I would like to recommend to all the reading of the message by E.W.Bullinger. I'm not recomending any other article but that one. It is called a new creation. 2Cor.5:17. I like the analogy came to me about God is on the outside of us, obvious in that he is the creator of all things, and that he is in us Jn.14:16-17 He shall be in you. That is the gift of the Holy Spirit we ask for. It is a mystery that we are in union with God. The 14:v.20 Of John explains it further. 2Pet.1:4 shows we partake of the divine nature through the promises. 1 Cor.6:17 it is not a problem to see that we are in him by the fact that he is inside and outside us. we are made brand new once we are covered by the blood of Jesus at conversion. Then we have him working in us if we have his Holy Spirit to lead us to being manifesting the fruit of the Spirit of Gal.5:22-23. Just like when blood on doorposts in Egypt we must never be found without it covering us. Israel provoked God in the wilderness because of unbelief. The only way to apply the blood is by faith. if we walk in unbelief we revoke our faith in anything. example 1Jn. 2:15, 1Jn.3:14 If you abide in me== conditional for answered prayer and my words abide in you== you shall ask what you will. Jn.15:7 grace to us all.
what a blessing to know that we are raised together ,and made to sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. I notice it doesn't say with but in Christ Jesus. We are in him and him in us. That is we are filled with his Spirit. If we are in the flesh and not filled we wouldn't understand this. look at 1Cor. 6:15 your members are the body of Christ-- he isn't using a metaphor here, because he is talking of a person's individual actions. God must see Jesus when he looks at us. his life in us not a life full of flesh activity.