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 The Old Paths. Success or transformation?The battle with the emergent church.

"Those from among you
Shall build the old waste places;
You shall raise up the foundations of many generations;
And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach,
The Restorer of Streets to Dwell In.” ISAIAH, 58;12"

This is the spirit of the remnant that has always been on the Earth, both in the old world of Adam through Noah, through the Patriarchs, and beyond the Apostles until even now. The spirit of God is beckoning the Bride of Christ to be holy, chaste, and devoted to her husband, the Lord Jesus Himself, Jahweh the Son.

The problem we have is that to accomplish such a thing, as give ourselves to the Lord, to possess Him as He possesses us, is that there is a death in it, a relinquishing of ourselves and every thing attached to ourselves. This was the nature of Abraham’s testing with his beloved Isaac. Jesus said ; IF any man come after me, let him DENY his self, PICK UP HIS CROSS!…..[ die, die, die!] [daily, daily, daily] and follow me. Most of us, you see, didn’t sign up to suffer and die; we signed up to be blessed…you know, get the kinks out of your marriage and finances, have sweeter, happier kids, and generally hold to the maxim, “Your at your best; when your blessed!” ” Your best life now!”..and of course; “the purpose driven life”…[ the purpose being “to be all you can be!”…..[ I think of Satan trying to usurp the throne from the Father, as he was crawling up the holy mount in heaven, repeating over and over to himself, working up the nerve to attack Him and his angels……”Now Lucifer, you got to be all you can be! be all you can be! be all you can be!”

It’s called ambition folks! the twin sister of Pride! Is that the will of God for us? have a more fulfilled, successful and power filled life?

It makes perfect sense really, IF you believe that THAT is who God is. Is the gospel and was Jesus’ bloody sacrifice of His life given to make you a better, happier person with a fuller more complete and prosperous life?, or was it given so that you could become a child, an offspring of God Himself? Where is your faith? It is most likely in one or the other of these ideas.

One requires a WAR, a constant and daily fight to overcome yourself, your Nature, and the world it lives in, and the father of it, seen in the shining eyes of Satan himself. Yes, your unregenerated nature is satanic, evil, and “disparately wicked”; so wicked that it is bottomless, for…”none can fathom it”. This is the Bible speaking, the holy writ. Death and suffering to be changed; submission to the holy to be burned; burned beyond recognition, and then you realize that God is in the fire, and that “Our God is a consuming fire!”

It is the only PATH that will change you , to allow you to be conformed to the living image of Jesus of Nazareth. It is the only path that the Christian can travel to be a Christian. The other one will leave you just talking like one, and putting on a costume to be seen as one.

“God looks upon the heart; MAN looks upon outward appearances.”

THE OLD PATHS. Let us take courage.

[ edited for removal of double post paragraphs.]

 2009/6/26 22:05

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