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Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 1196
North Central Florida

 A Deer in headlights moment - School kids taught to praise Obama

This was filmed around June 19, 2009 at the B. Bernice Young Elementary School in Burlington, NJ. The school justified this OUTRAGE saying that it was done as part of their "Black History Month" celebration.

The words are difficult to hear but here is an excerpt from the lyrics the schoolkids had to sing in praise to BO:

Barack Hussein Obama
He said Red, Yellow, Black or White
All are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mm!

That is taken from the childrens hymn "Jesus Loves the Little Children"

I thought it was bad enough when he compared himself with Lincoln and JFK - - -
This is a compilation of comments found on another forum where I found this video posted.

Luke 10:2 Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: [b]pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest[/b].

This is my prayer.

Thank God for the freedoms still remaining to allow me to post this prayer.
Thank God for my Faith & Salvation,
white stone


 2009/9/24 17:29Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534

 Re: A Deer in headlights moment - School kids taught to praise Obama


I do not remember that teachers ever before praised a sitting president in such manner, do you? You are older them me and ought to know! ;-)

This is so strange it is alarming.


Sandra Miller

 2009/9/25 9:18Profile

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 1196
North Central Florida


You are older them me and ought to know!

Feeling playful, eh?

No, never heard of such a thing. Of course we never set under such a President, either.

white stone


 2009/9/25 11:56Profile

 No we havent'

Janice you wrote:

No, never heard of such a thing. Of course we never set under such a President, either.

you're right, we've havent "set under such a President" thats African-American.

I really believe that a whole segment of this nation, specifically that part that sits south of the Mason Dixon, just cannot get over the fact that a black man is now the Chief Executive of the United States.

Now this is a political thread, and I was led to believe that such were not encouraged on this forum, unless of course, I'm wrong, and the only political threads permitted are those which trash our President, or call him a "socialist", or question his place of birth.

You know Janice, if you want to trash the President, you can go over to and they have forums over there, where political cyberbashes are not only permitted, but encouraged, if you feel the need to continue this line of dialogue, and for anyone that wishes to take me to task for this post, I will not be answering you, so wail away.

 2009/9/25 12:07

Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779

 Re: No we havent'

Hi Neil...

you're right, we've havent "set under such a President" thats African-American.

I really believe that a whole segment of this nation, specifically that part that sits south of the Mason Dixon, just cannot get over the fact that a black man is now the Chief Executive of the United States.

While I certainly feel that there are probably some people in this nation who dislike President Obama merely on the basis of his race, I don't think that this is reflective of Janice, Ginny or anyone else here at SermonIndex. In fact, racism is quite the taboo in society today. A recent Pew study conducted in the weeks before and after the election actually showed that Barack Obama's racial diversity actually HELPED his status amongst voters.

I am disappointed that some individuals (like Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton) have recently assumed the worst in regard to racism from people who have been participating in rallies or who have publicly questioned some of the President's policies. Many of these protesters are merely in opposition to some of the president's specific policies. There is little indication that race plays much of a role in any of these individuals' motivation. I have heard the accusations that there are "racially explicit" posters and signs found at many of these rallies. However, I have scanned through many of the AP, Reuters and news media photographs looking for any such signs...but I haven't seen a single one (surprising, because a media that largely embraces the president would probably showcase them). Yet, the "race card" is still being raised by several high ranking diplomats.

Regardless, I am sure that there are still some nasty people out there who dislike the president on the basis of his race. Yet, I don't think that is reflective of most of these individuals...let alone anyone here on SermonIndex. I think that you might be reading between the lines just a little too much in Janice's words. It is entirely possible to strongly disagree with the President's words, policies, and goals WITHOUT being motivated by race whatsoever. In addition, it is possible that someone can be upset about this particular topic, in which a group of young school children were required to sing a couple of praising ditties about a sitting President, without being motivated by the color of the man's skin.

I disagree with President Obama on quite a few issues. Of course, he is still the President of the nation in which God has placed me. I will show him respect for the office that he serves while still urging him (and others) to change the political policies that he (and they) might embrace -- such as pro-abortion policies, embrace of homosexual marriage, or even universal health care. No one should mistake such a disagreement as a reflection of racism.

My wife and I are both disappointed with the decision by this school to have children sing the songs. My wife, who has been a public school teacher for over five years, was shocked to hear the words of the song. Even in Texas, her public school rejected any sort of pro-Bush partisan statements during his presidency. She said that they would have NEVER permitted a song like the ones sang by the children in this school to have been sung in the name of President Bush.

Here are the lyrics to both of the songs:

[b]Song 1:[/b]
Mm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said that all must lend a hand
To make this country strong again
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said we must be fair today
Equal work means equal pay
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said that we must take a stand
To make sure everyone gets a chance
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said red, yellow, black or white
All are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

Mmm, mmm, mm
Barack Hussein Obama

[b]Song 2:[/b]
Hello, Mr. President we honor you today!
For all your great accomplishments, we all doth say "hooray!"

Hooray, Mr. President! You're number one!
The first black American to lead this great nation!

Hooray, Mr. President we honor your great plans
To make this country's economy number one again!

Hooray Mr. President, we're really proud of you!
And we stand for all Americans under the great Red, White, and Blue!

So continue ---- Mr. President we know you'll do the trick
So here's a hearty hip-hooray ----

Hip, hip hooray!
Hip, hip hooray!
Hip, hip hooray!

Now, these songs are silly little ditties...but are certainly partisan in nature. The first silly song could be construed as possibly praising Marxian socialism -- straight out of ANIMAL FARM -- with its lyrics about "[i]equal work means equal pay[/i]." The second song, with lyrics that read, "[i]Hello, Mr. President [b]we honor you[/b] today...,[/i]" "[i]Hooray, Mr. President [b]we honor your great plans[/b][/i]...," "[i]So continue ---- Mr. President we know you'll do the trick[/i]..." and "[i]Hooray, Mr. President! You're number one[/i]!" -- just reeks of institutional propaganda.

Race really has nothing to do with our concern about requiring children to sing such a song. My wife told me that it literally reminded her of Soviet Union, 1930s Germany and various third world nations that have required children to sing the praises of their dictators. Of course, the President and his administration didn't have anything to do with these crazy lyrics or the requirement of children to participate in these songs of praise. The song was probably written by some well-meaning teachers who really like the President. However, I don't think that such a partisan song should be required by anyone -- especially young, impressionable children. I also don't think that it should surprise anyone that, given the current divisive nature of politics and policy, some parents would be highly upset by it.

I hope that this makes a little sense.


 2009/9/25 14:57Profile

 Re: Over the top.

This may be innocuous enough; cute enough to pass as innocent, but can you imagine the outrage from the left, if George W. Bush were to receive the same honor?

What if songs were composed praising his swift actions against terrorism and his steady call to arms after 9/11 in a like manner?...and sweet little first graders praised him.

Cries of "Mien Kampf" and "My Fuhrer" would ring around the media in tandem for calls of impeachment. This is surely not about race, but arrogance that a political party could be so brazen as to indoctrinate such young children. This president, also, DOES NOT hold Christian values as his creed. Obama represents a non Christian world view; you could say one that resisted Christian values.

Obama also said today that he would not condemn the teachers or the song. Over the top...and in the end, I think this hurts his Presidency.

 2009/9/25 17:29

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 1196
North Central Florida


Dear Chris and Brother Tom,

Both your replies are appreciated.

Especially this from Brother Tom.

This president, also, DOES NOT hold Christian values as his creed. Obama represents a non Christian world view; you could say one that resisted Christian values.

Alan Keys and Thomas Sowell both criticize Obama. I have respect for those men. There is not a racist tone to my comment, it is directed towards his actions and who he stands with.

However, if you feel better attacking me rather than accepting the truth, that is your choice. There is no truth in that man sitting in the White House.

white stone


 2009/9/25 17:44Profile

Joined: 2007/9/13
Posts: 1752

 Re: No we havent'

Natan4Jesus wrote:


you're right, we've havent "set under such a President" thats African-American.

I really believe that a whole segment of this nation, specifically that part that sits south of the Mason Dixon, just cannot get over the fact that a black man is now the Chief Executive of the United States.

Neil. I love you brother, but your continued racist remarks towards other believers is not only uncalled for, it is completely off base and without substance.

Obama is black. You are the only one making an issue of it. Get over it.

(ps, because I know you think this is manly... :-) :-) :-) :-) :-P :-) :-P :-)


 2009/9/25 18:29Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534

 Re: No we havent'


I wish you would get over it when folks say anything you dislike about Obama. And to call us racist!

Perhaps it may be of interest to you that our son voted for Allen Keys in one of the recent elections when he was on the ballot! The last I checked he was a full-blooded black, not a mulatto like Obama!

I had a lot of black clients. They knew I loved them - I never heard anyone of them call me a racist.

If we would be racists, we certainly would not live in a county where 80% of the population is black. We also hold VBS and 80% of those children are black.....

Please Neil, reconsider...


Sandra Miller

 2009/9/25 19:01Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534


There is one more point I would like to make and that God is not a racist. Well...?

When all men stand before God on Judgement Day he will not cut anyone any slack because of skin color or race or church affiliation. None will matter. All will have to give account on whether we have submitted to the LORDSHIP of Jesus Christ.

All people have to fight the same devil/demons and all have the privilege of fighting this devil with the same tools that God gave to mankind through the power of the Cross and the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Anyone who refuses to do so will experience the severest of judgement and skin color, whether you be white, black, brown or in between, will not matter one twit.

When one laments the sin found in popular churches, whether they be black or white or brown or Jewish, does not mean one is racist. Some churches' culture seem to protect certain perversions and these perversions may vary depending of their theological mindset.

Sin is everywhere and one shouldn't dilute the message of the gospel in deference to the racial mix of the audience. To do so would make you the racist of the worst sort.


Sandra Miller

 2009/9/26 11:54Profile

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