except for example Bolero which has a magnificent crashing end.

 2009/10/16 18:11

Joined: 2007/1/30
Posts: 926


Love it. I found a site with legal, copy-right free performances (donated by the players) of classical music, for download.


 2009/10/16 18:33Profile

Joined: 2006/9/13
Posts: 3179



theopenlife wrote:
Love it. I found a site with legal, copy-right free performances (donated by the players) of classical music, for download.


Wonderful! Thank you!

 2009/10/16 18:42Profile

Joined: 2006/6/28
Posts: 3405
Dallas, Texas


You see, one forum I visit is chock full of agnostic and atheist composers. It used to be my favorite forum, but I find myself going there less and less. I shared my faith a few days ago, however, and only one of them poked fun. (I actually wish more thought I'm crazy for believing in Jesus, but it's up to Him how much I can handle!) If I share some new music with them, Christian stuff of course, perhaps it could also be used as a witnessing tool!

I used to feel that my musical talent couldn't be used for God, because it didn't have a proper function in the body of Christ. I would come under personal conviction that the music was somehow worldly, vain, soul-inspired and profitless to God. I tell you, Satan would have a Christian believe that anything outside of preaching or singing hymns can not be utilized by the Holy Spirit for the Kingdom of God - especially not someting as frivolous as classical music composition!

But it's not true. I have since come to see that any gift or talent consecrated unto God with a pure heart by holy intentions and worship is accepted by Him through Christ. Ours is a God who chooses the mean things of the world and works wonders by them. Consider Rahab; consider the lowly donkey as a vehicle for Christ; consider the spittle and the mud; consider the coin in the fish mouth; consider Jonah covered in the digestive juices of a whale, etc. His ways are not ours, and like the harlot with the alabaster jar, what we give unto Him with genuine adoration is sweetly returned upon all who sit at the table.

In this case, our perfume can be music - a precious material held within the alabaster jar. Perfume, like music can be used for worldly intentions, for seduction; and it can also be used to mask a deeper, offensive odor. In the case of the harlot, it was poured out on Christ...and accepted! This was because it was for His burial, which the other disciples could not discern. So we see that it is often your brothers and sisters in Christ - those sitting at the same table with the Master - who usually have problems with worldy "offerings" and gifts. Ah, but it's not the gift that matters! It's the condition of the giver in the inward part. The Lord always searches the heart. A broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart He will not despise, and like the broken alabaster jar, such a smashed heart always yields fragrances most acceptable unto Him.

We need to see that nothing changes about the perfume [i]inside[/i] the vessel, for at the same time the harlot was breaking her jar, a few houses down perhaps an unrepentant prostitute was anointing herself with the exact same formula of perfume bought from the exact same merchant. The perfume therefore wasn't the issue - it was the jar from which it came out of.

We who are being broken, our lives have become the "fragrance of Christ"; and if our hearts be broken, the escaping contents - whether it be music, poetry or dance - are now accepted by Christ and can be used by God for His glory.

Brother Paul

Paul Frederick West

 2009/10/16 18:57Profile


Satan would have a Christian believe that anything outside of preaching or singing hymns can not be utilized by the Holy Spirit for the Kingdom of God - especially not something as frivolous as classical music composition!

Very well written Paul. Thank you for that encouraging word. It all boils down to motive and intent. If our motive is true and right before God we will do well.

 2009/10/16 22:13

Joined: 2006/9/13
Posts: 3179


I was watching a video of Berliner Phil. perform Bolero by Ravel

Part 1

Part 2

This is a wonderful piece that has individual instruments being added one by one. I starts quietly and slowly increases in volume and fullness until it reaches the crescendo. As I watched these videos, I was struck by the reaction, or seemingly lack thereof, of the audience. I have had this same sense as I sat in a congregation and heard the Word preached. Everybody, including myself, sitting almost motionless as we absorb that which is being put forth. While one might say that our flesh is being fed, it is quite obvious that something other than that is taking place for our flesh almost becomes transparent as that which is internal is being fed by that which is coming in through our eyes and our ears.

As I was contemplating this, I was led to watch Torvill & Dean perform to this same music in the 1984 Olympics.

I remember when I first watched this performance I was practically blown away by the marriage of the music and the motion and flow of the human body. Somehow this is how it will be in heaven - when we become one in the Lord. When we flow forth in perfect submission to His perfect Headship. When we are set free from this awkward body of flesh and our spirits are fully released unto Him.

 2009/10/16 22:31Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534



theopenlife wrote:
Love it. I found a site with legal, copy-right free performances (donated by the players) of classical music, for download.


Wonderful! Thank you!

Amen, to that!

Sandra Miller

 2009/10/16 22:49Profile

Joined: 2006/6/15
Posts: 343


The alabaster worship sounds familiar to the life story of Eric Lidell running in the olympics and his sister questions him about his seeming compromises to run instead of heading for the mission field in China...

His reply...

"But I've got a lot of running to do first. Jennie... Jennie... you've got to understand. I believe that God made me for a purpose... for China. But He also made me fast, and when I run, I feel His pleasure.... To win is to honor Him."

He went on to win the gold medal in the 400 meter race.


 2009/10/16 23:55Profile

Joined: 2009/9/21
Posts: 66


Hi guys...since this is a music thread I figured it'd be a good place to post a question...I was actually a music major in college, classical guitar, so I absolutely love that stuff...I have been composing music for a while now, mainly solo guitar question is this: Since I am quite certain that I am unconverted, could I still use the music that I have written to glorify God if I ever do get converted? Without a doubt I want to honor God with the music if I ever do find Him


 2009/10/19 17:03Profile

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