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Joined: 2009/10/13
Posts: 2

 Must read: Christless Christianity by Michael Horton

I just finished reading Christless Christianity by Michael Horton.

This book is a wake-up call for the church.

Michael Horton indicts the modern evangelical church (liberals and conservatives alike). I'd say that Michael Horton does to the modern church what Marting Luther did to the catholic church at the time of the Reformation. It's a call for change and going back to Jesus Christ, and away from the cult of self-improvement and humanism (man centered instead of God centered) that dominates the church today.

Has anybody else read this book? What are your thoughts?

It's the best critique of the modern laodicean church I've come across, and it proposes a great alternative to the seeker sensitive / purpose driven / emerging model.

 2009/10/13 0:50Profile

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