[b]God Save me from myself[/b] [i]by Kevin Turner[/i]
God save me from the love of myself
God save me from love of Praise
God save me from serving you to be rewarded by men
God save me from preaching what others should do and not doing it myself
God save me from Hypocrisy and gossip I call prayer
God save me from ministering in your name but not calling on you by name each day
God save me from work for you and not worshiping towards you
God save me from talking about love for you but not taking time with you
God save me from titles and entitlements
God save me from pleasures that build the flesh but deny your Spirit
God save me from serving you to be well thought of by others
God save me from loving danger more than loving your peace
God save me from griping and complaining about simple things and then talking about sacrifice
God save me from using the Bible to make my point and thereby prove others wrong
God save me from being right all the time
God save me from a sharp tongue and a back biting spirit and calling it quick wittiness
God save me from pride in what I do and not glorying in my weakness
God save from leading by command and not by example
God save me from giving to others while always keeping the best for me
God save me from serving you and taking the glory and the rewards
God save me from using you to further my ministry and my agenda
God save me from praying only for my sins, myself, my work, my ministry, my stuff
God save me from preaching from my heart and not yours
God save me from seeking the lost as a notch on my belt or a bragging point
God save me from trying to be the most spiritual so other around me can be put down
God save me from the pecking order and using leadership as a place of advantage rather than service to others
God save me from looking to men for my provision rather than you
God save me from favoring people based upon what they give or bring to my life
God save me from loving those who love me while flippantly passing by those who have offended me
God save me from hating my enemies and using my friends
God save me from my egotistical knowledge that I use to impress or subdue others
God save me from not loving my wife or my children while running around the world to love others
God save me from having pity on the poor but not compassion
God save me from westernanity and justifying it as Christianity
God save me from using you rather than being used by you
God save me from a critical spirit that I disguise as discernment
God save me from confronting sin in others and not in my own life
God save me from confronting others while being contentious
God save me from giving advice when I simply need to pray
God save me from preaching to others while I neglect you and my own soul
God save me from fear of men while not fearing you God save me from giving with out loving and saying I love without giving
Save me from tithing but boasting or wanting to see you move so others see how great I am
God save me from prostituting you gifts and using you power for my glory
God save me from laziness as I learn more about a television program than your word
God save me from wasting time when time is such a precious gift
God save me from seeking crowds to talk about you and not being alone with you
God save me from pushing my agenda and calling it your will
God save me from boasting about outer freedoms while hiding my secret inner sins
God save me from smooth talking to the powerful and harsh talking to the weak
God save me from thinking more highly of myself and looking out for my needs over others around me
God save me from asking for you power and anointing to impress the listener and trying to hold sway over them
God save me from wanting to be a good preacher and neglecting you hard truths to gain approval from man
God save me from getting my stories that other people suffered for
God save me from the hypocrisy, pride, contention, evil thoughts, lust full thinking, loving of the world and pleasure, boasting in my exploits, bragging about my spirituality all while leaving you in the dust and living from yesterdays Manna
Oh God have Mercy and save me from myself
Kevin J Turner
1. Oh, the bitter pain and sorrow That a time could ever be, When I proudly said to Jesus, All of self, and none of Thee. All of self, and none of Thee, All of self, and none of Thee, When I proudly said to Jesus, All of self, and none of Thee. 2. Yet He found me; I beheld Him Bleeding on th accursed tree, And my wistful heart said faintly, Some of self, and some of Thee. Some of self, and some of Thee, Some of self, and some of Thee, And my wistful heart said faintly, Some of self, and some of Thee. 3. Day by day His tender mercy, Healing, helping, full and free, Brought me lower while I whispered, Less of self, and more of Thee. Less of self, and more of Thee, Less of self, and more or Thee, Brought me lower while I whispered, Less of self, and more of Thee. 4. Higher than the highest heaven, Deeper than the deepest sea, Lord, Thy love at last has conquered: None of self, and all of Thee. None of self, and all of Thee, None of self, and all of Thee, Lord, Thy love at last has conquered: None of self, and all of Thee.
_________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon