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Discussion Forum : Scriptures and Doctrine : Just Believe or Repentance & Faith?

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Joined: 2009/1/16
Posts: 319


This discussion has been very helpful! I would recommend everbody to read every page of Michael Pearl's Repentance book. Faith preceeds Repentance... Repentance is towards God.


Doug R

 2009/9/7 10:37Profile

Joined: 2009/8/10
Posts: 59


LOGIC said: Know, that was love.
After Jesus called him, Lazarus was able.



 2009/9/8 15:28Profile

Joined: 2008/10/24
Posts: 146


Doug Renz stated Faith preceeds Repentance... Repentance is towards God.

Then Mark 1:15 -should be retranslated believe(faith) then repent??? Repentance towards God is right, and when doing so, one turns his back on sin, and then he is called to believe. I have read the entire repentance book by michael pearl, and I thought it had some good points but concluded in error.( Pearl thinks that we do not have a biblical right to call unbelievers to repent and turn from their sin prior to conversion, instead he states that we are to preach just believe) As we see in Mark, Jesus is telling them to repent 1st(turn from sin and unbelief towards God and then 2nd believe( faith). Let me give you an example of how Mark 1:15 can play out. Your out evangelizing in the street and you come across a drug addict, and you tell him to repent, forsake his drugs, other sin, etc. and believe the gospel. Does that drug addict have the ability to acutally forsake his drugs, answer yes in the short and no in the long haul(by the way I speak from personal experience), his repentance will bare fruit(John 8:32-36) until he is converted. In other words his departure from his addiction,etc., will become evidence of geniune faith. When the drug addict repents(turns from drugs, unbelief, etc.) towards God in Faith(believes the gospel and surrenders). His soul is converted and he is set free indeed. Explained another way, repentance unto life is the intial repentance turning from sin to God, while the fruit of repentace happens following conversion(showing evidence of repentace unto life) and by God's Grace we will all keep with producing the fruit of repentance throughout our lives.

 2009/9/8 16:30Profile

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