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Joined: 2009/9/2
Posts: 60

 Can a sinner regain salvation if he/she lost it?

Hello everyone. I am new here, and I'm glad that I have finally found a forum that can possibly help me.

Long story short, I became born again in Christ back in June of 2005, and for a few months, I abided in Jesus successfully. However, little by little, worldly cares started taking the place of Christ in my life, and sin increased as well. I even stopped reading the Bible.

All this while, though, I was under a delusion that I was still fine, that I was still a "true Christian", when in fact I was ignorant. Recently last month, however, I read something online that shocked me and opened my eyes, and I resolved to try and get right with the Lord once more, this time for good: studying the Bible daily, praying a lot, etc.

Of course, there is one part of the Bible that troubles me to no end, and no matter how many times I pray to have my worry lifted from me, it still bothers me that I may have gone too far and can't ever get back into God's good graces. Of course, that line is the infamous Hebrews 6:4-6.

To me, somebody who doesn't believe in OSAS, this is troubling. I know that I fell away, and I'm sorry that I ever did that. Know that the worry in me can be so great at times that it prevents me from producing good spiritual fruit, and also is causing me acid problems as well (and occasional weeping). I love Jesus and am frightened of an eternity without Him, not just afraid of hellfire mind you.

So my plea is, if a sinner like me fell away and possibly gave up my salvation (and I think I did), is it possible for me to get right with Jesus, to be saved once more? Is there any Scripture I may be accidentally overlooking that supports I can be saved again? If I can regain salvation, how can I let the Lord take away the burden of my worry so that my life may be peaceful? Please let me know. Any help is appreciated. God bless!

PS, if I posted this in the wrong section, please do let me know. I'm sorry if I did.


 2009/9/2 1:44Profile

 Re: Can a sinner regain salvation if he/she lost it?

Hi jmooney6,

Who told you or how did you know that you "abided in Jesus successfully" for a few months after you became "born again?"

In my opinion, It's very hard to interpret what "abiding in Christ" means since there's so many interpretations out there.

You mentioned that little by little, worldly cares started taking the place of Christ and sin also increased.

Let me ask you another question. Do you think that sins were "decreased" while you "abode" in Christ?

So often in my life, I'd think that I had less sin if I avoided some sin. It would seem reasonable. However, we've fallen into a bad trap if we think like this. The devil uses truth very well against us Christians.

Instead, we ought to think this way: Before I was a Christian, I had a multitude of sin. A few months after I became a Christian, I still have a multitude of sin. When I come to die, I'll still have that multitude of sin. I must always come to God as a sinner. Thanks be to God that He punished Christ for my sin.

It's such a heart-ache to watch my own life and see the attempts to "get right with the Lord" as you put it. I read my Bible, I pray, I stop this sin or that sin. Yet, none of this will ever get me right with the Lord. Satan lites a fire under us that causes us to run from Christ and pretends that it's the wrath of God coming for us. We're so frail.

The good news though is what Scripture says, "Who shall ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down from above)"

Everyone wants to know how they can go to heaven and they all think that the answer is in them giving something to God. Whether they give this bit of righteousness by ceasing from a sin. Whether they give this prayer. Whether they give that time spent in reading the Bible, etc.

God is so kind though. Instead of expecting us to "ascend into heaven," He brings Christ down to earth; that whosoever should believe in Him won't perish but have everlasting life and though he dies, yet he shall live.

 2009/9/2 3:40

Joined: 2008/4/3
Posts: 228

 Re: Can a sinner regain salvation if he/she lost it?

Desr Jmooney6,

I was just discussing my 15 years of backsliding with a sister in the Lord yesterday and how in anguish I cried out to God to take me back to Him.

I had a two pack smoking habit,consumed enormous amounts of alcohol, was addicted to gambling, and in great sin. I struggled with the scriptures that accused me that I had "crossed the line" and blasphemed God.

Jesus said in the book of John that all that came to Him would He in no wise cast out. He reminded me of King David's sin before all of Isreal and how He forgave even him who should have been publically stoned.

You have barely begun to even walk with the Lord and I encourage you to seek Him with your whole heart and He will pull you up to Himself and daily strengthen you.

Seek Him and read His Word even if the battle is against you. He will help you and the truth will really set you free.

Don't even remotely trust in the counsel of men. Read His Word more than listening to others and you will begin to recognise His wonderful voice and see Him working in your life.

Most of all, pattern your life after the Word and not according to those professing Christianity. Ask for the fruits of the Holy Spirit which are meekness, humility and love.

I so pray you will recieve strength and encouragement. May you know that what He has begun in you He is also able to co,plete and will complete.

God Bless you and comfort you and grant you hope.



 2009/9/2 5:28Profile

Joined: 2008/4/12
Posts: 1306
Hampshire, UK


Dear Jmooney,

The post by Kathleen is very good and similar to what I would say to you. Please take this to heart and do not be condemed and confused by theological debates and positions based on theoretical situations. What is important is that you have a desire to come back to the Lord. this is the Lord's doing, He is drawing you. DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY, but seek him with all your heart. He will not reject any who come to Him.

There are many including myself, who can testify that we once backslid, but God in His mercy enabled us to return. I do not take this lightly, but am thankful that He enabled me to return and put that desire within me. It caused me to come back much stronger in my reliance and surrender to Him. As I said, I DO NOT TAKE THIS LIGHTLY and would not presume to think I can play with God's mercy and grace. I have no desire to drift away again, for who knows I may not have another chance of returning, my heart could be hardened. So this is why I say DO NOT miss this opportunity and run to Jesus Christ, seek him with all your heart.

I have just listened to the recommended sermon by Richard Owen Roberts called 'seek my face'
I would strongly recommend you listen to this. He talks at the beginning about the Hebrews 6 passage in a very practical (not theological) way.

What matters most is where we are with Christ NOW, not the past but the present. Our salvation is in Jesus Christ, not in a decision we made in the past. Are we trusting Him now.

May God bless you as you seek him.


 2009/9/2 6:20Profile


Someone who is truly saved can not lose their salvation. The question is not "can someone lose their salvation" but instead should be "was that person truly saved to begin with".


 2009/9/2 8:07

 Re: Can a sinner regain salvation if he/she lost it?


jmooney6 wrote:

So my plea is, if a sinner like me fell away and possibly gave up my salvation (and I think I did), is it possible for me to get right with Jesus, to be saved once more? Is there any Scripture I may be accidentally overlooking that supports I can be saved again? If I can regain salvation, how can I let the Lord take away the burden of my worry so that my life may be peaceful? Please let me know. Any help is appreciated. God bless!

Yes, there is [i]always[/i] hope in Jesus Christ.

John 6:37
All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.

I just listened to a sermon by A. W. Tozer on the passage in Hebrews 6,

I think you will find it helpful in understanding the passage and the hope there is in Jesus Christ.

May God bless you with peace and understanding the in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and the great salvation that He has provided for you.


 2009/9/2 8:25

Joined: 2005/7/17
Posts: 1791

 Re: Can a sinner regain salvation if he/she lost it?

jmooney6 wrote:

Of course, there is one part of the Bible that troubles me to no end, and no matter how many times I pray to have my worry lifted from me, it still bothers me that I may have gone too far and can't ever get back into God's good graces. Of course, that line is the infamous Hebrews 6:4-6.

You did not apostatize (fall away), of which the text speeks.
You only "back slidden, stumbled, turned aside...etc...

The term "fall away" implye a total renunciation of your faith.

As if some Christian would come to the point and claim all he has been through, namely tasted of the heavenly gift, and partook of the Holy Spirit, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the age to come...
And after all that, he proclaims that it was all worthless and regrets it all; he takes it all back to the point that he want no more part in it.

THEN it is impossible for him to be renewed again unto repentance.

 2009/9/2 10:01Profile

Joined: 2008/4/20
Posts: 201


the always coming to God as a sinner statement, and paragraph , is not truth . we aught to be few on words and really know Gods mind before we speak anything about Him .

Clint Demoret

 2009/9/2 20:23Profile

Joined: 2009/6/14
Posts: 703

 Re: Can a sinner regain salvation if he/she lost it?

Dear jmooney6,

First let me say that I agree with Kathleen's advice that you take this matter up with God one-on-one and not let the doctrines and interpretations of mere men bother you.

Having said that, I would like to express my take on this to you in the hope that it will help --- just remember to seek God's leading first through his word.

I'm pasting below what I had posted in another thread. This is my personal understanding of rebirth or regeneration, so it is open to criticism.
If you ask any Christian if they are born again, almost all of them will say yes. But we know from scripture (Mt 7:21-23) that on the day of judgment, many who claim Jesus as their Lord and Saviour will be disappointed to learn that they will not be allowed into God's kingdom.

The truth is one does not become a born-again Christian by declaring himself to be such. Neither can the declaration of a "religious authority" like a priest, or a pastor, or an evangelist make it so. Only God is qualified to decide the matter. However, he has provided sufficient guidelines in the Bible to help us assess ourselves in this regard.

First, we must make a distinction between a professing Christian and a born-again Christian. A professing Christian is one who has turned towards God and openly acknowledges Jesus as Lord. In a sense one can say that he has faith in God... but the critical question is what kind of faith? This distinction of different levels of faith or belief is explained in the Bible in Mt 13:1-23 (Parable of the Sower) and James 2:14-26 (Faith and Deeds).

A professing Christian can be likened to a new believer who believes in God and his word, yet has not yet imbibed a sufficient understanding of scripture and God's character to experience a life change (being born again). A professing Christian is still a seeker who has not yet reached the end of his journey. A reborn Christian is one who not only believes in God and his word, but also has come to a point of understanding where he is overwhelmed by the greatness of God's love, the majesty of God's holiness, and the sinfulness and unworthiness of his own life. The reborn Christian is so moved by these things that he truly falls in love with God the way it is prescribed by Jesus in Mt 22:36-40 "with all your heart and with all your soul and will all your mind".

I believe it is this "falling in love with God" phase that constitutes true rebirth. Of all human values, virtues, or emotions, it is love that has the power to change lives. It is love that changes one from being a "taker" (self-gratification) to being a "giver" (selflessly gratifying the object of our love). Love is what makes parents die for their children; it is what makes patriots die for their country; it is what made God give up his only son for us; it is what made Jesus die for our redemption; and it is what will make us live or die for Christ. That is why scripture says in 1Co 13:13 that love is greater than faith.

Mt 22:36-40 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

1Jn 4:7-8 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.

The journey from being a professing Christian to a reborn Christian depends on how well the Holy Spirit is able to lead the believer. It can take an instant, or it may take a lifetime, and sometimes the journey is never completed. As explained in the parable of the sower, if we allow ourselves to be distracted, if we lose interest, and if we fail to become deeply-rooted we could fail to complete the journey --- thus we have a situation where a "born-again" Christian appears to lose his salvation and end up in hell. The truth is he was never born-again, though he claimed to be.

I am of the persuasion that a true born-again Christian --- one who has come to know God intimately, one who has fallen totally in love with God, and whose overriding goal in life is to please God and God alone --- such a one can no longer be lost (Jn 10:29).

Love is so powerful that one would seek to please his or her beloved even in the absence of rewards and even with the threat of punishments. Thus we see how the apostles and many Christians devoted themselves to serving the cause of Christ even though they suffered and died for it.

One way I try to distinguish true born-again Christians from those who have still to reach that point is to ask: Why are you a Christian? Most would answer something like: To gain eternal life; to be blessed; to become righteous before God; to be with fellow believers; to gain guidance; to get to heaven, etc. To paraphrase these responses, they are saying "I am a Christian to get something good for myself" -- still with the attitude of a "taker" but definitely moving along the right path (thank God). But those who have been transformed would answer "I am a Christian because I love God", and if pushed they would admit that they would still be Christians even without the promise of salvation, even without heaven or hell, even without the promise of blessings. These are those who would suffer and die for Christ. These are those of whom the Bible says "the world was not worthy of them". These are the ones who can never fall away --- because they are in love with God.

 2009/9/2 21:28Profile

Joined: 2006/6/19
Posts: 927


Someone who is truly saved can not lose their salvation. The question is not "can someone lose their salvation" but instead should be "was that person truly saved to begin with". Krispy

Good observation, brother. :-)

Taylor Otwell

 2009/9/2 22:18Profile

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