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Discussion Forum : Scriptures and Doctrine : Working Against the Holy Spirit

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Joined: 2006/6/15
Posts: 343

 Working Against the Holy Spirit

I preached for the first time last week to a small congregation of perhaps 7-8 members... one of which was my younger step sister.

I spoke on many things... such as true conversion, regeneration, and faith without works. I used texts from Matthew 7, and James 2.

I spoke on the broad and narrow way, and told them if they did not repent from their mere Sunday religion, that they would go to hell.

I knew that the Holy Spirit was working within my younger sister because she seemed quite upset with me. My father told me last night that the next day after I preached she approached him with tears in her eyes asking how to know if she was really born again, and that she feared she was going to hell.

He told her that all she has to do is believe in Jesus and that she's born again.

This is false assurance. No where in Scripture does it say that we are allowed to tell people that they ARE saved.

Please pray for her soul with me, as I will be preaching once again this coming Sunday.

That God may rend the heavens and come down, and show Himself mighty to save.

God bless you all.


 2009/9/5 10:18Profile

Joined: 2007/2/16
Posts: 231
Longview WA

 Re: Working Against the Holy Spirit

Hey brother,
It's great that deep conviction was working, and we too all should check ourselves to see if we are of the faith.
Let this experience teach you something.
When we preach and the Holy Spirit is working,
And the people out in the pews are asking themselves, Is that me? How can I know im right with God? What do I do? Your sister went to her father, your father. Not the heavenly father.
While your preaching, and you can see their minds working and asking these very questions.
You need to bring it home, and deliver the Gospel, and let them know what exactly they need to do.
You can let her know that to believe in Jesus is more than just mentally acknowledging he is.
But to trust, adhere to, and follow him with all our hearts.
This all could have been done from the pulpit, and im sure next time you will.
Were still all learning, Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost.
God bless.


 2009/9/5 11:31Profile

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