I love all sorts of Classical music as well, everything from Bach up to some more modern composers (except for things like the Rite of Spring and other Godless ballets and operas). I was classically trained as a pianist, you see. Though I love all of the composers, my favorite composers have always been Mozart, because he had Asperger's Syndrome like me, and Bach, because he was a man of God! Sometimes it sickens me how people misuse his Toccata and Fugue in D Minor for Halloween. UGH! That song was made to glorify God, not Satan!
That said, before becoming saved, I used to compose solely for myself, especially in lyrics. Since becoming saved, I found that I no longer had any good lyrics left in me (and the ones I had felt so wrong and stupid and usually boastful). The more I read the Bible, however, the more I am able to write good melodies, and soon, Biblically sound lyrics. Not for my glory, lest I should boast and thus be humbled. For His glory only! :-)
@ Brother Paul
"It's been a blessing how the Lord has used them as a witnessing tool to atheistic composers and otherwise irreligious musicians (and there are many of them in the classical music world). If God has given you a talent, do seek to use it soley for His glory...and then watch the amazing results!"
Bingo! I've been wondering if I should use my talents for witnessing, or just forget them and witness directly, especially since many people dislike certain genres of music (myself included). You see, one forum I visit is chock full of agnostic and atheist composers. It used to be my favorite forum, but I find myself going there less and less. I shared my faith a few days ago, however, and only one of them poked fun. (I actually wish more thought I'm crazy for believing in Jesus, but it's up to Him how much I can handle!) If I share some new music with them, Christian stuff of course, perhaps it could also be used as a witnessing tool! As always, I must pray, always pray, for the benefit of the lost to come to Jesus, for the ultimate benefit of His glory (either now through us dying to ourselves, or later by tossing unrepentent rebels into the lake of fire, and we don't want the latter for anybody).
Sorry to go OT here, but I also thank God for Youtube. I hate the salacious stuff that plagues it, but I love Sermonindex's channel. To see some of my new heroes like Paul Washer and Francis Chan and Art Katz and many others is amazing, inspiring, uplifting, and encouraging to do His work! When I converted back in September, I thought, "OKAY, now I must spread the Gospel, let's see, oh, these tracts seem decent." Now, I know better, because all tracts seem to have one thing in common, the "5 step program to Heaven" gospel, not the true Gospel. "You think you're saved because you prayed a prayer once!" Astounding sermons. I'm glad to have been edified, to read and study the true Gospel first, before even attempting to share my faith! God bless Paul Washer and every other preacher on Sermon Index who preach the Truth! _________________ Jim