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Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 A Wonderful Example of A True Prophet by Zac Poonen

[b]A Wonderful Example of A True Prophet[/b]
[i]by Zac Poonen[/i]

In 1 Kings Chapter 17 the first thing I want you to notice
about Elijah are his words to King Ahab: “As the Lord, the
God of Israel, lives, before whom I stand”. These
true prophets did not fear kings because of one reason :
They stood before the Lord. Kings were mere specks of dust
before God. The great need is for young men who can
be prophets like that. Knowledge of the Bible is important.
But more important than that is this: You must live before
God’s face. To live before God’s face, you must keep your
conscience 100% clear - not 99%, but 100%. And you must
humble yourself totally. Your face must be in the dust all
the time. That’s how Elijah lived.

If God can’t find young men like that, I hope He will find
some young sisters who live before God’s face and be a voice
for Him. You may not stand in a pulpit, but you can
influence people from your homes. God needs many brothers
and sisters in our land who live before His face.

Elijah was a man who was instantly obedient to every little
thing that God said. God told him one day to go and hide
himself by the brook Cherith – and he went at once (1 Kings 17:3).
There the ravens brought him bread and meat and he drank
from the brook (1 Kings 17:6). At 8 o’clock every morning, a raven
would bring him some food. Again at 5 o’clock in the
evening, another raven would bring him some food. These
crows would bring him meat. If the crows had brought him
vegetables, that itself would have been a miracle. But for a
crow to bring meat (which it loves) is a greater miracle.
That’s how God provided for Elijah. But gradually, after a
few days, Elijah began depending on the ravens and not the Lord!

Many servants of the Lord start out trusting the Lord for
their financial needs. But after a few years, they are no
longer depending on the Lord, but on some ravens – human
beings who send them regular support! That is exactly what
happened to Elijah. So what did the Lord do? He stopped the
ravens. God wanted to shake off Elijah’s dependence on
ravens and to teach him once again to depend on the Lord. So
thank God when the ravens stop coming – when the promised
support doesn’t come. Then you will learn once again to
trust the Lord alone for your needs. I have been through
experiences like that. I thank God for the times when He has
turned away my eyes from ravens to Him Who owns the cattle
on a thousand hills, and Who has said that He will supply
all my needs according to His riches in glory through Christ

The Lord then changed His method and told Elijah now to go
to Zarephath. Zarephath was outside Israel. Elijah may have
imagined that some rich businessman there would take care of
him. But when he reached Zarephath, what he found was not a
rich businessman, but a poor widow who was just about to
have her last meal! And the Lord told Elijah, “She will
support you”! God’s ways are truly amazing. God does things
like that, because He is a jealous God. He wants us to trust
in Him, and not in ravens or rich businessmen. He will use a
weak person whom you least expect to be able to help you,
and use him, so that no flesh may glory in His presence.

The widow said, “We were just about to have our last meal
and die.” Elijah told her, “Don’t be afraid. Make me a
little bread cake from it first. The bowl of flour shall not
be exhausted nor shall the jar of oil be empty, until the
day the Lord sends rain on the face of the earth.” (1 Kings 17:13,14).
And the bowl of flour was not exhausted and the jar of oil did not become empty.

There are many preachers today who use this incident to
teach poor people to give them money. But that is a total
misinterpretation of this incident. First of all, most of
today’s preachers are not prophets like Elijah. Secondly,
most of today’s preachers are lovers of money, unlike Elijah.
These two facts alone put Elijah in a different class altogether,
from most of today’s preachers who exploit the poor.
Further, Elijah asked the widow for just a bare meal to
survive in a time of famine; and he ate the same
food that the widow and her son ate. Today’s preachers are
not asking for money for them to survive, but for them to
support their grand lifestyles. There are multitudes of
false prophets around today. Unfortunately, since most of
God’s people do not know how to distinguish between a true
prophets and a false one, they are deceived.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2009/8/14 7:11Profile

 Re: A Wonderful Example of A True Prophet by Zac Poonen

But gradually, after a
few days, Elijah began depending on the ravens and not the Lord!

Just curious... is Zac Poonen making that up? Where does it say that in the word of God?

 2009/8/14 18:01

 Re: A Wonderful Example of A True Prophet by Zac Poonen

double post

 2009/8/14 18:01

Joined: 2007/4/25
Posts: 1839
Scotland, UK

 Re: A Wonderful Example of A True Prophet by Zac Poonen


sermonindex wrote:

[b]A Wonderful Example of A True Prophet[/b]
[i]by Zac Poonen[/i]

In 1 Kings Chapter 17 the first thing I want you to notice about Elijah are his words to King Ahab: “As the Lord, the God of Israel, lives, before whom I stand”.

Your face must be in the dust all the time. That’s how Elijah lived.

Elijah did not tell us his face was in the dust, he told that he stood before the living God. But yet Zac tells us our faces should be in the dust. Where did he pull that one from.

Heb 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

Colin Murray

 2009/8/15 15:04Profile

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