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Discussion Forum : Miracles that follow the plow : i have a sister in the lord who needs help

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Joined: 2008/8/13
Posts: 354


i hope she hears us .

 2009/6/30 19:43Profile

Joined: 2005/5/4
Posts: 116


God's "Will" be done.


 2009/7/1 11:46Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534


It's not a sin to have a male roomy

You gotta be kidding. This is a girl who has a male roommate: THIS is called shacking in the south, I do not care what you call it in your part of the country.

The scriptures tell us to abstain from the appearance of evil.

And male and females have very active hormones.

I have talked to too many females who have been involved with fornication. Illicit sex is more addictive then most drugs. Don't kid yourself.

Actually, your response really upsets me. It is not the kind I would expect from one who is interested in purity and holiness!


Sandra Miller

 2009/7/1 22:42Profile

Joined: 2008/8/13
Posts: 354


yah a man and a women should not live with one another unless they our married or family related. Ginnyrose don't be afraid to tell her the truth.

 2009/7/1 23:44Profile

Joined: 2008/8/13
Posts: 354


This is what my sister in the lord sent to me from canada today, i feel so bad for her.

Hi John,

I have already called those people and after I told them that I couldn't pay the amount that they are asking, and if they could possibly lower the price, they said absolutely no can do. Did you check the amount of money they charging people to stay there ? It's expensive !

Don't forget I'm on a disability pension that is less than $1000.00 a month, and my rent, bills, groceries and dog food comes out of that money. There is absolutely no money left to buy clothes, or vitamins or anything else.

I haven't been able to afford to go to a nice sit down restaurant in 10 years or even McDonalds, and the last movie I went to see at the theatre, was Jurassic Park ! The only thing that I can do and enjoy that doesn't cost me a cent, is hiking with my dogs down the trails behind my apartment building. Now I can hardly walk anymore because my legs have become too weak because I'm so malnourished because of a lack of B vitamins. I'm in bad shape, and until my finances get better, I have to continue to suffer and it sucks. If I could afford to eat healthier and to buy the vitamins and amino acids that my body needs, my depression would be more managable. You sent me a link to get some free reading material, and I can't even focus long enough on what I'm reading long enough to comprehend it. So I don't read anymore, and at one time I was a big time reader of books including the bible. Depression is so bad that it affects every part of the body, not just the emotions, and that is something that most people don't know. It's a crippling illnes, and it is the cause of many suicides every year.

I have been praying for healing for a long time for my depression and for my finances and nothing has changed. I have to believe that the Lord will act in His good timing and not mine, so I'm trying to stay patient as much as possible for that day. In the meantime I am asking for prayer from everyone for my healing. Would you also pray for me ?

I would also to say thank you for being my friend and keeping in touch with me. You are the only one in the Lord that I have contact with on a regular basis, and you are a god send. Thanks for that, and God bless you.

 2009/7/6 16:48Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534


bible1985, who is this lady talking about? Surely not the people I referred her to?!!


Sandra Miller

 2009/7/6 17:07Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534



The longer I think about this person, the more I am beginning to doubt 'her' story.

Let's consider: she has dogs: they eat - what does she feed them? If she would not have the dogs she could buy the supplements she needs to fix her nutritional problems.

She goes hiking with her dogs in one paragraph and the next one she says she can hardly walk anymore...

And Canada has socialized medicine. I suspect if she needed meds she could get them - if she needed them.

John, I am very skeptical of this is beginning to sound like a concocted sob story designed to prey on your sympathies to wheedle money out of you!

I know if she had contacted the people I emailed you they would not be charging her money!

Her story just does not make sense anymore....


Sandra Miller

 2009/7/6 18:13Profile

Joined: 2008/8/13
Posts: 354


Her name is angelika. She said she called the missionaries, she said they were missionaries for indians and she said that they don't travel too often. I have been talking to her about a year now, i can tell she has problems but i think it is the unwillingness of ministries and fellow humans who just want to give wisdom but our not willing to help her. i feel sorrow for her and have for a long time. Its sad to say but sometimes nonbelievers seem to care more than some ministries i know of.

 2009/7/6 18:32Profile


To Deepthinker:

Ginny, how do you know she is shacked up? It's not a sin to have a male roomy. However, it's not conducive for proper behaviour, lest "people should talk" and your testimony be a laughing stock.

Walters response:

[b]What does the Bible have to say about this issue-2 people of the opposite sex, living together?[/b]

The Bible says to abstain from all the appearances of evil. This kind of living arrangement would have both Christian & Non-Christians thinking & believing there is a sexual relationship and the Bible says if it offends my brother, then don't do it (1 Thes 5:22; Ephesians 5:3). Living together could also be a tremendous temptation for immorality. As a result, it is not honoring to God for a man and a woman to live together outside of marriage- A couple who is living together is assumed to be sleeping together—that is just the nature of things. Even though living in the same house is not sinful in and of itself, the appearance of sin is there. Like I said above, the Bible tells us to avoid even the appearance of evil (1 Thes 5:22; Ephesians 5:3).



 2009/7/6 19:58

Joined: 2006/8/1
Posts: 370
West Monroe, LA

 Re: sister's suffering

May I humbly suggest that this lady be sent a few links from this site that describe suffering such as [url=]this[/url] one or [url=]here.[/url]

Perhaps she may find a clue.


Clint Thornton

 2009/7/6 20:58Profile

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