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Discussion Forum : News and Current Events : State of Maine fines group for criticizing Islam

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We don't need courts and junk. Let us joyfully endure the cross set before us, embracing the shame. Glory in tribulation and persecution!

Glory to God!

 2009/10/2 14:29

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534

 Re: State of Maine fines group for criticizing Islam

I googled this and did find more info but it reiterated WND's report.

So, Maine wants to throttle any criticism of Islam. Next is preaching that condemns sin.

Gird up your loins....

BTW, I happened to pick up a "Christian History" mag, issue 96 last night. Here is a thoughtful quote: "Most Christians rejected pagan religions as idolatrous and refused to participate in acts of sacrifice, even in civil and social context. This refusal led to sporadic outbursts of persecution. Those who steadfastly resisted any temptation to compromise were considered heroes of the church. Some who volunteered for martyrdom yielded under pressure, so the church discouraged voluntary martyrdom and held up the example of Polycarp of Smyrna as martyrdom 'according to the Gospel.' Polycarp withdrew to a country house until the authorities arrested him. His confession is classic: "for 86 years I have served Christ; how can I blaspheme my king who saved me."" (page 9)


Sandra Miller

 2009/10/2 16:41Profile

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