You all better read this one. Coming to a town near you?
Is there a secular source besides this, WND is not the best place to get factual information.And the title is "Fines" not Fights.
Christian organization files lawsuit to challenge censorship
Secular sources aren't exactly the truth loving crew everyone supposes they are.They want big stories. This isn't exactly one.And even if it was, doesn't mean it won't be slanted to their point of view.There might be a secular source. But the word 'secular' should send signals to us.
I meant, another source besides WND.
Dear DeepThinker, You wrote:
Lets make something very clear. We do not fight for the LORD. He fights on our behalf. Our part is to TRUST and to STAND. The fight of faith IS not fighting nor is it wrestling with our fellow man, but it's STANDING for the truth of God's word.You can STAND and still wrestle. The wrestling is in our mind, that is the battleground.
deepthinker...hmm....???? I am amazed at how you are able to judge these people as not christian and do not have the Spirit of God.You are entitled to your 'opinion.'
I am amazed at how you are able to judge these people as not Christian and do not have the Spirit of God.
Wow...uh yea.. I was going to respond to you but I see where this will probably go.chow.
One man with God is a majority.Elijah is one example.We don't need courts and junk. Let us joyfully endure the cross set before us, embracing the shame. Glory in tribulation and persecution!:) Love you guys.