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 Re: Sick music

When he was being led to jail, McCroskey told reporters, "Jesus told me to do it."

It's these statements that really anger me.

You know it's not just the lyrics to these songs that is the problem. Back in the 50's there was a man who was killing women and butchering them in his shed. He had a fascination for the skins and made all kinds of things out of them. There was no rap music to listen to get these ideas from. Another man in the 70's sodomizing 34 boys and then burying them under his house. But then we have the likes of Charles Manson who was getting secret messages out the Beatles music. You would think from these horrific events that he was privy to, would cause authorities to at least do research studies on the affects of evil lyrics on the mind of children today. But instead of doing that, they put money into research on why chickens grow feathers on their pin-tail.

This is what this saying means: "Straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel".

 2009/10/6 19:39

Joined: 2006/9/11
Posts: 294
North Pole, Alaska


Concerning the objections to drums or "rap" music, I believe that the principles in Gods Word are broad enough to transcend any cultural bias we may have towards forms of worship or music, even dress. I am sorry as well, Ginnyrose, that this happened, and sickened. There is one major distinction between secular rappers and Christian rappers- the former seek their own glorification, the latter seek to glorify only Christ.

 2009/10/6 20:26Profile

Joined: 2007/2/3
Posts: 835
Alberta, Canada


Well, I remember the old fable about the Pied Piper. Rest assured, music is definitely, absolutely not neutral. Sure, "out of the heart proceedeth" all these evils. But then, out of whose heart does this music proceed? God's or man's... or Satan's? (For music can be of God, or of man, or of Satan.)

Some of it-- perhaps most of it these days-- proceeds from Satan... and it's evil! Satan for sure knows it isn't neutral, and surely we ourselves see how evil an influence it is on so many young people.

Anointed music is powerful in its capacity to convict, to inspire, to minister encouragement... The one governing factor determining truth-- even in music-- is the anointing. But all too often it seems we side-step or forget that rule of the anointing, and so Satan has succeeded in infiltrating not just the world, but even the church with his deceptive, defiling, destructive, loathsome music.

It really causes me to cry out to God because of certain young people I know personally who are mesmerized by it. Oh to see an end of this! Oh to see the Lord rise up, and put an end to this!

Allan Halton

 2009/10/6 21:45Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534


What do you mean by 'native tenderness'?

I am referring to the conscience. Does this make sense?


Sandra Miller

 2009/10/6 22:10Profile

Joined: 2006/8/25
Posts: 1658
Indiana USA



ginnyrose wrote:
What do you mean by 'native tenderness'?

I am referring to the conscience. Does this make sense?


Yes it does. Thanks for responding. :-)


 2009/10/6 22:17Profile

Joined: 2006/8/25
Posts: 1658
Indiana USA


Good points ADisciple.

Guitars and drums in and of themselves may be neutral, but what comes forth out of bands like Slayer is satan worship.


 2009/10/6 22:24Profile

Joined: 2006/6/15
Posts: 343


I used to listen to music like this kid who slaughtered this family.

Not the exact same genre... but heavy metal... It's nearly impossible to understand the lyrics for the most part, but the rhythm and tunes did excite many thoughts of murder and hate within me.

I do not know how many of you have listened to this type of music, but it is Satanic.


 2009/10/7 0:24Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534


"I do not know how many of you have listened to this type of music, but it is Satanic."

I believe you. It does not take much knowledge to discern this. The atmosphere just radiates evil.

This morning I checked my niece's profile on Facebook. She declares her love for Jesus by saying so. Then I looked at her music preferences and I was mortified! Since I am ignorant of these groups I did more checking, like listening to them on YouTube. This only reaffirmed by initial horror.

These bands make noise. There is no way in the world one can sing with them, and neither can I understand the words. This noise is about a melodious as a cotton gin running at full blast! And the environment in which these folks perform looks so evil, so ungodly.

I am not sure how I can confront my niece about this...I did ask her why she liked this music, but she has not replied yet. Maybe some yong saint can come alongside me here and give this grandmother a little help?

I grieve so much for my nieces and nephews who are finding the lure of the world so attractive. And music feeds this lust that resides in their heart. (My nephew has reported seeing demons on stage with some performing artists.)


Sandra Miller

 2009/10/7 0:58Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 1519
Santa Cruz California


These bands make noise. There is no way in the world one can sing with them, and neither can I understand the words. This noise is about a melodious as a cotton gin running at full blast! And the environment in which these folks perform looks so evil, so ungodly.

But just because [i]you[/i] don't like it doesn't mean it's bad.

I'd be curious to know some of the bands she had listed.

And yes I understand how music works, I was involved in the Anarcho Punk scene for quite a few years, had a band, and actually played with some very popular punk bands(I regret much of that as I did some stupid things).

Bands like Slayer and other bands like that are definitely no good lyrically.

The way you confront her about this is to make Jesus look glorious and leave moralistic ideas out of the conversation. A person is not a Christian because of what they listen or don't listen to.

Present Christ to her, not rules, and let Him change her tastes, because if she does it for any other reason, there may be bitterness later and an even stronger desire to do worse or listen to worse things.

It's kind of like the whole "True Love Waits" thing. The more people talk about s-x, the more they desire it. If the amount of time spent on abstinence training was given to Gospel preaching there would be lasting changes.

patrick heaviside

 2009/10/7 1:54Profile

Joined: 2006/6/15
Posts: 343


Approach her as you would approach any unbeliever.

Pray that the Holy Spirit would bring conviction of sin, and that it would drive her to the cross of Jesus Christ.

Many will say Lord Lord...

Truth hurts... and saves.


 2009/10/7 2:00Profile

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