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Discussion Forum : Articles and Sermons : Who among us has heard the voice of the Lord? Your testimony?

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Many years ago one evening I was going on my usual walk along a certain route I usualy took. A voice very clearly sounded in my ear turn around , go the other way. I turned around and as I did I said lord why is there someone this other way that you want me to witness to? About twenty more steps I saw two teenagers behind a power box by a strip mall. Are these the ones you want me to witness to?? I guess so. so I went up to them and spoke of heaven, hell and the Gospel of Jesus. I was sharing with them and they were starting to listen. Then some girls pulled up in a car and they got distracted from me to them then got in and left as I was giving them final words. i chocked it up as a seed planting and left the rest in Gods hand.

 2009/8/16 18:21

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