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Joined: 2009/6/18
Posts: 11


Do you have any suggestions for closer fellowship of the body? In my experience, those who desire to seek the Lord diligently and prevail in prayer are very scattered geographically. Those in our 'churches' seem for the most part to be uninterested or totally unaware of any need to pray other than for physical needs. The experience of gathering as the body of Christ to seek Him only is priceless - but it also seems impossible on any type of regular basis. Any words of insight on this matter would be GREATLY appreciated!

 2009/10/15 12:55Profile

 Re: Question

"seems impossible"

I would encourage you to beleive that it is possible.

Next maybe you can find one who will join with you in prayer over the matter

Next as you are praying keep a warm soft merciful heart towards those in your fellowship who are cold. They may be drawn to you to get warmed up.

 2009/10/15 13:01

Joined: 2007/6/27
Posts: 1573
Omaha, NE

 Re: Question

If you have a desire to draw closer to Christ
and nearer to His heart; GOD will bring others
into your path who share the same need for

Martin G. Smith

 2009/10/15 13:42Profile

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