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Joined: 2006/6/15
Posts: 343


Not trying to sound sexist, but the fact of the matter is...

Girls / Women either belong to their fathers, or their husbands.

All relationships should be acted out accordingly to the fact mentioned above.


 2009/10/13 11:18Profile

Joined: 2006/9/13
Posts: 3179


No married man or married woman not married to each other should ever get into a personal conversation with each other. Ever. The potential is too real.

I moved from an area that did not concern itself with this - and therefore I never concerned myself with such a thing. In thinking back, I do not recall ever being propositioned by anyone from the opposite sex. About five years ago I moved to the Bible belt, where they hold to that which is stated above, and I must say that I have never seen such a bunch of sexually "perverted" people. They continually keep track of who talks to who, and whose car is parked in front of whose house, as if talking to someone is an indication that you are having an affair with them. To make matters worse, I have been propositioned by two different people from within the church. I think that part of the problem is that they are so focused on avoiding the sin, that they are actually drawn to it.

Maybe some people need other people to keep track of them to keep them from sin, but there just might come a time or place where that person is out of sight, and therefore out of mind. It is to my heavenly Father that I have given my heart, my mind, and my soul. I continually commend all that I am to Him, and He keeps me from falling. He is ever present and fully knows the condition of my heart. He gives me correction and I turn at His command.

Maybe some people need to hold to the above to keep themselves from sinning, but that does not mean that everyone else has to also. It is when we try to put others in our own little box that problems arise.

 2009/10/13 12:14Profile

Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057


Greeting Heartsong

I think what Krispy was referring to is the kind of conversation where one spouse is confiding in a person of the opposite sex about private or perhaps even marital situation. If that is what he meant then I agree, there is a very real danger for a wife/husband to go to another person of the opposite sex and share personal conversations if that person is not their spouse.

You wrote:Maybe some people need other people to keep track of them to keep them from sin, but there just might come a time or place where that person is out of sight, and therefore out of mind. It is to my heavenly Father that I have given my heart, my mind, and my soul. I continually commend all that I am to Him, and He keeps me from falling. He is ever present and fully knows the condition of my heart. He gives me correction and I turn at His command.

I am not sure if you mean for it to but it almost sounds as if you have no need for the body of believers that makes up the church. We are called after all to Hebrew 3:13 But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.
I do agree that God can and does correct us and He alone can help us to over come sin, but He also uses others to help us in our walk with Him daily as well. That is what being apart of the body of Christ is about, helping one another as we walk together in Christ.

I share all my passwords and email infor with my husband because I love him and respect him. I do not want to give the enemy any kind of foot hold in my life or my husbands life so we share these things with one another.

God Bless

 2009/10/13 12:46Profile

Joined: 2006/9/13
Posts: 3179


I am not sure if you mean for it to but it almost sounds as if you have no need for the body of believers that makes up the church. We are called after all to Hebrew 3:13 But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. I do agree that God can and does correct us and He alone can help us to over come sin, but He also uses others to help us in our walk with Him daily as well. That is what being apart of the body of Christ is about, helping one another as we walk together in Christ.

I must admit, I have not found very many people to be helpful - most seem intent on tearing down rather than building up - but yes, the Lord has used others to correct me - both male and female. But as far as confiding in others about my spouse - well, for the most part, I just confide in the Lord.

 2009/10/13 13:10Profile

Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057


Greeting Heartsong

I understand that there are those who would rather tear down then help point us toward Jesus. I have encounter that at times in my walk as well. It is a real blessing though when we have those around us who love Jesus, more then self and are willing to pour themselves out into each others lives and demonstrate the love of Jesus to speak into our lives truthfully.

You wrote:But as far as confiding in others about my spouse - well, for the most part, I just confide in the Lord.

I am sorry to admit sister I did not realize that you were married. Forgive me for not paying closer attention. For some reason I was under the impression that you were a single young woman.

For me personally I have some very close older mature ladies whom I know will speak to me in love that I share with things concerning my marriage on occasion, but as you mentioned I to often go to the Lord and seek Him on those matters. There have been many areas of self that I have had to die to where my marriage is concerned. I find that being married can be a place that Father uses to really help us grow in Him daily:-) Parenting is another one:-)

Thank you for sharing with us.

God bless

 2009/10/13 13:49Profile

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