Poster | Thread |
| Calvary Chapel's continuing slide into APOSTACY | | Link: [url=]Calvary Chapel Slides Further into the Emergent Church[/url]
Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. But there is nothing covered up that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known. Accordingly, whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in the inner rooms shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.Luke 12:1-3
The Shift has Begun. The time for secrets and whispered alliances has become publicly known. The object of grievance for many who love Calvary Chapel and all that it once stood for has been affirmed. For all those who were called Head Hunters, Heresy Sniffers, Contentious, and slanderers they may now have some level of confirmation that their discernment wasnt wrong, but a true child of God who has the gift of discernment takes no pleasure in seeing what was once the warning come to pass. Many people who are in the camp that believe Rick Warren is doing a work of God think that all of us are simply fanatic and fearful to change. No. I accept Change. What I do not accept is heresy, lies, and false teachers. I will start in the order of the men that are in the picture above.
Greg Laurie.Greg is the Senior Pastor of Harvest Church in Riverside California. For those of you who dont know the relationship of Greg Laurie and Rick Warren has stemmed over twenty years. According to Rick Warren himself, in a short clip taken backstage at the Harvest Crusade 2009, they have had a cyclical relationship with each others flock {see video below} . Greg Laurie has taught classes at Saddleback church and has done other projects in conjunction with Rick Warren. Gregs relationship with Rick Warren has not been a secret in the Calvary Chapel circles. Many pastors have approached Greg Laurie over the years and attempted to rebuke him in love about his unequally yolked partnership to Rick Warren. Each time Greg asserted himself as someone who had been sent to minister to Rick Warren. Over the same amount of years pastors have attempted to rebuke Rick Warren in love and to warn him about his own unequally yolked fellowship with those in the Emergent Church Movement and many other false gospels. Rick Warren too has justified himself and refused to repent of the heresies he has taught. I know that many people are going to be hurt by this news of Pastor Chuck Smith, Greg Laurie and Rick Warren appearing together on the same platform in one accord. For many who have called Calvary Chapel their home church the possibility of such once sound men of God (Laurie & Smith) appearing with an obvious wolf in sheeps clothing (Warren) seems absolutely inconceivable. However, the truth of the matter is that is exactly what has happened. I have done many posts on this blog and my other blog related to the Heresy and Leaven that Rick Warren has introduced into the Evangelical, Christian, movement. This post is not so much to warn you of Rick Warren as it is to warn you about the dangers occurring inside Calvary Chapel. Rick Warrens leaven has infiltrated Harvest church for years, it has filtered into smaller Calvary Chapels, and with the stamp of approval that Chuck Smith has now given it, the Leaven and Heresy that is Rick Warrens Purpose Driven Life has come to roost in Harvest and Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa.
Chuck Smith.Chuck is the Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa and known as one of the key persons of influence of the Jesus People Movement. Honesty I know very little about the Jesus people movement. I have attended Calvary Chapel the length of my entire walk with Jesus Christ and never once cared to look into when or why this movement started. When I had entered in to this fold I had felt I was getting clear biblical teaching of Gods word. And I was. The Calvary Chapel of the past has changed dramatically. What Pastor Chuck started all those years ago has become an extended family that has grown up generations of Christ loving, God fearing people. Today however, with the acceptance of one of the most dangerous false teachers, Rick Warren, Calvary Chapel has much to loose and little to gain from yoking itself with Purpose Driven heresy. As I stated before, Ricks relationship with Greg has not been kept in isolation, many people have known of this, however the fear that the leadership from the top
ie, Pastor Chuck Smith, to accept Rick Warrens heresy and to condone it has tipped the scale. Many people in the Emergent Church movement have been waiting for the day that Chuck would accept Emergent and Purpose Driven as a movement that not even Chuck could deny its power to move people. However, simply because people are moved emotionally and spiritually deceived into a spiritual experience does not make that a move of God.
In 2006 Chuck Smith himself released a positional paper that denounced the Emergent Church, however today he is by his actions denouncing the very stand he took only some three years ago. Today the rebuke doesnt seem to come, however I trust the Lord is working out His perfect will even as it appears that evil is prospering. It must be said that today Chuck is only expressing publicly what he has held as true privately for a long time. I can say that because many sheep have been stumbled by his actions to shield and protect Greg Laurie and Gregs relationship with Rick Warren. There have been events that have caused people to stumble that have been hosted by CCCM, and other Calvary Chapel Pastors over the years. It has been years. This didnt happen over night. Senior Pastors from the biggest to the smallest Calvary Chapel on the Directory KNOW what has been going on. They have had overt warnings, theyve had whispered concerns expressed by critically hurt sheep and have denied to address the problem of the leaven that is Rick Warren and his blasphemous counterfeit gospel. So, Pastor Chuck Smith, with all due respect to what youve done in the past, what you are doing now and whats been happening for some time is stumbling and scattering the flock that God entrusted to you and countless other Calvary Chapel Pastors
.hence my title, Woe.
(Jeremiah 23). 8. The great confusion that exists in the divergent positions of the Emergent Church results from their challenging the final authority of the Scriptures. When you no longer have a final authority, then everyones ideas become as valid as the next persons, and it cannot help but end in total confusion and contradictions.
There are those who say that Emergent movement has some good points, but so does a porcupine. You are better off if you dont get too close!-
Chuck Smith, 2006 Rick Warren. Ive said enough. Articles from my blogs on Rick Warren: Rick Warren & Tony Blair ♦ Warrens New Social Gospel bible ♦ Rick Warren catapults Obama among Evangelicals by hosting a conversation with Obama and McCain at Saddleback Church ♦ Rick Warrens Flip Flop Morality; is he For Marriage or Gay Unions? He cant decide ♦ Did you know Warren is a Southern Baptist? Even they speak out against his false teaching! ♦ Rick Warrens Interfaith Prayer at Inauguration called on the name of Isa, Jesus of Islam! ♦ Articles on Rick Warren from Other Sites: Olive Tree Ministries, Understanding the Times, Slice of Laodicea , Crosstalk, Prophesy News Watch, Joels Trumpet, Eric Barger, Lighthousetrails, OneNewsNow
References to Warren at Lauries Harvest Crusade: Christian Post August 13, 2009 ♦ ANS August 19, 2009 ♦ Gregs Images Twittered live from Harvest 2009 ♦ Back Stage Twitter video Chuck Smith with Rick Warren Harvest 2009 ♦ RT (re-tweet) of Rick Warrens comment about Greg Laurie speaking at Saddleback ♦ Official Harvest Crusade 2009 Video Sunday, Chuck Smith introduces Rick Warren @ 10:47 min ♦ National Worship Leaders Conference 2009, Greg Laurie [the sites listed are reference points they do not represent sites that I endorse but are merely used to provide further information]
NWLC 2009 Reggie M. Kidd did a segment entitled: Showing the Story with the Ancient Church the main topics included: In this seminar, we take up the biblical basis for the unity of Word and Table in worship that emerged in the early church. We introduce four important texts for understanding ancient future worship.
We look at three, practical legacies of ancient worship: the reading of Scripture, the Eucharistic prayer, the chanting of the psalms
National Worship Leader Conference 2008, Skip Heitzig Calvary Chapel Albuquerque You must understand who the speakers are at these events (Research Leonard Sweet), what they believe, and teach to understand the implications. There are people who become stumbled because they believe some on the ticket to be men of God. Some of these men of God have taught on other types of heresy, or false doctrine, yet still are unequally yolked and keeping company with darkness.
The Answer to the Question. You may be asking yourself right about now, What does this all mean? What am I implying by voicing all the things that have been said in this post? Am I calling Greg Laurie and Chuck Smith, heretics, false teachers, false prophets
? Gods word answers that for you.
2 Peter 2 1But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves. 2Many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned; 3and in their greed they will exploit you with false words; their judgment from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.
1 Peter 5 1 Therefore, I exhort the elders among you, as your fellow elder and witness of the sufferings of Christ, and a partaker also of the glory that is to be revealed,2shepherd the flock of God among you, exercising oversight not under compulsion, but voluntarily, according to the will of God; and not for sordid gain, but with eagerness;3nor yet as lording it over those allotted to your charge, but proving to be examples to the flock.
Matthew 18 7Woe to the world because of its stumbling blocks! For it is inevitable that stumbling blocks come; but woe to that man through whom the stumbling block comes!8If your hand or your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it from you; it is better for you to enter life crippled or lame, than to have two hands or two feet and be cast into the eternal fire. 9If your eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out and throw it from you It is better for you to enter life with one eye, than to have two eyes and be cast into the fiery hell. 10See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven continually see the face of My Father who is in heaven.11["For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost.]
1 Timothy 4 1But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons,2by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron,3men who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from foods which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth.4For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude; 5for it is sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer.6In pointing out these things to the brethren, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, constantly nourished on the words of the faith and of the sound doctrine which you have been following.
Another Question Answered. What then should you do? Are you a Pastor of a Calvary Chapel? My answer to a Pastor, If you are a shepherd, If you are not a man of God because so many can call themselves that, but you are a God Fearing man, then seek the truth for yourself. Test all things. You have been warned repeatedly by now by the Holy Spirit to be careful of winds of doctrine. Warn your flock and stop fearing man
and start fearing God.
Do you attend a Calvary Chapel? My Answer to you if you are attending a Calvary Chapel and all of this is news to you, TEST. Test all things. Test the Spirit. Test what is being preached and taught in your church against the WORD of God. I recently commented to a friend if people tested all Pastors, Speakers, Authors, etc against the true Word of God then there wouldnt be a need for Discernment Ministries. There has been volumes of warnings out on Rick Warren, Purpose Driven Life, Emergent/Emerging Church, Dominionist Theology, Mysticism, Ancient Future Worship, etc. The hour is late and there is little time to go through all that is now masquerading itself as light in this world
but by all means try to do your own homework. Do not take anything of what Ive said in this post or any other for that matter without holding it up to see if its true.
2 Corinthians 6 16 Or what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; just as God said, I WILL DWELL IN THEM AND WALK AMONG THEM; AND I WILL BE THEIR GOD, AND THEY SHALL BE MY PEOPLE.17 Therefore, COME OUT FROM THEIR MIDST AND BE SEPARATE, says the Lord.AND DO NOT TOUCH WHAT IS UNCLEAN;And I will welcome you. 18 And I will be a father to you, And you shall be sons and daughters to Me, Says the Lord Almighty.
One Last Answer to the broken hearted out there who is grieving and mourning for the truth in matters
All this has shown me is that there is no one righteous, no not one, especially myself! I make no claims to be more holy than the next person. I know that nothing good dwells in me and that I am a chief sinner. One thing I do know is that God is doing a continuing sanctification and by the Blood of the Lamb alone am I saved! Rejoice brother and sister in the Lord, for the time is near and the times are proving themselves to be the last days that our Lord Jesus Christ has spoken of. I know there is a remnant out there. I know there are people who love Jesus Christ Messiah and seek to do His will. Let us focus our eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ, SON of the Living God! Our faith is bound up in Jesus Christ and none other!
Ezekiel 33 6 But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require from the watchmans hand. ________________________________________
Walter |
| 2009/9/14 12:38 | |
| Re: Calvary Chapel's continuing slide into APOSTACY | | Link: [url=]Saddleback is a Contemplative Church[/url]
Saddleback is a Contemplative Church
Category: * Purpose Driven Movement
Source: Editors at Lighthouse Trails ________________________________________ As Lighthouse Trails has reported many times in the past, Rick Warren (pastor of Saddleback Church) has been promoting the spiritual formation (i.e., contemplative prayer) movement for many years. This report will show that Saddleback Church is directly recommending numerous contemplative materials to those under their influence through "spiritual formation" and what they term "maturity."
First of all, it is important to understand what the contemplative means by "maturity." In Rick Warren's first book, The Purpose Driven Church, he said he saw spiritual formation as God's way of bringing "believers to full maturity." He named Richard Foster and Dallas Willard as being key players in that process and said that the spiritual formation movement had a "valid message for the church" and gave "the body of Christ a wake-up call" (pp. 126-127). Because Warren equates spiritual maturity with Richard Foster, it is logical for us to examine what Foster thinks about this subject.
In 1994, research analyst Ray Yungen attended a seminar in Salem, Oregon where Richard Foster was speaking. Yungen had been researching the New Age and mystical meditation for several years and had become familiar with the spiritual dynamics of the Desert Fathers and the panentheistic views of Thomas Merton. Listen to him explain what happened at this seminar with Richard Foster: Foster seemed charming, winsome, and gifted in speech. His oratorical skills reminded me of a Shakespearean actor on stage. His program mixed serious oratory, music, and humor in just the right doses. However, his message conveyed that today's Christians suffer from spiritual stagnation, and consequently need something more. The following are a few [of his] examples:
* There is a hunger ... * We have become barren within ... * We are floundering ... * People are trying rather than training.
Foster alluded to a remedy for this problem with such statements as:
* We need a way of moving forward ... * We need a plan to implement the Great Commission ... * We need a simple mechanism ... * This might be new or frightening, but you are being drawn. After the seminar ended, curious about what he meant by these statements, I approached Foster and politely asked him, "What do you think of the current Catholic contemplative prayer movement?" [this is back in 1994 before contemplative spirituality entered the mainstream church]. He appeared visibly uncomfortable with the question, and at first seemed evasive and vague....
[H]e said, "My critics don't understand there is this tradition within Christianity that goes back centuries." He then said something that has echoed in my mind ever since that day. He emphatically stated, "Well, Thomas Merton tried to awaken God's people!" I realized then Foster had waded deep into Merton's belief system. (A Time of Departing, pp. 76-77) When Foster told Yungen that Merton tried to awaken God's people, Yungen knew what that meant. Merton believed that there was one essential ingredient missing from Christianity--that is mysticism. Merton knew that if Christians would practice mysticism they would experience the awakening that he had experienced and thus came to believe that God dwells in every human heart.
We should make no mistake about it, Richard Foster believes that it is through contemplative prayer that one can enter into spiritual maturity. That is why in his book Celebration of Discipline he implores his readers: "We should all without shame enroll in the school of contemplative prayer" (p. 13, 1978 ed.). And in his book, Spiritual Classics he talks about the "spiritual disciplines" that help us move toward this "spiritual maturity" (p. xi).
Where does Saddleback stand when it comes to Foster's spiritual formation and spiritual maturity? According to their Spiritual Growth Center under the "maturity" section -- they are on the same page. Regarding the books they list, they state: This website is designed to recommend the best resources for your spiritual growth. We've poured over hundreds of books, articles, and websites, interviewed numerous staff members, and studied our own book shelves in order to narrow the list of suggestions to what we think are really the best of the best. Whether they're the profound words of a well worn classic or the latest thoughts from today's best loved teachers, we hope these resources will help you go deeper and grow stronger in your walk with Christ. If this is a true statement, then Saddleback has got a serious problem because a high percentage of the books they consider "the best of the best" are books written by those with strong contemplative (i.e., mystical) propensities. Here is a list of some of them. We have provided links to more information about each of these authors:
John Ortberg
Erwin McManus
J. P. Moreland
Dallas Willard
Brennan Manning (two titles)
Henri Nouwen (several titles)
Philip Yancey
John Eldredge
Gary Thomas
Richard Foster (Celebration of Discipline and Prayer: Finding the Heart's True Home)
Bill Hybels
Brother Lawrence
Larry Crabb
Lance Witt
Max Lucado
H.B. London (Focus on the Family)
Erik Reese
Donald Miller (Blue Like Jazz and Searching For God Knows What)
Eugene Peterson
Michael Casey (Sacred Reading: The Ancient Art of Lectio Divina)
With many of these names, Saddleback is carrying two or three or sometimes four titles by the same author. This list of authors represents a large number of the books that are being recommended by Saddleback's Spiritual Growth Center. This means that contemplative spirituality is not just hanging on the fringe edges of Saddleback Church, but it is an integral part of it. This inadvertently will spill over into the Purpose Driven network (which according to Rick Warren has over 500,000 churches), and could potentially influence tens of millions of people around the world: if the average church in the PDL network is even just 250 people, this equals over 125 million. The results could be staggering.
One of the authors in the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Center that we did not list above is Adele Ahlberg Calhoun author of Spiritual Disciplines Handbook (the one Saddleback is recommending). The book is promoting mantra meditation, giving detailed instructions on several types of contemplative practices. In addition, the author quotes from many New Age sympathizers and New Age contemplatives. In Spiritual Disciplines Handbook, Ahlberg Calhoun encourages the use of centering prayer, breath prayers, contemplative prayer, labyrinths, palms-up, palms-down exercises, and recommends for further reading a who's who of mystics. One of those she lists is Tilden Edwards (p. 62). Edwards, the founder of the Shalem Prayer Institute, said that contemplative prayer is the bridge between Christianity and Eastern religion. 1 The Shalem center is a hub of New Age spirituality with an emphasis on the divinity in all. In her book, Ahlberg Calhoun also calls Basil Pennington one of her "spiritual tutor[s]." It was Pennington who stated: We should not hesitate to take the fruit of the age-old wisdom of the East and "capture" it for Christ. Indeed, those of us who are in ministry should make the necessary effort to acquaint ourselves with as many of these Eastern techniques as possible. By turning to Ahlberg Calhoun, along with the other contemplative authors, Saddleback is promoting methods of prayer that will bring spiritually tragic results in the long run to those who embrace these non-biblical approaches to God. Rick Warren, wittingly or unwittingly, has placed his church in the sphere of Karl Rahner, the mystic who said "The Christian of the future will be a mystic or he will not exist at all."2
2. Karl Rahner, Theological Investigations, Concern for the Church, translated Edward Quinn (New York: Crossroad, 1981), p. 149. Posted on June 16, 2008@ 3:07 am Source URL:
| 2009/9/14 21:52 | | ccchhhrrriiisss Member

Joined: 2003/11/23 Posts: 4779
| Re: Calvary Chapel's continuing slide into APOSTACY | | "Calvary Chapel's continuing slide into APOSTACY"
After reading this guy's blog, it is my conclusion that the blogger's [u]opinion[/u] is devoid of enough clear evidence to make such a bold conclusion.
First of all, the blogger is pompously declaring that an entire fellowship of believers is sliding into "aposta[u]s[/u]y." This is just plain silly. I don't agree with some "articles of faith" of many different congregations (local, national and international), but I think that it is difficult to conclude that the entire fellowship is in apostasy due to the thoughts or actions of one or two men. Imagine all of the variations of opinion amongst those believers who frequent this website! Would it be wise to charge this fellowship, Greg or the SermonIndex ministry with [i]apostasy[/i]? God deals with men individually. I have a sneaking suspicion that there are more than 10 righteous in the fellowship.
Secondly, I haven't seen enough evidence to convict those men who the blogger is trying to point the finger of apostasy at! There are some blanket accusations in this blog, but I still haven't seen anything to cause me to reach an ultimate conclusion of "apostasy." Rather, I read quite a bit of speculation mingled with opinion and personal deduction. The blog article is simply lacking in credible evidence -- especially enough evidence to assume that such men are "apostates."
Finally, I just have to wonder why this particular blogger seems so eager to share this. There are some Scriptural directives for exposing the brethren. I just can't find that here. Perhaps this blogger [u]did[/u] meet with Chuck Smith, Greg Laurie, and the elders of the Calvary Chapel fellowship. This blogger acts like one with "inside information." I just can't help but wonder if he EVER attempted to meet with any of these men. Rather, this blog just reeks of gossip and libel. Instead of an attempt to restore a brother with a great history (like brother Chuck Smith), it seems like the author wants to expose an "apostate" without truly presenting any evidence that the man is actually in "apostasy." I guess some men may be more easily convinced by lesser amounts of "evidence."
Regardless, I just don't think that this sort of blog writing is the way to handle his concerns.
*EDIT - This doesn't have anything to do with you, Walter. I am replying in regard to the source article written by this particular blogger. _________________ Christopher
| 2009/9/14 22:35 | Profile |
| Re: | | [url=]the age of sham----ian paisley[/url] |
| 2009/9/14 22:39 | | Miccah Member

Joined: 2007/9/13 Posts: 1752 Wisconsin
| Re: | | Brother Lawrence? He washed dishes for 40 years in a monastery? How is he a part of the emergant church?
goof ball :-P _________________ Christiaan
| 2009/9/15 0:15 | Profile | anonymity Member

Joined: 2009/1/16 Posts: 392
| Re: | | Can you please post your main reasons why you think Rick Warren is an absolute minister of Satan? I would like to hear the most clear and strong reasons summed up concisely. |
| 2009/9/15 1:32 | Profile | roaringlamb Member

Joined: 2003/6/11 Posts: 1519 Santa Cruz California
| Re: | | Quote:
Can you please post your main reasons why you think Rick Warren is an absolute minister of Satan?
So you know, I don't think he is, but I'm pretty sure that most the so called Online Discernment Ministries that slam Warren do not like his rubbing elbows with Muslims and Jews, and not sharing the Gospel with them(how they know this beats me).
I may take exception to some of Warren's practices in regard to church, but I don't think I'd be so quick to cast him out of the Kingdom.
And on top of his relationships with Muslims and Jews, I don't think it's any different than Chuck Smith having unsaved Jewish people preach from the pulpit from time to time.
Sometimes I wish people would get a life(not you, or Walter, but the ones who spew this divisive nonsense).
Hope that helps a little. _________________ patrick heaviside
| 2009/9/15 2:06 | Profile |
| Re: Warren decide. | | Books and ideas that are not Christian promoted by Saddleback and Warren.
With many of these names, Saddleback is carrying two or three or sometimes four titles by the same author. This list of authors represents a large number of the books that are being recommended by Saddleback's Spiritual Growth Center. This means that contemplative spirituality is not just hanging on the fringe edges of Saddleback Church, but it is an integral part of it. This inadvertently will spill over into the Purpose Driven network (which according to Rick Warren has over 500,000 churches), and could potentially influence tens of millions of people around the world: if the average church in the PDL network is even just 250 people, this equals over 125 million. The results could be staggering.
One of the authors in the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Center that we did not list above is Adele Ahlberg Calhoun author of Spiritual Disciplines Handbook (the one Saddleback is recommending). The book is promoting mantra meditation, giving detailed instructions on several types of contemplative practices. In addition, the author quotes from many New Age sympathizers and New Age contemplatives. In Spiritual Disciplines Handbook, Ahlberg Calhoun encourages the use of centering prayer, breath prayers, contemplative prayer, labyrinths, palms-up, palms-down exercises, and recommends for further reading a who's who of mystics. One of those she lists is Tilden Edwards (p. 62). Edwards, the founder of the Shalem Prayer Institute, said that contemplative prayer is the bridge between Christianity and Eastern religion. 1 The Shalem center is a hub of New Age spirituality with an emphasis on the divinity in all. In her book, Ahlberg Calhoun also calls Basil Pennington one of her "spiritual tutor[s]." It was Pennington who stated:
We should not hesitate to take the fruit of the age-old wisdom of the East and "capture" it for Christ. Indeed, those of us who are in ministry should make the necessary effort to acquaint ourselves with as many of these Eastern techniques as possible.
By turning to Ahlberg Calhoun, along with the other contemplative authors, Saddleback is promoting methods of prayer that will bring spiritually tragic results in the long run to those who embrace these non-biblical approaches to God. Rick Warren, wittingly or unwittingly, has placed his church in the sphere of Karl Rahner, the mystic who said "The Christian of the future will be a mystic or he will not exist at all."
[ blogger on site stated...] August 9, 2008 12:57 PM Etuhs said...
"I am shocked that a Rick Warren, in his inauguration prayer, would claim to have his life changed by Isa, the Jesus in Islam. This Isa is NOT the messiah foretold in the canon of Old Testament scriptures. Isa is NOT the messiah fulfilled in the canon New Testament scriptures. This Isa is not Gods only begotten son proclaimed in Matthew 3:17
This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
According to the Islamic uninspired and heretical Quran:
Isa, was a prophet of Islam Isa received his revelation of Islam in the form of a book Muhammad himself verified all previous revelations, including the revelation to Isa Isa is referred to as the Word of Allah Isas mother Mariam, (sister of Aaron and Moses) gave birth to him in a desolate place under a date palm tree Isa spoke as a baby in the cradle Isa foretold the coming of Muhammad Isa did not die on a cross; he was not killed or crucified Isa did not die, but ascended to Allah Christians and Jews who disbelieve in Muhammad will go to hell Islam must fight against Christians and Jews who refuse Islam until they surrender, pay the poll-tax and are humiliated Christians are commanded not to believe that Isa is the son of God Isa was simply a created human being and a slave of Allah The doctrine of the Trinity is disbelief and a painful doom awaits those who believe it Isa is the destroyer of Christianity
According to the internationally viewed and transcribed spoken testament of Rick Warren, in President Obamas Inauguration, he willingly claims to have his life changed by Isa. He deceptively believes, and is propagating the lie, that Isa is same as Jesus the Christ, the one and only Son of God, a member of the Holy Trinity, and the lamb that was slain for the forgiveness of sin for the entire world. By his own mouth, he is a heretic.
Do not let his notoriety convince you to blindly follow him. In fact, we should study to show our selves approved unto God. Given what I have found through simple Internet searches and the study of the Word of God there should be GREAT concern for the legitimacy of Rick Warren and his preaching."
I heard Rick warren praying in the name of the Islamic ISA.
You can too. Here is a piece on how to get to Heaven. It's all about "understanding", not repentance and holiness.
Here is one on allowing active homosexuals as members of his church.... ........."understanding" vs: being born again , repentance and holiness....
and: Warren's connection to the heretic Robert Schuller, and New Warren Smith; "DECEIVED ON PURPOSE"..[ discipled by Schuller...]
[ generally culled from a variety of sources] tom..]
| 2009/9/15 3:35 | | sermonindex Moderator

Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | Re: | | Sadly the truth is,
Rick Warren has done much more for Christ then most of these so called discernment ministries. Apostasy and failure in the Church is all around us. What is needed is men that will testify and live true Christianity, not just point fingers in the dark. _________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
| 2009/9/15 4:13 | Profile |
| Re: | | This hasn't anything to do with "discernment ministries" - just following Rick Warren for years - his actions and where-abouts.
He and Brian McLaren [and others] have been feverishly working for years to bring in the One World Religion through the arm of Global Governance.
He has attended Davos, Clinton's Global Initiative Annual Conference, linked to the U.N. and Tony Blair's Religious Initiative. Countless CFR meetings and many more Global Conferences that are aimed at merging all religions under one banner and one form of Political Governance, which can be easily seen as Socialist or Fascist, if you look at the Mega-Corporation heads in this country who support Warren's Goals.
Why all of the above, which is just a nutshell composite, is not known in a Christian community is not understandable.
He can be called the Father of the One World Religion for "evangelicals" in this country and I find the responses in this thread frightening, to say the least.
Unity at what cost? Please, research this man before you endorse him. |
| 2009/9/15 7:48 | |