From the 2007 Passion Conference:What do you do when the Holy Spirit has filled your heart with passionate conviction and love for the things of God while those around you seem apathetic? According to Francis Chan, the answer is not to withdraw and whinge, but to persevere in love. Love for God, love for people, love for the church:[url=][/url]
_________________Benjamin Valentine
Just after listening to this. I recently read his book Crazy Love and thought it was very good. I enjoyed most of this too but I really didnt get the idea that he was trying to get people to stay in Lukewarm churches. Did I miss something? Was multitasking at the time and I'm male so it wasnt that easy to do! :-) I'm not sure about the idea of being motivated to live for God in this life by the fact that I'm going to sit on His Throne but I like his passion. Impressed by the fact he took time out to work out if he loves God - if his relationship is really real. This is exactly how I feel right now and indeed I have (very) recently taken time out form my lukewarm surroundings in a similar way.Thanks for posting this.
by notmyown on 2009/8/19 21:38:45Just after listening to this. I recently read his book Crazy Love and thought it was very good. I enjoyed most of this too but I really didnt get the idea that he was trying to get people to stay in Lukewarm churches. Did I miss something? Was multitasking at the time and I'm male so it wasnt that easy to do! I'm not sure about the idea of being motivated to live for God in this life by the fact that I'm going to sit on His Throne but I like his passion. Impressed by the fact he took time out to work out if he loves God - if his relationship is really real. This is exactly how I feel right now and indeed I have (very) recently taken time out form my lukewarm surroundings in a similar way.Thanks for posting this.