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Discussion Forum : Revivals And Church History : Has There Been Recent Revivals?

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Joined: 2003/6/22
Posts: 3318


Brother Rahman,
Thank you for kind words.
Here is the original post:

Just a small story from a prayer meeting:
We were introducing a prayer subject related to the European Union and a gathering of the PM’s on the nations involved in a nearby city.
We had been invited to do so.
For some untold reason the pastor in the church in which the prayer gathering were held got “cold feet”. When I had presented the prayer subject this pastor began to speak in tongues and interpreted it to say:
“Thus says the Lord, Widerberg shall keep quiet.”
No more intercession during that gathering.
Misuse of the “Gift of prophesy”.
The story is hilarious – the spiritual function of that church is miserable.

Lars Widerberg

 2004/9/16 16:15Profile

Joined: 2004/3/31
Posts: 901
Melbourne, Australia



philologos wrote:
Edwin Orr gained his doctorate with a thesis on the 'second evangelical awakening'. He proved 'academically' that such a thing happened. I have sat in his lectures. He believed that God would allow him to witness a great revival of the 'classical kind'. I'm not sure that he ever did witness one.


The following quotes are on the J. Edwin Orr's Tribute Site,

"Dr. J. Edwin Orr, in my opinion, is one of the greatest authorities on the history of religious revivals in the Protestant world. I think that God has given him one of the greatest and most unique ministries anywhere in the nation . . . I know of no man who has a greater passion for worldwide revival or a greater love for the souls of men." (Billy Graham)

"Some men read history, some write it, and others make it. So far as the history of religious revivals is concerned, J. Edwin Orr belongs to all three categories." (F.F. Bruce)

Some personal testimony of the revival he was used in, in Brazil, include Dr. Orr's Personal Testimony, God provides for Dr. Orr on his way to Brazil (Video), and The beginning of the revival in Brazil in the 1950s (video).

Aaron Ireland

 2004/9/19 9:05Profile

Joined: 2005/6/6
Posts: 224
Brumley Missouri

 Re: Has There Been Recent Revivals?

the last revival that I know of was the Brownsville revival. It spread like wildfire to other churches. I was in attendance at the first assembly of god in Iberia Missouri. The year was 1996.

We held meeting every night for two months. Many church denominations in attendance: Church of god, Southern Baptist and even catholic members came to see what all the fuse was about.

A lot of people including me had the quickening (Holy Shakes) Phrophecies, a lot of speaking in tongues.

A teen still in high school left the meeting ran out in the highway and layed down in the middle of the road. Ushers brought her back into the church. I will not say that she was demon posesed, but after hours of ministering there was several demons that left the girl.

there were at least 20 people coming to christ every night.
Many people came from St.Louis and some from illinois and other states, to a small church in a small town of no more than 900 people in it.

there wasn't a lot of preaching every night. A lot of worship, praying at the alter.

William Cato

 2010/4/10 23:37Profile

Joined: 2004/11/21
Posts: 362
Tulsa OK


Hi Greg you wrote:

"1901 - Azuza Street Revival (william seymour)

1904 - Welsh Revival (evan roberts)

1905 - Sialkot convention Revival (john hyde)

1950's - Hebrides Revival (duncan campbell)

1980's - Canadian Revival in saskatoon (bill mcleod)".

I would add to your intresting list few more revivals:

- Korean presbyterian revival 1907.

- Jonathan Goforth and the revival in north China 1908.

- East African Revival begining at 1930 and lasting 50 years.

- The Shantung revival of north China in the early 1930s, which began in the north china mission of the southern baptists. Here on SI the story of this revival is told by Dr. Culpepper.

- The laymen's revival of Lewis 1930's, Scotland.

- The Indonesian revival 1947-1958

- The Congo revival 1950's

- Asbury revival 1970.

- The charismatic renewal even though not considered as a 'clasic revival', it was still a renewal movement with emphasis on being born again, the conscience experience of the Holy Spirit and on the spiritual gifts.

Duncan Campbell said that, "revival must ever be related to holiness". I believe that the essencial element in every genuine revival is holiness. The result of a Holy Spirit awakening/revival is holiness of heart and life.

There is sometimes confusion among christians with the words revival and awakening. I think awakening has more to do with conversion of sinners to God and revival with godly sorrow of the believers that leads to genuine repentance and to a living faith, forgiveness, self-denial, witness, unconditional love & care for others and holiness of life.

The Holy Spitit is a Spirit of holiness, and he will not come to fill a christian unless there is brokeness and confession of sin and cleansing of the heart by the blood of the Lamb. The emphasis of revival is the centrality of the Cross and Jesus Christ lifted up and magnified.

I would list few elements as essencial and characteristic of revival:

1. Acknowledge and Confession of sin(s) before God.Brokeness of heart, conviction of sin and deep repentance grips the hearts of believers and they resolute to forsake sin.

2. A living faith in the cleaning power of the blood of the Lamb shed on the cross.

3. A conscience awareness of the Holy Spirit indwelling in us and an awareness of the holy presence of God among believers.

4. A spiritual revelation of the total depravity and total corruption of the heart, of the awfulness of sin and the cry of mercy mounts up to God.

5. A spirit of prayer and supplication spreads among believers.

6. Unspeakable joy and full of glory fills the hearts of revived christians and they are burdened for the salvation of the lost.

7. A new passion for the glory of God and a pure love for Him and men.

When God rends heavens & comes down to visit us by His Spirit thats revival, "Oh, that You would rend the heavens and come down! That the mountains might shake at Your presence…to make Your name known" (Isaiah 64:1).




 2010/4/11 8:35Profile

Joined: 2008/10/2
Posts: 203

 Re: Defining revival

I agree with what Elected (Redi) said that true revival will always be connected with holiness...and with brokenness.

Sometimes revivals happen on a small scale and take place in the most unlikely places. Here's one that took place a few years ago in the Arctic. Praise God !

In Jesus,

 2010/4/11 12:58Profile

Joined: 2005/5/2
Posts: 3777

 Re: revival in China

To learn more about a present revival, I highly recommend the book, "Heavenly Man" written by Brother Yun (with Paul Hattaway)

You will be spellbound - when you discover what God is doing right now in China!



 2010/4/11 13:04Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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