Jake Morgason: i messed around with the occult after i got saved now i have schizophoea hear voices and think people can read my mind. How do i get free from this opression.that should be directed towards bill mcleod if he is on the panel
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
Stephanie Marie ??supernatural (sid roth)signs & wonders......would you encourage christians to watch this.....some aewsome shows have aired about gold dust, angels, people being translated, chariots being seen, people raised from the dead...what would you say, what would you say about this.....have you seen it! orange TX.
A couple of months ago we asked our pastor why we have not had any revivals at our church. He replied that it is not necessary to have revival because only those who are dead need to be revived. He said that he lives in revival everyday so therefor we would not have any revivals at the church. What are your thoughts on this?Dee Hawkins
If we feel called to preach or serve in another country but do not know specifically where what advice would the panel give?
Rick Brubaker If the cross of Christ would be preached in all truth and fullness in this land, would not the church within america experience more persecution?