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onlyHIS Member

Joined: 2009/9/2 Posts: 2
| Re: | | one needs to read the entire book to understand what Michael Pearl said. He did not do a false teaching, he said that repentance is to GOD, not from something. His book has every verse on repentance clearly expounded on. One should not call him a false teacher because one line of his book was quoted here without the rest of his explanation to go with it.
If we REPENT TO God- we will turn away from sin- yes. But that is not what repentance means, it is a result of it. |
2009/9/2 13:47 | Profile |
dougr777 Member

Joined: 2009/1/16 Posts: 319
| Re: | | Nobody called him a false teacher. I actually like most of his teachings. I am trying to understand this theological understanding of faith, repentance and salvation.
Doug _________________ Doug R
2009/9/2 13:53 | Profile |
Leo_Grace Member

Joined: 2009/6/14 Posts: 703
| Re: | | Quote:
onlyHIS wrote: one needs to read the entire book to understand what Michael Pearl said. He did not do a false teaching, he said that repentance is to GOD, not from something. His book has every verse on repentance clearly expounded on. One should not call him a false teacher because one line of his book was quoted here without the rest of his explanation to go with it.
If we REPENT TO God- we will turn away from sin- yes. But that is not what repentance means, it is a result of it.
re⋅pent⋅ance [ri-pen-tns, -pen-tuhns] noun 1. deep sorrow, compunction, or contrition for a past sin, wrongdoing, or the like. 2. regret for any past action. Origin: 130050; ME repentaunce < OF repentance. See repent 1 , -ance
Synonyms: 1. contriteness, penitence, remorse. 2. sorrow, qualms.
Antonyms: 1. impenitence.
The phrase "repentance to God" means "deep sorrow, compunction, or contrition for a past sin and turning to God". The author did a shortcut.
Please enough of semantics.
If he is not a false teacher, then he is dangerously close to being one because it appears he would have people believe that turning away from sin is not a necessary component of salvation. |
2009/9/2 14:33 | Profile |
Leo_Grace Member

Joined: 2009/6/14 Posts: 703
| Re: | | Quote:
This verse: "Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ." Acts 20:21
This verse was rendered in KJV 17th century English. The more precise wording in the modern English that we can all understand easily is:
Ac 20:21 I have declared to both Jews and Greeks that they must turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus. (NIV)
Wittingly or unwittingly, the author is misreading the meaning of the verse as rendered in 17th century English. |
2009/9/2 15:07 | Profile |
Heydave Member

Joined: 2008/4/12 Posts: 1306 Hampshire, UK
| Re: | | Quote:
One should not call him a false teacher because one line of his book was quoted here without the rest of his explanation to go with it.
Unfortunately it appears that it is Michael Pearl who calls people false teachers.
Jack Chick, David Cloud, Ray Comfort, Aiden Tozer, John MacArthur and the Salvation Army all make repentance an isolated act by itself. The Bible stands against them for perverting the simplicity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
To accuse Ray Comfort or Tozer (or anyone else who teaches we should turn from sin)of not teaching faith in Jesus Christ is nonsense and worthy of our rejection. I would reject the book on this point alone, even if he had a point of view to emphasise because he is clearly unbalanced in his own self opinion. _________________ Dave
2009/9/2 16:21 | Profile |
onlyHIS Member

Joined: 2009/9/2 Posts: 2
| Re: | | Michael Pearl did not write that quote about Ray Comfort and Tozer. Would you like to share your source of that article Doug Renz? it is not Michael Pearl.
I will stand that one should not accuse someone of being a false teacher when you are getting one line of his teaching here. He wrote an entire book, and you are getting one quote of his here, along with someone's interpretation on here. |
2009/9/2 17:34 | Profile |
Leo_Grace Member

Joined: 2009/6/14 Posts: 703
| Re: | | I clicked on the link provided and found that the author of the article is one David J. Stewart
Repentance is NOT Forsaking One's Sins! By David J. Stewart
"Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ." Acts 20:21
Repentance is not turning from (i.e., forsaking) one's sins, nor even being willing to turn from one's sins; Repentance is turning to the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved from one's sins (Romans 4:5). Salvation is receiving; NOT giving. Eternal life is the free gift of God (Romans 5:15;6:23), paid for by Jesus' precious literal blood (1st Peter 1:18,19). To be saved we simply need to come as a guilty sinner to Jesus Christ to have our sins washed away by His redeeming blood (1st John 1:7). Salvation is turning to Jesus to be forgiven of one's sins; NOT turning from one's sins in order to be forgiven by Jesus...
His handling of the verse from Acts 20:21 is faulty, as mentioned in preceding posts.
Acts 20:21 I have declared to both Jews and Greeks that they must TURN TO GOD IN REPENTANCE and have faith in our Lord Jesus. (NIV) |
2009/9/2 18:12 | Profile |
roaringlamb Member

Joined: 2003/6/11 Posts: 1519 Santa Cruz California
| Re: | | The Greek word for "repent" is μετανοέω (metanoeō), it means "to change one's mind".
The Gospel is news that confronts someone. It is the good news that Christ has died for sinners and has made a way of peace with God.
In order to change one's mind about this is to forsake ALL hope in one's self righteousness, or one's works to achieve peace with God. It is not only turning from BAD works, but even our GOOD works as a means of justification, or rightness with God.
Of course, repentance without faith is not what leads to salvation, neither is faith without repentance. BUT, the new birth produces faith and repentance in the sinner. It is not the cause of new birth. God shines the light of the glory of Christ into the heart, God gives a heart of flesh in place of a heart of stone, and this new heart longs for Christ and grieves that it has so offended One who is so loving and good.
From day one of the Christian life to the day we are glorified, the true Christian lives a life of repentance and faith, it's not a one and done type of thing at all. _________________ patrick heaviside
2009/9/2 18:24 | Profile |
roaringlamb Member

Joined: 2003/6/11 Posts: 1519 Santa Cruz California
| Re: | | I wanted to add a point to clarify.
When I said this- [i]it's not a one and done type of thing at all[/i]
I did not meant that justification is a process; justification is a one time legal declaration based on faith in Christ's work.
Sanctification on the other hand is a process which is worked out in us by continual repentance and faith.
I'm sure we would all admit(if we're honest; and lying is a sin) that there are things we do and don't do each day that would give God the right to condemn us. But thanks be to God that Christ has borne our wrath in our place so we might be welcomed in His place as if His righteousness were ours! _________________ patrick heaviside
2009/9/2 18:32 | Profile |
Leo_Grace Member

Joined: 2009/6/14 Posts: 703
| Re: | | Quote:
by roaringlamb on 2009/9/2 15:24:52 The Greek word for "repent" is μετανοέω (metanoeō), it means "to change one's mind". The Gospel is news that confronts someone. It is the good news that Christ has died for sinners and has made a way of peace with God. In order to change one's mind about this is to forsake ALL hope in one's self righteousness, or one's works to achieve peace with God. It is not only turning from BAD works, but even our GOOD works as a means of justification, or rightness with God. Of course, repentance without faith is not what leads to salvation, neither is faith without repentance. BUT, the new birth produces faith and repentance in the sinner. It is not the cause of new birth. God shines the light of the glory of Christ into the heart, God gives a heart of flesh in place of a heart of stone, and this new heart longs for Christ and grieves that it has so offended One who is so loving and good. From day one of the Christian life to the day we are glorified, the true Christian lives a life of repentance and faith, it's not a one and done type of thing at all.
Very well said, together with your clarification on justification. |
2009/9/2 18:57 | Profile |