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 Re: how does a new testament prophet equip the saint for work?


I have a couple of cents to add to this discussion, (which I've glanced through, rather than read in depth).

The first cent is about the concept of 'office', as if it is a title of a position, rather than a function of the spiritual body. I would like to recommend caution in thinking in terms of 'the office of a prophet', because that really is not what Tyndale had in mind.

This is from Romans 12. Sorry about the old spellings!

[i]7 Let him that hath an office wayte on his office. Let him that teacheth take hede to his doctrine.
8 Let him that exhorteth geve attendaunce to his exhortacion.[/i]

I believe the above gives us all plenty to think about, as this meaning is not as clear in the KJV as it is from Tyndale himself.

This leads on to the other cent, which is in disagreement with 'a pastor'. (Nothing personal, bro. :-) ) clintstone said

I believe apostles establish churches , and once established and set up with a pastor ,

If the ministries listed in Eph 4:11 are to work with a kind of natural (in the spiritual sense) instinctivity, then pastoring has to be seen as something that anyone with that call on their life should engage with towards the believers around them, just as evangelists should be going outside the church with their ministry, and teachers and apostles should be travelling from time to time, establishing and strengthening saints in other assemblies.

EDIT (The not-so-old thread 'Just who IS responsible for this state of affairs...' raised the thought that Christ is all in all - the Elect, the Prophet, the Apostle, the Teacher (and so on) and if HE is in the believer - which He is - then there is a legitimate overlap of spiritual attributes in every single saint who is filled with the Holy Spirit, necessarily reflecting the fulness and variety of Christ's ministries. Likewise, the natural body's capacity for recovery and duplication of roles within itself is clear to physiologists, and we are modeled on Him, even naturally.) end edit.

The prophet, though - the [b]person[/b] given to the church - for the equipping of the saints, does not travel purely because he is a prophet (unless he is an apostle or teacher as well). He has plenty to do to bring the fresh word of God to the local assembly.

From 1 Cor 14 we see that he should not be a lone voice. However, he could be, and this also might therefore, be an unpopular voice if the local saints do not receive the word. Even more, then, he or she should not be roaming around from assembly to assembly like some demi-god, but staying in place for the sake of the flock of God, and taking the flack and the misunderstanding, and interceding for the saints and the elder[b]s[/b].

1 Timothy 5:17, Acts 20:28 overseers (plural), 1 Peter 5:2, 3, which is among you,

Eph 5:21 Submitting yourselves [u]one to another[/u] in the fear of God.

I do believe there is a difference between the prophet in Eph 4:11, and the gift of prophecy in the sense that anyone can bring a word from God anytime. (The presupposes all that has been said by others here, about holiness and prayer.)

We are far too apt to think of members of the body as people we can do without, rather than as essential to our spiritual growth and well-being.

Just look down at your body as you sit there. Which part would you like to do without? Really! I'm sure even if there is a quirky part, you're more attached to it then you thought, if someone else were to suggest you should cut it off... Likewise, we have to appreciate everyone in the body of Christ, and be discerning with regard to those who are not. That's one reason evangelism should be done [i]outside[/i] the Church. Christ is the Door. Those who enter by Him, are welcome [i]inside[/i].

(Forgive me for sounding brusque. I'm using library facilities and must be speedy.)

 2009/7/21 9:52


I would say that a new Testament Prophet has been called primarily to carry the HEART of God to the church. Being that God is Primarily reconcilatory to fallen mankind, I see the prophet in a constant flow to bend the church back to that holiness of Heart, where God lives and dispenses his favor and love, and in knowing the Father, relating that He is severe also, to those who reject His mercy.

The prophet knows that it is impossible to know God, without also fearing Him, for he cannot or will not change His holy nature, and judges all who defy Him. Because he carries Gods heart, He also loves the church, and follows the command to pluck up, root out and destroy the leavens of sin and rebellion, while planting the seeds of faith and Grace on the other. The prophet knows that God judges sin, and yet is merciful to the faithful.

I believe the supernatural aspect of the Prophetic is secondary to the call to restore and reunite the constantly wayward church unto holiness and glory.

It is obvious to some degree that the new
Testament prophet must hear God, and in some instances he will be His mouthpiece; one who carries the Word of the Lord. He will not be controlling! I wish I could say this 10 times. This is a huge issue, for ALL of the false prophets desire to control you , and use you. He will exhibit the fruits of humility, and will be known from afar as one who lives a crucified life.

There are 3 major things a Prophet will do, as well as all in true ministry.

1. He will feed the church of the Lamb, with truth and desire to please their master, the Lord Jesus of Nazareth.

2. He will protect the church of God, with holy discernment and exposing the wicked; both inside the church and without.

3. He will manifest the absolute Lordship of Jesus wherever he goes, and with whatever he does.

The Apostle Paul, and Peter were perfect examples of the ministry of a prophet. I think the term apostle, or messenger is united with the prophet. "Behold, I send my messenger before you." this was John the Baptist. John did no mighty works, but he prepared the way of the Lord. A new testament prophet does exactly that; Prepare and adorn the bride, exposing God's heart, for the body to be prepared for eternity.

It seems that rejection is bound in this ministry. It is the cost though. Jesus was prophet and priest of all eternity, and they sought , and did, murder him. Jesus said; "Which of the prophets did you not slay?"

Needed but tough calling.

 2009/7/21 11:15

Joined: 2009/4/5
Posts: 2256
Joplin, Missouri


A couple of further thoughts.

rbanks said, "If I could add something here we must not depend on so called prophets to give us direction in our personal lives because we are to have an unction from the Holy One where we are to know all things whether they be of God or not because you do not want to be following a false prophet.

We must not depend on a prophet to lead us and tell us where to go and what to do.

A prophetic word is always a word from God for the edification of the body and is to speak to the spiritual man but the spiritual man must be following the leading of God's spirit within him."

Very true! In my experience, words of prophecy have been used by God to confirm rather than to direct. Several times I have had someone operating in the gift of prophecy add confirmation to what God had already told me. In fact, if a directive word comes forth in a prophecy that is new to me, I simply file it away under the, "ponder it in my heart" category and then I seek the face of God to see what God has to say to me personally. We have a Biblical mandate to judge words of prophecy by comparing them with the more sure word of prophecy, the Word of God.

Again, I think it importatn to draw a distinction between the equipping ministry of a prophet and the gift of prophecy as outlined in 1 Corinthians. In my experience, as well as in study of the word, I find that the gift of prophecy edifies, exhorts, and comforts. A prophet, on the other hand, may sometimes have some pretty hard words for the body. Again, however, it is always to equip the body for effective ministry as stated in Ephesians. I am not so sure that the foretelling of future events is a very large part of a NT prophet's function, although I think it can happen as in Agabus foretelling what would happen to Paul if he proceeded with his planned trip to Rome.

I also agree that the term "office" can have negative connotation, especially when an immature christian goes looking for position or a sense of acceptance or approval of men by holding an "office". The five fold ministry giftings are true callings of God, and are not at all glamorous. Those called to five fold ministry need to see themselves as foundational servants to the body who are held to a higher account by God by reason of the responsibility that is given them. They are to serve the body by equipping them for ministry, which means a lot of hard work laboring in the Word, laboring in prayer, and self sacrifice in being more concerned about others than about themselves.


 2009/7/21 17:10Profile

Joined: 2008/4/20
Posts: 201


Have you ever heard of a lady that planted church's in whales . Her name , i believe , was Gene watkins ,or close to that . She was considered an apostle by the people of whales and she spoke at my church in Tulsa ok. in 1993 ..

Clint Demoret

 2009/7/21 18:34Profile

Joined: 2008/4/20
Posts: 201


Brother Tom , so very well said , brother, and only filled with truth . a most excellent post once again . I love you , God bless you and keep you ever exspanding in Him . Clint

Clint Demoret

 2009/7/21 18:44Profile

Joined: 2008/4/20
Posts: 201


If one is called to be in the Office of a new testament prophet , and He becomes through Holy living , chosen to attain to the office ,in Christ , then knowing future events will be a big part of that offices' gift . The one called to any five fold office is the one responsible to exalt that office , as paul declared in His words ,, " I exalt my office ," this exalting comes with knowing the authority in the office and the author of that office . Jesus said we have not because we ask not . I ask God , for everything He has put into the office He has called me to , to function in me so that i have the vision of it , and not let it be unexalted and hidden from who it is for . When i stay in a constant exspectation of God's office , He's called me too , to be revealed to me ,that is when i see it and therefore i exult what i have seen by shareing it with whoever i am supposed to . We must be willing to Go into all the world . being willing to Go , is key . it was in the going that Paul exalted His office . It was in His praying that the functions of that office were revealed to Him personally . We must ask . to me there are three great invitations of Christ Jesus our Lord and Lord of All , they are Come ,,,, Abide ,,, and ,,, ASK . I am so Happy that these have been given to us all , and that our JOY can be FULL .. Clint

Clint Demoret

 2009/7/21 19:09Profile

Joined: 2009/7/16
Posts: 19

 what work will the "equipped by the prophet" saints do?

sot he prophet is to equip the saints for the work

what work will the saints do?

im trying to simplify this in my head, a builder will teacher how to build, plumber will teach the apprentice to plumb,

does this pattern fit? will a prophet teach saints how to prophesy? what specific tools will a prophet put in a saints hands? is it more directing their hearts to God, or are there practical "doing" things involved?

an example would be an evangelist, he may bring a word that will convict and turn the heart to God, he may teach and enlighten the mind and understanding, he will teach people how to preach the gospel, and they will go and "do" it

 2009/7/22 18:51Profile

 Re: how does a new testament prophet equip the saint for work?

I think you have to include the exposition of the written word of God in 'prophecy', and remember Eph 4:15, 16. If every part of the body is functioning as it should, the body will grow. A prophet should restrict him or herself to speaking what God has given, only, and should resist every temptation to add to His message.

Remember, it is the word that holds together the whole universe. The word of God is above His name by His own choice. His word builds us up, and Ephesians explains in several ways why that is desirable. Prophetic utterance is only one part of how that happens.

And, the saints are to be being equipped for the work of the ministry - service - in whatever field they themselves have been called or gifted.

 2009/7/23 16:43

Joined: 2009/4/5
Posts: 2256
Joplin, Missouri

 Re: what work will the "equipped by the prophet" saints do?

lydian: The obvious answer is "to do the work of the ministry.", but I think that I am probably begging the question and not helping at all. Obviously we are all called to fulfill the work of the ministry. This work has many facets. Obviously it goes far beyond mere evangelism of the lost. To go with your example, a person whom God has called to the equipping ministry of evangelist in the body of Christ will obviously instill in the body His passion for winning the lost and be able to teach them how to effectively do this work. Just using this example it would appear that evangelists teach us how to evangelize, teachers teach us how to teach, etc. We can look closer at apostles for example. The apostle obviously does not teach the body how to be apostles. One never decides to become an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, or teacher in the sense of having the calling to equipping ministry on their life. These are God's callings on a person's life. Apostles, among other things, are gifted to identify callings on people's lives and serve to bring them into maturity and set them into those positions. They often give spiritual oversight to ministers or ministries, not in a hierarchical sense, but in the sense of a spiritual father. Teachers do not prepare the body to teach as much as they use their calling as a teacher to instill sound doctrinal foundation under the body. With this understanding of scripture, the body can minister more effectively. The following are five functions of a prophet that I think can be supported Biblically.
- Reveal the mind of Christ and give specific instructions concerning his will (note, we don't do things because "a prophet says so.", but this does not mean that prophets cannot or do not function in this capacity."
- Unveil revelation and illumination and inspired application of the Word
- Give confirmation and witness in various ways through their ministry
- Relate divine direction to the Church and churches (Again, see note above)
- Elicit repentance, reformation, and restoration
Notice that none of these things has anything to do with teaching anyone to prophecy, but provides equipping ministry in a way that is unique to a prophet. It is not like a plumber teaching how to plumb. It is more like the roll of Mother and Father in bringing a child into maturity. A mother has specific God given gifts that are different from a father. Without both imparting into a child's life, the child will grow up with imbalances and difficulties to overcome. The child needs both the gift of father and mother to come into full maturity. So it is with the church. The body of Christ needs all five of the equipping ministries to be functioning and imparting to the body to come into proper maturity. That is exactly what Eph. 4:12-16 is saying. Hope that helps.


 2009/7/24 20:14Profile

Joined: 2009/7/16
Posts: 19


hi twayneb,

thanks for that, that has really helped me a lot, makes a lot of sense

"It is not like a plumber teaching how to plumb. It is more like the roll of Mother and Father in bringing a child into maturity. A mother has specific God given gifts that are different from a father. Without both imparting into a child's life, the child will grow up with imbalances and difficulties to overcome. The child needs both the gift of father and mother to come into full maturity. So it is with the church. The body of Christ needs all five of the equipping ministries to be functioning and imparting to the body to come into proper maturity. That is exactly what Eph. 4:12-16 is saying. Hope that helps."

thats brilliant. i can totally see that. so the Apostle is like grandad, the teacher like dad, the prophet like mother, the evangelist like big brother(who shows you how to play ball)haha :-)

 2009/7/25 4:29Profile

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