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Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Obama speech inspires mass Quran distribution

[b]Obama speech inspires mass Quran distribution[/b]

The Council on American-Islamic Relations intends to launch a nationwide campaign to distribute copies of the Islamic Quran to 100,000 local, state and national leaders, a campaign the organization's public relations department claims was inspired by President Obama's speech to Muslims earlier this month.
In a statement released prior to a planned news conference next week announcing the "Share the Quran" campaign, CAIR described the scope of the outreach:

"In the multi-year initiative, American Muslims will sponsor Qurans for distribution to governors, state attorneys general, educators, law enforcement officials, state and national legislators, local elected and public officials, media professionals and other local or national leaders who shape public opinion or determine policy," the statement said. ...

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SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2009/7/5 7:27Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: Obama speech inspires mass Quran distribution

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SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2009/7/5 7:31Profile

Joined: 2009/7/2
Posts: 18
Plano, TX

 Re: Obama speech inspires mass Quran distribution

So much more that pastors should be reaching the Gospel and not go off on a political tangent, for example, by supporting Bush’s misplaced Iraqi oil field annexation war. How can one be pro-life on the one hand and then condone the killing of hundred’s of thousands of innocent Iraqi women and children? And what about the two million refugees?

I was in a Baptist church about six months ago and the preachers said, “If we don’t fight the Islamists terrorists over there we will fight them over here,” and some people screamed “amen!” Unbelievable. A week later in the same church, a guest preacher said that we are now an Obamanation unto the Lord. A couple dressed in jeans, obviously visitors, walked out and so they should.

Some Christian pastors care more about Israel than they do about the lost. God can take care of Israel. He did not command us to go into all the world and eliminate the enemies of Israel. Pastor John Hagee in San Antonio thinks so. No wonder we don’t see revival. We have lost our first love and joined forces with the GOP.

Obama is no worse than Bush and I can make a case why he might actually be a better president, but I care less. Jesus’ kingdom is not of this world, but His servants are fighting and campaigning as though it is. McCain/Palin stickers are still on many of the cars parked in the church I attend on Sundays. McCain’s pro-life stance was fake, just like Bob Dole’s and his pro-war stance was 110%. So, we are now a church of warmongers? I don’t know. I don’t engage these people in debate.

When the enemy comes in like a flood, we must preach the cross and Christ crucified with more fervor and commitment. I can’t go to a church these days without an Obama slur being thrown in by someone. Pray for the man, but he is what he is, and the majority of Americans voted him in office, probably because a small but silent minority stayed away from the polls as they weren’t going to cast their lot with the warmongers. Politics in the US is now an utterly corrupt system and process. We must come out from among them and be separate. Unless we do, we are hindering the preaching of the gospel.

 2009/7/5 8:47Profile

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