I have been on the Internet for quite some time and my scope of websites have been few. I am wondering what sites you regularly visit? Tag your sites with .com .net .org .ca etc.. and leave out the http's and the www's. For example the sites I generally go to are:sermonindex.net (that's a given)ebay.cakijiji.caquod.lib.umich.edugiobikes.comtscnyc.org
wayofthemaster.combiblequery.comtangle.comrzim.comheartcry missionary societygranted ministries hannibal lagrange missouricarm.org
biblicalevangelism.nettangle.com (There's a lot of junkie "Chritian" movies on there, but also some realy jems)therebelution.comspiritualcourage.wordpress.compersecutionblog.comfacebook.comanswersingenesis.orgbiblegateway.com
tscnyc.orgbrooklytabernacle.orgheartcrymissionary.compuregospeltruth.comschoolofchrist.com (BH Clendennen)