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Joined: 2009/10/15
Posts: 1

 persecution & proclaming the Gospel

If the Gospel of Christ was preached more often in all fullness through the Spirit would not the church within america see more persecution? Not that we desire it, but that lack of it indicates that the cross of Christ is not being preached as it should.

Rick from USA

 2009/10/15 14:16Profile

 Re: persecution & proclaming the Gospel

Actually there is. There is an increase of persecution in America. Most of the time we just don't hear about it.

 2009/10/15 14:28

Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779

 Re: persecution & proclaming the Gospel

Hi rickyticky...

Welcome to SermonIndex!

I understand what you are saying. Of course, this question also depends on how you define persecution. There has always been rhetorical animosity against true believers. As the world grows more opposed to righteousness, this has become much more apparent. However, widespread physical persecution is very limited in this nation. Why? In the United States, people are currently "protected" by the Constitution. In order for widespread physical persecution to occur in this nation, something would have to happen in which the Constitution is widely rejected or amended. Persecution could come in the form of laws against "religious" freedom; however, this would also require a rewriting of the First Amendment.

Now, I certainly believe that there is already animosity directed true believers who don't "cast their lot" with popular opinion. Even certain sectarian divisions within the Church often throw rhetorical "stones" at other believers for not adhering to what they think is correct. Some believers can be downright vicious with others! I heard a preacher who once concluded that there is more rhetorical persecution from WITHIN the Body of Christ than from the secular world in America.

Of course, if the Gospel was preached the way it ought to be, quite a few people would be very, very upset. It is absolutely unsettling to the people of this world. If a person were to stand up and proclaim the Gospel in all of its simplicity, they would likely be rejected by many people in this world. However, for physical persecution to become common or acceptable within the United States, I believe that there would have to be a drastic change in the laws of the nation itself.

We should always endeavor to boldly preach the Gospel in all of its simplicity through the power of the Holy Spirit. There are over 6 Billion people in this world, and the vast majority do not know Jesus Christ. We need to work while it is yet light.


 2009/10/15 14:46Profile

Joined: 2009/6/14
Posts: 703


Actually, you are both right in a way. Any Christian who tries to join a secular blog site by expressing his Christian values on almost any topic will be laughed at and slapped down as an intolerant and superstitious moron - so persecution does exist today.

However, If we compare the level of comfort we are accustomed to in American local churches, we are far removed from the suffering and sacrifice experienced daily by believers in countries like Uzbekistan, formerly of the Soviet Union. I lived there for two years, and I have seen first-hand a man who spent more time in prison that out of it because he stubbornly welcomed traveling Christians into his home to show them the love and hospitality of a brother. I have met a man who was beaten up so severely that cancer grew out of the internal scar tissue that formed after the beating, simply because he refused to stop meeting in fellowship with believers in their homes. I have heard of a church where the Bible was torn into chapters to be shared by the church, who passed those precious pages onto others as soon as they were done, just to feed on God's Word. I have seen these believers praise God powerfully, with thanksgiving in their hearts, for having potatoes and cabbage to share with each other, not being able to afford any meat.

Part of the reason why there is much less persecution in the US is because most of the time, the gospel being preached is a watered-down version that is intended to provide comfort and promise blessings, without mentioning the repentance from sin and absolute holiness demanded by God. It fails to mention that salvation can only be attained by death to self so that the Spirit may live in our hearts. It fails to reveal the truth that most of those who think they are saved are not. If these truths were preached in our local churches, there would be tremendous upheaval and persecution of those who dared bring such discomfort into the pulpit.

 2009/10/15 15:06Profile

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