[img]https://www.sermonindex.net/revival/featured_lowwebcast2.gif[/img]Saints,I encourage you to spread the news of the live webcast of this upcoming conference on your facebook, twitter and blogs! The webcast is totally free to watch and will be live for the 3 days of the conference. For times of the speakers, etc check out the schedule here: https://www.sermonindex.net/revival/revival_indiana.pdflive webcast:http://revival.sermonindex.net/
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
I trust many are planning to watch the live webcast coming up in 19 hours!
For those like me that might need help with time zones, here is a link to [url=http://www.worldtimeserver.com/current_time_in_US-IN.aspx?city=Indianapolis][b][color=FF0000]THE CURRENT TIME IN INDIANAPOLIS[/b][/color].[/url][u]Prayer from John 1[/u]: FOR The voice crying in the wildernessFOR Behold the LambFOR Seen and followedFOR "What seek ye? ...." FOR "come and see."FOR Men in whom there is no guile seeing heaven open and water turned to wine"That the Father might be glorified in the Son" John 14:13
Sister,thank you that is a very helpful link. I trust many are preparing to watch the live webcast and spreading the word: www.revivalconference.comMay God be truly glorified and flesh humbled.
Just 11 hours and 2 minutes until the webcast is live: http://revival.sermonindex.net/
Just 8 hours until the conference is live:http://revival.sermonindex.net/
Just 5 hours until the conference is live:http://revival.sermonindex.net/
you may want to update the thread name brother Greg :-) it still says 20 hours left. Eagerly awaiting