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 Balanced Teaching on Revival Manifestations - John Lucas

Revival Manifestations

Paul manifested Jesus in Wisdom - in Power - in Love and when he called on others to follow his example he was telling them to follow the Jesus that he manifested. He did not just preach and teach; he showed them by his life's example. Sometimes we will measure things according to examples of men of God in church history, or men of God that we may know, but the scripture gives you examples of maturity that far exceed church history and men that we may know. Church history is a restoration process and contains bitter and sweet water from the same well. That doesn't exclude church history, it simply means that church history contains examples of men and women walking in the Word of God and being led of the Spirit thereby giving us a demonstration of God’s way, but there is a mixture many times that existed in church history that did not exist in “scriptural examples” like the Apostle Paul. The primary point is this – church history cannot be used exclusively for the basis of any practice.

We can learn some things from church history, for example, when I hear about how George Mueller in the 1800's, had believed God daily to provide for the orphanages that he started, Mueller would demonstrate the “scriptural examples” of faith observed in Hebrews 11. This type of observing will bring encouragement. You can go too far though; you can use church history INSTEAD of scripture for doctrine, for works, and for revivals. For example, many today are using past revivals and revivalists to establish their case as to whether a “revival manifestation” is of God or whether it is not of God. God's Word has the answer, not church history. The answer is this – revival type manifestations fall under one teaching in scriptures - signs and wonders.

Now listen carefully and read the ENTIRE chapter here - this is a touchy subject in the present day church and God wants balance before His throne on this issue. If you have not read the previous section on “Dealing with Issues in the Church”, I ask that you read it FIRST. Some ministers believe that the issue should be left alone and not dealt with at all but the Holy Spirit desires to make every crooked path a straight path and He does this by applying the wisdom of God to an issue that grieves Him.

In the Old Testament, a “false balance” is caused when “mixing the spices” for God’s incense in the tabernacle; this improper mixing would cause an abomination to the Lord and it would become a strange fire to God. The priest had to use the specified ingredients - no substitutions! The priest had to have the correct measure of these spicy ingredients. God gave the recipe; we must not modify it. Concerning discernment in these matters of revival manifestations, whichever side you are on – for or against does not matter. We must use God's spices in the correct measure. It is the Tree of Life that we must eat of in this issue as well as all church issues.

Let us be sober in this crucial subject matter on revival manifestations. I am not endorsing services that are absent of revival manifestations and I am not endorsing services that demonstrate revival manifestations. What I am endorsing is balance before God in OUR THINKING concerning this topic. Please be mature in your reading of this chapter and do not try to read into something I am saying that is not there. I must be obedient in writing this chapter for the Lord but yet I fear and tremble before God as I write it. I do not want someone to accept something false because of something I have written and I do not want someone to reject something true that they should have received; because of something I wrote. I would then stand before God accountable for having used wood, hay and stubble in teaching you. Therefore you should be able to see why one must fear God in such a great way when speaking on these matters. We have covered many of these issues of teaching with fear in earlier chapters such as “You are a Priest” and “Building Materials”.

I am not putting my stamp of approval on any revival or minister nor am I questioning any revival or minister. The purpose here is to make straight any crooked path, to make mature any immaturity. The purpose here is to bring to light some things that have caused confusion in the camp of God. Again all of us must fear God, reject that which looks like man or demons, and hold fast to that which looks like Jesus our Savior.

I will speak somewhat vaguely at times and we must simply fear God and not rush to judgment - do not condemn your brother or any movements – it is our heart that God is after. There are ministries that publish books or are found on the Internet that will describe specifically every revival manifestation and categorically attribute all of them to demons. Some will even name everyone associated with revival manifestations as evil, of the devil and apostate. This is not new for those of us that operate in the gifts of the Spirit such as “speaking in tongues”. However in this particular issue they may even be right about certain things even though their spirit is not right; this is the case with many that accuse their brother. Because they mishandle the truth it does not matter if they are right or not – they do not fear God and they do not impart life. Yet some of these “opponents of revival” may have heard some things that were of God and yet the mixture of “man’s opinion” is too strong in them – God will disqualify them, God does not trust them with the preciousness of His truth, therefore God must find those He can trust to hear, to see, then to speak in His manner. We covered these truths in our section “How Paul dealt with heresy” which deals with the sin of heresy hunting. This is an iniquity that is blatantly demonstrated in believers that call themselves discernment ministries or heresy hunters; the sad part is that many of us have a measure of that same iniquity that we leave un-dealt with, yet we find contention against these heresy hunters.

If one has heard and seen deception and yet speaks from a mixture then the recipient of the message will reject the entire message. If the character of “compassion and mercy” is absent and “harshness and pride” is seen instead, then the mixture causes the message to resemble the person of the speaker instead of the Person of Jesus. God does not put His stamp of approval on your intentions when it comes to ministry. God only puts His stamp of approval on that which looks like Jesus.

God therefore must find ministers He can trust to speak these things without mixture, and yet many times most of us are only in the process of being unmixed. So does God wait for TOTAL “UN-mixing” to occur? Are we waiting for some type of sinless perfection? No, God will select those He can trust most with the message that deals with the issue, which brings balance and imparts life. In this particular message on revival manifestations I see God’s desire to see His people "not be misled" and to be "balanced", to the point that He selects certain ordinary men that can bring His heart on the issue. God is faithful to deal with the issue of revival manifestations in due season for the desired end - that we may stay holy before His throne and yet responsive to His visitations. That is why I am compelled to impart this message from God’s vast source of wisdom.

Let us now talk turkey concerning these manifestations in our church services. First off, what part does scripture play in all of this? For the sake of clarification let us separate ourselves into three camps of belief. There are those in the body that consider themselves "pro-revival manifestations" and others considered themselves "anti-revival manifestations". Thirdly we have a mass of Christians that believe in some revival manifestations and not other revival manifestations. All use scripture to support their views and I have seen all mishandled God's Word on this subject matter as well, and the truth is simple, it isn't hard at all.

Let us view what some of these views are and compare them later to the view that God holds from His throne. The "anti-revival manifestation camp" wants scripture for every manifestation. If you fall down, they want a scripture for it, and of course falling forward doesn't count. This is an example where God's people just get plain silly with scripture. But in all seriousness there is a blindness that keeps them from the obvious. To answer, just because a certain sign is not listed in scripture does not indicate that it is false. If you use the principle that it “has to be listed in the scriptures” to be of God, then you are going to have to apply your principle to other areas of your life, you cannot have a principle and pick and choose to apply it when you become offended. There are many MANIFESTATIONS in every Christian’s life and to hold such a principle lacks the Wisdom of God. Manifestations are one’s response to an inward work of God and God never makes doctrine out of “love responses” that are demonstrated in His people. Holding such a view that everything must be listed will eat from the wrong tree, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. When you eat from the wrong tree, you are the one that decides what manifestation is good and which may be evil by taking the “Word Who is Jesus” and saying “You must list for me what is good and what is evil”. Jesus the Word of God is not a list for you to figure out what is good and evil, Jesus is a Person that you must know and through an intimate relationship you perceive by His Spirit what is “In Him” and what is “out of Him”. If Jesus listed for you everything in scripture like a “how to manual” then His people would have made “knowing Him” an option. Knowing Jesus is not an option, we must know Him to enter into what He has prepared for us and to avoid what He says endangers us.

On the other hand, those that categorically endorse revival manifestation are those who do not properly understand the “principle of mixture”. If you inadvertently accept the mixture, you cause damage to Jesus’ body. Jesus does not take kindly to those that do harm to His body, in fact because His body is His very Own bride, He is jealous over her. If you cannot discern, if you cannot sort out the mixture by God’s Spirit then the bride is subject to false prophecies, false visions and false experiences. False prophecies speak from a voice that does nor sound like our bridegrooms’. False visions give us a view of a king from the wrong kingdom. False experiences are a substitute for knowing Jesus in the intimate bridal chambers. The consequences are that we become joined to the wrong person.

A manifestation cannot violate scriptures that relate to Who God is – His nature. Man’s lower nature is carnal, or as the Greek language puts it – “the animal nature”. If one manifests this animal nature then our response should always be the scriptural response of deliverance must take place. Luke 9:49-50 - “And John answered and said, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name; and we forbad him, because he followeth not with us. And Jesus said unto him, forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us.” There are those that do not let you practice this verse in their revival services. We should not forbid those who are more mature to cast out devils from those in a revival that manifest devils. This mixture cannot become unmixed if we ignore it or we are just plain ignorant of it. Jesus requires us to be priests that have a nose (discernment) to smell the difference between the sweet incense of the presence of Jesus and the stench of the wrong spices. We must also be priests that have a nose to smell the strange fire that results from the wrong mixture of spices. If one manifests the “strange fire” that comes from mixture then our response for these manifestations should be “to minister deliverance” – in love if the Spirit permits.

Even more danger comes from manifestations that were obviously from the animal nature, called by immature Christians – Godly manifestations. Calling that which is darkness - Light is just as bad as calling Light – darkness - both are error. Therefore the purpose of this chapter is to keep this mistake from happening in your own walk with the Lord. NOTE: These improper mixtures however are not indicative of all revival services.

Scriptural Responses

Heb 2:3-4

how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? After it was at the first spoken through the Lord, it was confirmed to us by those who heard, God also bearing witness with them, both by signs and wonders and by various miracles and by gifts of the Holy Spirit according to His own will. (NAS)

How can we scripturally accept any manifestation in our church services? Scriptures teach “signs and wonders” and that is all that is needed to stand on the authority of the word. Hear what I am saying here, it is scriptural to have a miracle - every time. A person that has a sign and wonder or a gift is also scriptural every time – therefore we have scriptural authority to HAVE THEM. However the source of the miracle or sign – still may not be under God’s authority and initiative. Therefore we do not have to go looking in the scriptures to find out whether there was someone that fell down backwards after a minister laid hands on them - RECORDED IN SCRIPTURES. It was a sign, a wonder - Hebrews 2:3-4 is what you stand on. Does the "pro-revival manifestation camp" respond with this simple scripture? Not at all, since their activities were questioned they respond out of the pride that was touched. I have witnessed carnal debate after carnal debate - this God despises. It is eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil on both sides. Many times we stand on the sidelines listening to all these debates and we say to ourselves “who is right”. Jesus says, “I AM”!

When one debates like this, by what authority do these debates stand on? Instead of Jesus’ authority we see a debate that makes arguments using church history or church tradition as their source. Using authorities such as church history or church tradition to justify a sign and wonder is of the flesh. You can see God's dealings; God's hand in church history and that is the purpose for it. Never use church history as a pattern to experience and believe from! God gave us scripture for the purpose to pattern our lives with. BUT REMEMBER THIS – scripture is never to be handled with the motive to “prove your case”. This is using scripture apart from relationship, not subjected to His authority. If you feel the need to DEFEND yourself by finding a suitable verse in response to attacks… then you are responding out of the soulish, natural man – not the spiritual man. What has happened is, PRIDE was attacked, and pride always wants to respond in defense of itself instead of dying. In searching for scriptures to defend ourselves from those who have criticized us, we have mishandled scriptures; we have made ourselves lord over the Word instead of being totally subjected to teach only Jesus and Him crucified. Pride has remained in all those that make defense in this manner. There is a defense of the Gospel but signs, wonders, gifts are not to be defended – they are the proof of the Gospel, if indeed the Gospel of Jesus is being preached.

Let Us Discern

It is quite foolish to think that we cannot be introduced to counterfeits. The scripture clearly teaches lying signs and wonders as well as true signs and wonders. This is what many Christians like to do. We go to a meeting and see revival manifestations and we either categorically accept them ALL as being from God or categorically reject ANY from being of God. Why is this? Because it is the spiritually mature man who must discern all things. One minister at a recent revival told his audience that if you are born again then you CANNOT BE DECEIVED. He continued his teaching “to allow anything that they were feeling… to happen because you have nothing to worry about, God will not give you a stone.” No doubt some felt relieved because of this teaching, it released them from the responsibility entrusted to them, and yet they were being deceived as he taught them that they could not be deceived. The reason we lack the discernment is because we are frightened of the responsibility of growing up. God is returning for a “mature church” and a “nation of priests” and those who forfeit “adulthood” and “priesthood” will in the last days respond to affliction as a baby – literally crying instead of laughing.

We have said that it is scriptural to have a “revival manifestation” because of the scriptures that relate to “signs and wonders” - does that mean that you are in the clear? Does responsibility end there? No. We must now discern and test these spirits. John specifically taught Christians to TEST THE SPIRITS because they had the ability to receive a counterfeit spirit. There are a lot of spirits out there but only one of them is God, and none of them can usually be physically discerned unless it relates to clear demon possession such as screams, abuse of the body, and other clear cut signs. I have seen in these last days, “demon possession” manifestations which leaders were calling revival manifestations. In these cases the immaturity of the leader may include God pouring out a “spirit of deep sleep” upon the person as Isaiah declares in Chapter 29, verses 9 and 10. Again you cannot call darkness – Light.

Isa 5:20

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

I Jn 4:1

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

Concerning the discernment of these revival manifestations, it does not matter what sign is manifested, it does not matter if it is in the Bible or not, we have to test it! For example, Jesus turned over the moneychangers and we know it was done in the right spirit. Would you follow His example? It is listed in the scripture, isn’t it? You would not follow it quickly. Why? Because you are convinced that to do so could only be done with the right spirit. You also know that to do so in the wrong spirit would have painful consequences. You may observe those that commercialize the church and the Gospel but we do not thrust them out because we could only do so in the Power of His might - at His bidding and not ours. This is the point; when it comes to a sign and wonder we tend to abandon the same criteria. Why? Because we lack the fear of God. We do not grieve when God tells us to turn right and we turn left instead. We may find that when we did not obey Him in a matter - we failed to feel sorrow that leads to repentance. We presume something is of God before weighing it before Him at His throne. We assume that this is a sign of His because the minister said that it was. In fact everyone seemed to accept it - it must be God. On the other hand “anti-manifestation” brothers will assume it is not God because it does not fit their view, their doctrine, and their knowledge of Who Jesus is. All of this grieves God. His Spirit is a grieving Spirit even though some of us think that He only laughs.

What grieves God more is this - we find it easier to jump into the "flow" then to jump into the Word of God being preached in Power. We want Power in the form of what we can feel instead of the Power that can come forth from God's true prophets in revelation of the scriptures. There was more Power in Peter's message, in Stephen's message then anything you could ever feel in a revival. If you desire to "feel" more than hearing the present Truth that can come forth from servants like Stephen, then there is a serious problem. I have experienced Power in the touch of God's hand - in the form of a bodily tangible power. I have experienced Power in the Word from those that preached with revelation - the latter will always be my desire even though I would never refuse the former. The Power in the Word of God when preached can open the heavens. It sure did for Stephen as he had the opportunity to lay down his life. There is a danger when the Manna from heaven is “not enough” for us anymore. We sing, “we want more”, we pray for God to “send us the power” – in reality this can be dissatisfaction for His Manna – His words. Instead we will get quail, it will taste good for a moment, but death will come afterwards.

Num 11:31-34

Now a wind went out from the LORD and drove quail in from the sea. It brought them down all around the camp to about three feet above the ground. All that day and night and all the next day the people went out and gathered quail. But while the meat was still between their teeth and before it could be consumed, the anger of the LORD burned against the people, and he struck them with a severe plague. There they buried the people who had craved other food. (NIV)

Test your motives when desiring power in a revival meeting. Let me also provoke your thinking in this story of the quail. The children of Israel were sick of (manna) from God. This would be a type of us being sick of the Word of God and teachings from the pulpit. The children of Israel lusted for meat from God (something God was not ready to give at the present time). This would be a “type” for those of us that lust for the power of God (that God is not giving right now). Quail came down to the children of Israel. Who sent the quail? Was it the enemy? No, it was God Who sent the quail. Our admonition is this, if we lust for the power of God that God is not sending at the present time – He may still send you the power. You may want to feel the power and God may be saying, “be content with the manna”. But the power in the manna is not satisfying you anymore so you want MORE. God may send “more”, you may receive that “more” and while it is between your teeth – His anger will be kindled against you. Surely God will send meat in His time and it is a good thing but those who crave something that God is not giving at this moment - have rejected Him.

Num 11:20

but for a whole month-- until it comes out of your nostrils and you loathe it-- because you have rejected the LORD (NIV)

Again we must test the spirits before jumping into the "flow". Now comes even more difficulty, the manifestation in a person in a meeting can be of carnal influence and the same type of manifestation in another that is standing nearby to them will be of the Spirit of God. Some revivalists lack the discerning to help you in this matter or are afraid to quench the spirit. You must discern for yourself! Remember that bitter and sweet water flows from the same well. This is the characteristic of immaturity. Many times God will meet a believer at a revival meeting in spite of everything else that may be occurring – NOT OF GOD. Categorically rejecting or accepting a revival manifestation can lead to error. The wisdom of Jesus dictates that you should not be caught on any side, you should test EVERY spirit behind EVERY revival manifestation that CONCERNS YOU. In saying these things we can become fearful of even receiving meat that God IS GIVING. This also is not the wisdom of God. Being fearful is not “fear of God” - it is a substitute. The fear of God works arm in arm with faith. You simply have faith that you are God’s priest and God is faithful to give you the nose of discernment to smell the difference between the incense with the “God ordered mixture” and the incense that smells more like “embalming fluid”, a product of death. God will give you the nose, God will give you the wisdom to respond correctly, and God always gives you the walk of mercy that responds like Jesus when confronted with evil.

Some will respond to discernment by saying “we will know them by their fruits”. But, we are “fruit checkers” for the purpose of discerning false apostles and ministers and not for revival manifestations. Many times God may visit someone at a revival but that same person when tested will fall away. In other times a “revival manifestation” will occur that is not God and yet that person bears fruit; not because of the manifestation but because they hid the Word of God in their heart and when tested they clung to Jesus in unswerving faith in His Word. The fruit does not prove the manifestation; it is the Word that was planted on good soil that bore fruit. Sometimes a revival manifestation might be God but the individual may lack control over their spirit. Proverbs 25:28 says “He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.” The lack of control will bring reproach upon the gospel of our Lord instead of a witness in His Name. We have this saying of how we sometimes “get filled with the Holy Spirit and we kiss our brains goodbye”. God gives us wisdom and this includes practical wisdom, and Proverbs is filled with practical wisdom from heaven.

There is much confusion in the church concerning revival manifestations. Remember that the spirit of debate is called a “work of the flesh”. Do not enter into it. Do not get distracted by what others are doing. There is a danger on both sides of the fence in this issue and it is a test of spiritual thinking that will prevent you from getting in a place of blindness. It is also a test that will see if we can love the body of Christ to the point to where we can have faith that the “other part of the body” will overcome just like God had mercy on us to overcome. THIS ISSUE IS A TEST OF RESPONSES! Can you believe that others that lack discernment will obtain discernment just like you have received? Some will fall away, but don’t you become the reason that they fell away. Your response to the undiscerning is a test of how much of the character of Jesus you really possess. Spiritually speaking, these undiscerning brothers and sisters are still the family of God, the body of Christ, and the promise land. If we go to the promise land as God’s witness we cannot ignore the giants in the land and yet simultaneously we must SEE THEM AS DEFEATED! Do you see a lack of discernment in others as a giant that by faith is defeated? Our chapter on “Test of Responses” is very important in how we deal with those lacking discernment.

In discernment, as God’s priest we can swerve from the truth just as well as those that are the subject of our discernment. If we simply stand on the sidelines with arms crossed in a defensive posture then we can be in error that is much worse than the ones we are trying to discern. For instance, in our priesthood we are never led by the Spirit to enter into a "river" (an anointing) that you do not “SEE God” in, you cannot dive in, until you know that you have heaven's approval, this is good. Jesus told Peter to come and walk on the water, Peter responded through Jesus permission. This response of not leaving the boat until you know that you have Jesus’ permission is called the fear of God. This is a good thing. You are to be commended if that is your response; it is a response of maturity. However the danger comes when you sit on the sidelines in discernment and become like Michal, Saul’s daughter, David’s wife, who was seen looking out of a window while her beloved David was dancing in the streets; the wife responded to that dancing in - despising David and also the event. We must fear God that we do not despise the “David” of our revival. We are wed to others in the body and we can fall into this trap.

Michal’s story is one of tragedy; she and her “first love” (David) were married but because David's life was in danger Michal helped David to escape out a window from David’s enemy – Saul, her own father. This was a window of deliverance that Michal provided for her love. After David was gone, Michal’s father gave her to another man and they were married. Later on David made an agreement with Abner to get her back. Though David got her physically back, Michal’s heart was with her current husband who followed her and wept as Michal was being taken away. If we provide the “window of deliverance” for others, we are demonstrating the “first love”. This is what Michal did for her beloved David. When we go to services with our brethren we must always offer them the window of deliverance so that they may escape the enemy's hand. Michal now stood at the window for a second time, this time it was to despise her husband who was dancing before the Lord.

Now, If we “fall out of love” with our brethren then we will provide the “window of despising”. At first we may have led them to the Lord, got them delivered, but now we think they are mixed up in that “dancing thing” or that “rejoicing thing” or you fill in the blank. It is not wrong to “not participate”. If you are not sure it is God then you should not participate, especially on the word of another, you must bear witness within. The danger is that you do not participate and you despise the “David”. On that day David was dancing before the ark, he was uncovered. The openness of others can offend us if we look through the wrong window. David shouted, He leaped – he was literally ecstatic over the “ark of presence” returning to Israel. When Jesus returns as the Ark of Presence – there will be a similar response “in our flesh” for the “King of kings”. In other words when Jesus is on the verge of returning, when He shows up - we will go ballistic.

The consequence of Michal’s attitude was BARRENNESS! If we stand in the “window of despising” we shall become a barren people. It is said that every new move of God is persecuted by the previous move of God. The previous move were an open people, they sat in the window of deliverance, but now they despise the new wine that God is giving because it does not work with the wineskin that they have formed for so many years. Their wineskin did not possess hilarity and therefore the Spirit of God has no place to laugh in their service. One must toss the old wineskin when all its wine has been used up or it will seek to despise God’s new wineskin along with its new wine. What was David’s response in all of this?

2 Sam 6:21

And David said unto Michal, It was before the LORD, which chose me before thy father, and before all his house, to appoint me ruler over the people of the LORD, over Israel: therefore will I play before the LORD.

Now in saying these things, does that mean that with the “new wineskin” and the “new wine” - that anything goes? Not at all, whatever response you give, it must be “before the Lord” as David declared. There is a time for dancing and there is a time for mourning, for soberness. When I am at home I may feel more like dancing, when I am in the church with my brethren I may feel like mourning because I see the “works of Satan” that have yet to be broken. We are all different but we must not be resistant to change our mourning into dancing and our dancing into mourning. We must not be resistant to toss our present wineskin for HIS PRESENT WINESKIN. You may be in the current “new wine” with God’s “new wineskin order” and tomorrow will be used temporarily of the enemy to attack God’s newer wine and newer wineskin. This is a principle that if you see, it will help you in the days to come.

If you are in a situation where you do not have to deal with revival manifestations - do not focus on them. Simply preach Jesus and Him crucified and He will expose the "hidden thing". If you are a participant in a revival manifestations then always fear God. Especially fear God when the manifestation has any "bizarre" nature to it. If it is of a "slight" nature then do not allow the "fear of man" to interfere, God will not fall off His throne because we happen to fall down when we are prayed for - it should not be an issue. It should not be something that can offend another brother. The thing that is important is what happens the following week when you get up. If you are disrupting the order of a service then you must know that you know – it is God. If the Pastor disagrees than it most likely was not God and you should remain teachable and not be offended. House rules for a church service are much like house rules when you are invited over to eat at one’s house. If their custom is to take your shoes off when you enter their house, submit and take your shoes off. If the custom of a particular church is to not interrupt a service, obey that house rule. Ask permission from the head of the house if you need to make an exception to the house rule. Most disruption is because of a lack of control over one’s own spirit, not necessarily because it was a demonic unction or rebellion. Yet Satan still has his hand in the matter by blinding us to the wisdom of “controlling our own spirit”.

Some things are more easily discerned because of God’s Way in a matter, for instance if one is preaching with the power of God – only Satan would interrupt, God’s Way is focused upon His Word. Signs and wonders follow the Word, maybe precede the word but should never interrupt the word. There are no exceptions here unless the minister was not preaching in power. It has been said that a revival manifestation should interrupt certain ministers because they were not speaking from heaven. If the minister is not preaching in power then he should abase himself before God for failing the call. There are no exceptions; the Word preached in Power is the most important element of any Christian service. The reason many people would rather see signs and wonders is because of the lack of power and present truth displayed in the message.

God has set a table for you, do not desire something not set on the table and do not refuse something He has set on the table for you to eat. How do you know what He wants you to eat? If you will abide in Jesus, learning and DOING His sayings then He changes your cravings for what is set on His table. Let us say one goes to a revival meeting but habitually rejects the life of daily abiding in the vine; his cravings will be amiss. Though he may ask of the Father and believes it to be bread, it may be a serpent because he knows not the true Jesus in a daily abiding. If you are abiding daily in the vine then you are able to test the spirits because God had changed your craving on the inside of you. You may be able to exhibit an outward manifestation based on the Holy Spirit’s operation on the inside and it is totally God whether it fits someone’s doctrine or not. On the other hand you would be able to reject something that is contrary in a moment because its source is unlike the source you daily draw from. In other words, because you draw from His nature the result is that you know and have become His nature – THAT IS THE OBJECT THAT YOU COMPARE TO. That is how you test the spirits, you compare the nature of that which is manifesting with the nature that you KNOW, then there is no confusion in these matters; then the opinion of man, pro or con, matters not. The bottom line is - deception is prevalent where abiding in Jesus and His words are absent. Abiding in Jesus means you relate to Him, you learn of Him and you obey Him.

God is pouring out His New Wine with New Wineskins; there will be the final wine and a final wineskin as well. The true church will come to a place where she is no longer a wrong mixture, she will become the anointing of the Lord mixture, or she will become a mixture that the scripture calls an abomination. I trust that you have received life and wisdom that will edify you to become THE ANOINTING OF THE LORD.


 2009/6/27 8:56Profile

Joined: 2007/11/3
Posts: 33
New York

 Re: Balanced Teaching on Revival Manifestations - John Lucas

I still think some of the scripture used was twisted to make his point. New wine into new wine skins is a reference to Old/New covenants to show the new way of reaching God through Christ.

Revival manifestations seem to be more of a ploy of the devil to cause divisions in the church as well as create group pride and prejudice; not to mention the fact that it takes away from preaching time.

Signs and Wonders are generally the 'That's obviously G-d' - IE - writing on the wall, an entire camp of men slaughtered over night, blind men seeing, etc.

If our version of signs and wonders has become men falling over laughing uncontrollably, waiting to 'fall over', knocking our heads against pews, etc. then we've clearly lost our way.

Look upward, inward and outward; anything else is a distraction.


 2009/6/28 23:47Profile

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