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 Questions for the Revival Conference

If you have any questions for the Q & A Panel please post them now and we will do our best to pass them on to the panel.


 2009/10/15 12:35

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: Questions for the Revival Conference

Jake Morgason from the usa asked as a Christian: "How he can be free from demonic oppression?"

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2009/10/15 12:51Profile

 Re: Questions for the Revival Conference

Does the panel believe that there is a future for denominationalism?

Is our desire for revival today just part of a cycle as in days past, or is their an end-time element , therefore making our need for revival all the more urgent?

What is the panel specifically doing to pass on the mantel to the next generation?

Frank McEleny, Kansas

 2009/10/15 12:51

Joined: 2006/2/7
Posts: 296

 Re: Questions for the Revival Conference

In light of the short time we have left on earth and the times we are living in, what would you counsel in regards to attending churches that are 'light in the loafers' concerning the gospel and ministry, etc. Do born again believers try to reform and enact change from within or run while there is still time?

little rock, AR


 2009/10/15 12:57Profile

Joined: 2009/10/15
Posts: 2

 Re: Questions for the Revival Conference

what advice would the panel give to a young man who is in a church which he loves but where the prayer meeting is very very dry. I want to lead by example but when i do i feel that i unsettle the meeting and as if i am trying to draw attention to myself which i am not. We as a church seem to be unwilling to make ourselves vulnerable before man and God and i feel this stands in the way of revival.

I would appreciate your direction

 2009/10/15 13:14Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


What tie in is there between revival and missions?

Is persecution coming to North American Christians?

Is there a need to preach on the theme of false conversions in the church such as whitefield, wesley, tennet and others did in the great awakening?

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2009/10/15 13:20Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


How does one begin to preach about revival in our churches? How does one get the congregation fired up about what God is capable of doing? Would preaching on holiness be the way to start something like that?

God bless,

Patrick Kelly

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2009/10/15 13:22Profile

Joined: 2009/10/15
Posts: 3

 Re: Questions for the Revival Conference

How does one begin to preach about revival in our churches? What are some teachings that need to be preached on to see revival take place. I believe holiness, prayer and repentance are good topics. What are other topics would be important?

God bless,

Patrick Kelly

 2009/10/15 13:24Profile

 Re: Questions for the Revival Conference

Have we made an "industry," out of revival. And if we have, is that why we have not seen a significant revival in a generation.

Frank McEleny, Kansas

 2009/10/15 13:55

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Is preaching on everlasting punishment in hell needed in evangelical churches?

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2009/10/15 14:01Profile

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