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Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 1519
Santa Cruz California


Approach her as you would approach any unbeliever.

Why? If she's a believer, then present the Gospel in all its glory to her. Over and over and over.

Just because someone listens to a certain style of music doesn't mean they aren't a Christian.

See this is the kind of thinking that makes people flee from most churches. It is not holiness or zeal for holiness, it is moralism.

In the end, you produce a bunch of people who think that because they avoid R rated films, beer, and "bad" music, they are Christians. BUT they have never been born again because they have not heard the Gospel or understand God's grace in sending Christ to die for mans' sin.

Many will say Lord Lord...

Yes they will and they will be just like the Pharisees that Jesus was confronting with that statement. Self righteous moralists who see no need for Christ and His righteousness. They will think that somehow "they" had power to do things(like avoid certain music deemed bad) in His name when they were never known by Him to begin with.

It's really sad that the Church doesn't allow people to think anymore, or let the Holy Spirit convict people. It's like we have to make everyone like out little group, or they might not be Christians. Sad.

patrick heaviside

 2009/10/7 2:11Profile

Joined: 2007/4/3
Posts: 293


I'm probably off base, but it seems to me that soft melodius music tends in most cases to soothe the flesh whereas hard pounding beat music tends to arouse the flesh. That seems like common sense. I think there is more to this issue than likes or dislikes of styles. Look at Saul and the harp playing of David.

I have heard, however, Christian rappers whose lyrics are quite Scriptural and a few that are very reformed even in content. So I don't think for Christians that necessarily hard beats are going to appeal to the flesh for those listening to the music in the Spirit. Nonetheless for non-Christians, my original point about the flesh should be obvious to those of us who were saved later in life and used to experience the flesh through the arousal of music.

 2009/10/7 8:38Profile

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 1196
North Central Florida


Good point, roaringlamb,

It's really sad that the Church doesn't allow people to think anymore, or let the Holy Spirit convict people. It's like we have to make everyone like out little group, or they might not be Christians. Sad.

This is a consequence of the state of the Public School System - it, too, has ceased to teach children to think and reason and just as the housed churches it teaches by rote.

Christians need to be filled with the Holy Scripture to the point that everything they do or think turns to Scripture as the foundation upon which every act and decision is made.

You do not achieve this by setting children down with crayons and Bible story pictures to color - you do it by 'showing' Jesus in your every step. I do not believe in preaching, as much as walking with Christ. A turn around on the old adage 'Don't do as I do, do as I say do.' In this case it would be by seeing Jesus as you walk the sin is exposed with no need for fingerpointing.

Ginnyrose, It would probably do your niece more good if some how you could arrange for her to spend more time in your company. Perhaps, to help around the house or greenhouse?

Kind regards,
white stone


 2009/10/7 9:22Profile


"Ginnyrose, It would probably do your niece more good if some how you could arrange for her to spend more time in your company. Perhaps, to help around the house or greenhouse?" white stone


"present the Gospel to her" roaringlamb


And salt and pepper this with lots of prayer and patience. Conviction comes from God whether they be a believer or an unbeliever. As a believer David was convicted long after his initial sin. And Willie Peachy never told Marko, an unbeliever, 'don't swear' (although he did this out of fear as well as leading by example). But in both cases God came crashing down. Sometimes, even in righteous love and sincerity, our flesh wants to jump in and fix things out of our own fear that if we don't do this now then all could be lost. Although sometimes it's necessary to challenge, as Paul did Peter, it is the Holy Spirit that must guide us and also receive the credit.

 2009/10/7 9:52


I did not read this thread until now, but earlier my wife and I went to pick something up for her and her sister at Outback Steakhouse. The music which was playing was a mix of snoop,dr.dre, and s.shady...

I know this because I used to listen to them, but when I realized it my whole being broke...

I left my wife to handle the order (take-out) and I went and wept. I begged God to forgive me of all the time that I had wasted.

My wife saw that I was upset and we talked about it and I said that no one can convince me that the devil does not have his hand in this music. It used to hypnotize me into living the 'high life'.

It truly grieves me now to think of the poison that I knowing allowed into this temple God gave to glorify Him.

Anyway...there is godly music and then there is everything else.

Living in Korea, lyrics may be in a different language, but the devil has the knack of tongues...

truly the horrorcore (whatever it is called) does not surprise me in the least...

it's going to get worse.

 2009/10/7 9:54

Joined: 2006/6/15
Posts: 343


I believe we may have differing views on what a Christian really is.

A new creature, born again, no longer bound by the cares of this world, no longer under the rule of the flesh, no longer under the dominion of Satan, but running the race of faith unto the glory of God through Jesus Christ and power of the Holy Spirit.

Most church goers are not Christians.


 2009/10/7 10:06Profile

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 1196
North Central Florida


Began studying Psalm 92 using Matthew Henry's Commentary. Today, in light of this thread, this jumped out at me:
Psalm 92:2 To show forth thy lovingkindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night, 3 Upon an instrument of ten strings, and upon the psaltery; upon the harp [b]with a solemn sound[/b].

Matthew Henry says (and I hold in mind that he is only a man in his suggestions),

This was then done, not only by singing, but by music joined with it, upon an instrument of ten strings (v. 3); but then it was to be with a solemn sound, not that which was gay, and apt to dissipate the spirits, but that which was grave, and apt to fix them.

This was written between 1706-1721.

To me it speaks volumes.


 2009/10/7 10:07Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534


"It would probably do your niece more good if some how you could arrange for her to spend more time in your company. Perhaps, to help around the house or greenhouse?" white stone"

Interesting point. And it might work except that she lives 1300 miles from us.

Now how can I say this with the least number of words.... the home my niece grew up in has disintegrated since last winter. Her dad would not allow this kind of stuff, but the mother is very permissive and she is taking the children with her. In short, the devil has infiltrated that home and in in the process of destroying it, and music is right there assisting the process.

To the poster who wanted to know the names of the bands, I would have to go look that up, and I am in no mood to do so. I just know that I can tell by looking on their pics what spirit is motivating them. And it frightens me.

Scripture says that in the end times people will get worse and worse. We are there now. If you do not believe it go listen to "Andy Griffith" and see how Mayberry thrived. (Our pastor used to say how in the 50s it was discovered in their town that there was a couple living together without benefit of clergy or JP. They were ordered to leave town and the police escorted them out of it.)

Changing the subject here: Drums. We all know that drums will not make any music bad. But have you ever heard a music group use it in moderation? The only one I have heard is when it is used in the production of the "Messiah". There it fits beautifully - when singing "Hallelujah!"

Maybe we need to teach people to appreciate, to value silence. Then you can hear the birds sing, hear the wind rustling the leaves on the trees, the traffic on nearby roads and maybe an airplane of two in the distance. Just look and listen. You might even hear the voice of the Holy Spirit teach you something, something you can not hear with the din of music in your ears.


Sandra Miller

 2009/10/7 11:34Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 1519
Santa Cruz California


(Our pastor used to say how in the 50s it was discovered in their town that there was a couple living together without benefit of clergy or JP. They were ordered to leave town and the police escorted them out of it.)

This is the point I'm trying to make. In the 50s, lots of people "thought" they were Christians simply because they didn't do certain things.

Mayberry for all we know could have been nothing more than a Moralistic Utopia without any need for the Gospel because no one did anything wrong.

Consider this illustration from the late Donald Barnhouse in an excerpt from "Christless Christianity"-
[i]"What would things look like if Satan actually took over a city? The first frames in our imaginative slide show probably depict mayhem on a massive scale: Widespread violence, deviant sexualities, pornography in every vending machine, churches closed down and worshipers dragged off to City Hall. Over a half-century ago, Donald Grey Barnhouse, pastor of Philadelphia’s Tenth Presbyterian Church, gave his CBS radio audience a different picture of what it would look like if Satan took control of a town in America. He said that all of the bars and pool halls would be closed, pornography banished, pristine streets and sidewalks would be occupied by tidy pedestrians who smiled at each other. There would be no swearing. The kids would answer “Yes, sir,” “No, ma’am,” and the churches would be full on Sunday … where Christ is not preached."[/i]

Maybe we need to teach people to appreciate, to value silence. Then you can hear the birds sing, hear the wind rustling the leaves on the trees, the traffic on nearby roads and maybe an airplane of two in the distance. Just look and listen. You might even hear the voice of the Holy Spirit teach you something, something you can not hear with the din of music in your ears.


There have been times where a simple flower has preached a sermon to me that was greater than any I had ever heard.

The music of nature sings to God's glory!

But this brings up another topic; the Church for awhile has ridiculed men like Lewis, Tolkien, and Chesterton, and others who had a great gift for drawing us into wonder and the transcendence of God. The Church doesn't allow people to use their imagination(of course tempered by Scripture).

Instead everyone must look the same, think the same, and be the same, or they might not be Christians. It's really a sad thing that we have lost generations of artists, writers, and thinkers because of a faulty assumption that intellect and creativity are bad and to be avoided.

patrick heaviside

 2009/10/7 13:01Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534


"In the 50s, lots of people "thought" they were Christians simply because they didn't do certain things."

I am sure this happened. But I also know that today many think that grace frees people to indulge in all kinds of worldly activities with no fear of judgement to come. So, which is the most dangerous?

BTW, life was more like Mayberry when I was younger. Was there sin? Sure. But even the ungodly had a moral sense of right and wrong; today Christians barely do. Big difference!

"Instead everyone must look the same, think the same, and be the same"

With the abiding presense of the Holy SPirit dwelling within, there will be similarities between Believers because he will teach and lead people to holiness - holiness will not look like or smell like something that originated in hell.


Sandra Miller

 2009/10/7 13:43Profile

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