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Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 ORDER THE DVD - Indy Revival 2009 - Keith Daniel



I am excited that this will be provided for all the sessions I believe. SermonIndex does not profit AT ALL from this and its just a SERVICE TO THE SAINTS who want this. And I am sure it will help cover costs for bill gothards hotel they gave to us freely for the conference


Keith Daniel from South Africa has spoken to audiences around the world. His love for God and zeal for holiness has inspired thousands. In this DVD, Keith Daniel preaches the opening session of the 2009 Indy Revival Conference.

The unedited DVD sold here contains the message exactly as it was presented at the conference. While this session will not be available until October 20, 2009, you may reserve your copy today!

By Keith Daniel

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2009/10/15 6:38Profile

 Re: ORDER THE DVD - Indy Revival 2009 - Keith Daniel

this all of the sermons on dvd fr 98 dollars.

 2009/10/16 2:53

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