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Joined: 2009/9/21
Posts: 66

 check this out

Hi everyone...I was wondering if you all could go to this site and watch the some of you know, I have been struggling with doubts...but what's presented here in the video is actually pretty astonishing...I was blown you think it's legit? I'd like your opinions


 2009/10/13 18:24Profile

Joined: 2009/9/21
Posts: 66

 Re: check this out

Whoops, forgot the link...


 2009/10/13 18:24Profile


Pretty good presentation.

 2009/10/13 22:47

Joined: 2009/6/14
Posts: 703

 Re: check this out

I would be very wary of this website and the people lurking behind it:

1. In the early introduction, the narrator states, "Isa said there shall be signs in the sun and in the moon and in the stars...", apparently a reference to Jesus' statement in Luke 21:25. Isa is the name given to Jesus in the Muslim Qur'an, where he is known as a prophet only, and not the Son of God; and where his crucifixion and resurrection are denied.

2. The site had no clear statement of faith to speak of, which is very disturbing. There is no mention of God the Father, or Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit - just "truth".

It's very doubtful that there is a true Christian group behind this site. Very likely these are false teachers and deceivers, seeking to draw people away from the true faith.

 2009/10/14 1:10Profile

Joined: 2009/9/21
Posts: 66


Hey guys, thanks for the responses...Leo, I definitely agree with you...I'm not sure what kind of faith the group behind the site professes, thus I wouldn't use it as a means of seeking salvation or growth through Christ...however, to me, what it does present is pretty compelling evidence of a creator and the genius of His mind to incorporate something like that into His word...but other than that, I wouldn't want to take anything further from the site...After watching it tho, I was quite amazed...pretty convincing stuff that really can't be explained other than having a divine mind behind it


 2009/10/14 11:51Profile

Joined: 2007/3/26
Posts: 14

 Re: Isa

I listened to this several times and just can't hear the word Isa. I hear the word Jesus. I was glad for the info you gave about the word Isa.

I was wowed by the persentation. Numbers are important in the Bible. There are those that look for numerical sequences in words and give them meanings that, in my opinion, aren't there. Although I don't think that's what they are doing here, just be aware of it.

Thelma Bontrager

 2009/10/15 21:17Profile

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