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 Hope - The Expectation of Something Good

Hope - The Expectation of Something Good

by David Wilkerson

July 27, 2009

We hear a lot about hope - from politicians, from numerous
books, from tapes and other media. But what is offered in
each of these messages doesn't seem to last.

We may get fired up and encouraged by what we hear in such
messages. Indeed, we may find ourselves refreshed and
hopeful for a season. But what is offered isn't a fixed,
experienced hope, and soon it fades away.

The whole world yearns for a steadfast hope. The inner cry
of multitudes around the globe right now is, "Somebody,
somewhere, please, give me some hope, something that will

We long to hear someone preach an all-powerful,
life-changing message of hope. We want a message that will
lift us above all our fears and trials, something that will
set our feet firmly on steadfast hope.

Many wonderful books have been written by people who
maintained hope through their awful tragedies and hardships.
Their testimonies encourage us, giving our faith a great
lift. But, again, our hope fades whenever a severe trial
arises in our own lives. The sufferings we endure dash
whatever steadfast hope we thought we had. Why?

Hope is not a feeling. Tell me, how many times has your
expectation for something good failed you? How many times
has your human hope been crushed? How often have you felt
like the apostle Paul, who said when he endured a hurricane
at sea, "All hope that we should be saved was then taken
away" (Acts 27:20)?

Paul tells us that the world has no hope.

Paul wrote to the church in Thessalonica, "Sorrow not,
even as others [the world] which have no hope" (1
Thessalonians 4:13).

By contrast, we as God's people have "hope set before
us: which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure
and steadfast" (Hebrews 6:18­19). Thus we are exhorted,
"We desire that every one of you do shew the same
diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end"

Likewise, Paul prays, "Now the God of hope fill you with
all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope,
through the power of the Holy Ghost" (Romans 15:13, my

According to Paul, when it comes to the subject of hope,
the work of the Holy Spirit must be involved. So, how do we
abound in hope, as Paul prays for us to do? How do we
rejoice in hope? And how do we obtain the full assurance of

A seed of hope is planted at salvation, of course. But
there must be a maturing of hope in our walk with Jesus.
Paul outlines for us the path to genuine hope.

The book of Hebrews tells us we have a hope that serves as
"an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which
entereth into that within the veil" (Hebrews 6:19).

In short, the path to hope begins with being fully assured
we are right with God. We're talking about the assurance
that we have peace with God. And Paul supplies that
assurance, declaring, "Being justified by faith, we have
peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans

In a famous old hymn of the church, the writer states,
"My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and

Indeed, this is peace: to believe God's promise that by
faith in Christ's shed blood, he considers (reckons) me
righteous. He does so even though I am not perfect. And his
righteousness is conferred on me not by any good I have
done. It is all by faith.

The fact is, you can have no settled peace, no true hope,
until you no longer waver about your acceptance in Christ.
This acceptance is based on not what your flesh accuses you
of being, or what the devil accuses you of being. It is
based solely on what God sees you to be in Christ.

Paul confirms our right standing with God through Christ:

"If, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by
the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall
be saved by his life. And not only so, but we also joy in
God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now
received the atonement" (Romans 5:10). Nevertheless, our
hearts condemn us when we fail.

Though our hearts condemn us, we are told by John, "If
any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus
Christ" (1 John 2:1). Let me give an example of this from
Jesus' own life.

The day before Christ was crucified, he washed his
disciples' feet. He told these very imperfect men, "He
that is washed needeth not save to wash his feet, but is
clean every whit: and ye are clean, but not all" (John

You may wonder: "How could Jesus say these disciples were
'clean'?" Any casual onlooker at the scene would have
been astonished by Jesus' statement. The eleven men he
spoke to had already displayed pride, unbelief, selfishness,
ambition, covetousness, inconsistency, vindictiveness.

The fact is, Christ made this statement about them because
he had chosen them. He had put them on the path to holiness.
It was all by grace!

Jesus also knew what was in the disciples' hearts despite
their utter imperfection. Moreover, he saw ahead to the time
of brokenness and contriteness they were about to enter. The
Lord's own testimony is this: "To this man will I look,
even him that is poor and of a contrite spirit" (Isaiah

Let's say I ask you to list all of the sins that these
disciples had committed. I believe I could confidently say
that you and I have been guilty of all the same sins during
certain seasons in our lifetime. Yet Jesus has the answer
for us all: "Being justified by faith, we have peace with
God through our Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans 5:1).
The path to hope leads to "tribulation and many

The path toward hope is one of suffering, sorrows and pain.
It doesn't matter how pious, loving or good you are. If
Christ is in you, you will become a partaker in his

"But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's
sufferings" (1 Peter 4:13, my italics). Peter tells us
plainly, "Rejoice in your suffering." And Paul says
something similar: "Rejoice in hope of the glory of

Rejoice in suffering? This is one of those hard sayings of
the Scriptures, indeed, one of the very hardest. Yet Paul
goes even further:

"And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also"
(Romans 5:3, my italics). Paul isn't talking here about a
shout or exclamation we are to make despite our trial.
Rather, what he's describing is simply being able to see
Jesus in our trial. In spite of our very real human fears,
in spite of a situation that appears to be utterly hopeless,
we can still say, "God will provide a way."

Of course it can be said, "There is no such path toward
'mature' hope."

Some Christians may claim, "The path of hope is simply
this: My hope rests in 'Christ in me, the hope of
glory'" (see Colossians 1:27).

Very true. But if Christ is in us, he is going to lead us
into the path that Paul describes. You see, the Holy Spirit
wants our hope to be more than a theological phrase. It has
to be a hope that is steadfast, with a sure foundation
underneath it. In short, our hope is to be "Christ in us,
working in us."

Here is the path that Paul gives us:

First, there is complete trust in being justified by
Christ's blood (Romans 5:1).

Second, this very confidence sets our souls at peace (5:1).

Third, we have confidence that we have access to God's
throne at any time (5:2). This means increasingly calling on
the Lord, with prayers "whereby we stand" (5:2).

Fourth, we begin to rejoice in the glory of a paradise that
is ours to come. "Rejoicing in the hope of glory."

Fifth, we glory in tribulations. It is one thing to rejoice
in the hope of heaven. It is something else entirely to
rejoice in tribulations. And this notion of glorying in
tribulations is impossible to the human mind. It becomes
possible only to those who believe what God's Word says
about suffering: that Christ is at work in us in the midst
of every trial.

Paul explains the path this way: "Tribulation worketh
patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope"
(Romans 5:3­4). Do you see? Tribulation accomplishes
patience. Patience furnishes experience. And experience
accomplishes hope.

Let me talk now about how experience accomplishes hope.

God uses his people to dispense hope.

When I personally need some measure of hope, I want to
speak to someone I know, someone who has experience with
enduring tribulation and pain. I don't want someone
who'll offer me hollow platitudes, such as, "Just hang
in there," "Just trust God." My suffering soul cannot
be moved or touched by unfounded words of human sympathy.

Rather, I would love to talk for half an hour with the
believer who e-mailed me recently about having to watch his
wife slowly die of Lou Gehrig's disease. As this man
described to me the depth of his pain, he said, "God is
good. He is seeing me through."

I would also love to talk with the Christian woman in
Indonesia who has suffered physical pain for years, enduring
one operation after another in vain. Despite her ongoing
trial, she praises God and gives him glory in all things.
Here is someone who has both patience and experience in the
suffering that works hope.

My faith and hope are greatly encouraged by friends I know
who are veterans of spiritual warfare.

I have witnessed the many tribulations of such faithful
friends. And I know of their present suffering, sorrow and
pain. When I call them I ask, "How are you doing?" I
know the answer ahead of time, and it brings great hope to

They do not fake their responses. They are totally honest
when they say, "David, I'm really hurting. Sometimes the
pain overwhelms me. At times I hurt so badly it brings me to

These saints are enduring the fires of affliction. Yet
there always comes from them a reassuring word: "God is
bringing me through. I know he is faithful. And I trust him.
I know he is with me."

Almost every time I talk with them, these overcomers have a
word for me. It's a word that is very real and lasting,
something that God has shown them in the depth of their
trial. Their steadfast faith in the midst of their suffering
builds up my own faith amid my trial.

As I encounter the steadfast faith of these saints, the
Holy Spirit keeps reminding me of Deuteronomy 8:2­3:

"Thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God
led thee these forty years in the wilderness...

"He humbled thee, and suffered [allowed] thee to hunger,
and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not; that he
might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only,
but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the
Lord doth man live."

I repeat these words throughout my days: "I live by every
word that proceeds from the mouth of God."

If God's word cannot be trusted - if the Bible is not
the very inspired Word of God - then life is in vain.
There could be no hope on the face of this earth.

When this word in Deuteronomy came to Israel, conditions in
the wilderness had become very scary for them. God had
allowed them to experience pangs of hunger and thirst. And
now from the very mouth of the Lord we hear these words:
"I humbled you. I allowed you to suffer hunger and thirst.
It's all because I sought to make you know you can trust
me. You can live on my promises."

God was not going to let his people starve or die of
thirst. He knew exactly what he would do to deliver them.
Thus, it is all the more tragic that no one except Joshua
and Caleb would take a stand and state in faith, "Even if
I die in the process, I will go on trusting." "Though he
slay me, yet I will trust in him" (Job 13:15). "To whom
shall we turn? You alone, Lord, have the words of eternal
life" (see John 6:68).

Beloved, God has a plan for your deliverance.

Our Lord knows how to deliver the afflicted.

Oh, how we need the Holy Spirit to lead and comfort us in
our trying times. Without his presence, his guidance, his
outpouring of strength to us daily, none of us could make
it. No human determination, no setting of our mind to the
task, can survive the daily testings we endure on the path.

Daily, we must cast ourselves upon God's revealed Word
and trust the Holy Spirit to make it become life to us.
"By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all
the host of them by the breath of his mouth.... He spake,
and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast" (Psalm
33:6, 9).

If God created all things with his word and his breath,
will he not, in his time, speak hope to you in your trial?
He knows just how to bring such hope, real and lasting, sure
and steadfast.

I close with this word: "Rest in the Lord, and wait
patiently for him" (Psalm 37:7). May God make your
experience become hope and life to you. Amen!


 2009/8/25 2:46Profile

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