Hi Family, today i received an email from Intercessors Network notifying about many brethren around the world who are in serious persecution, most of them in Middle East and Asia. Pray for them brethren. They also sent me many revival quotes that draw me into prayer and weeping before the Lord. May the Lord revive every heart of His people so that a True Revival of the Spirit in changed hearts can be manifested in the Church and spread into the world. Here one great testimony of that revolution of the heart taking place in Iran. Pray for that country brethren.
IRAN: GREEN REVOLUTION PROTESTS FOR FREEDOM In the wake of Irans controversial election results, protesters have taken their dissatisfaction to the streets of Tehran. The country responded by stiffening its deadly stance against protesters, refusing a new vote and expelling diplomats accused of spying. Their actions stepped up what could be the beginning of much worse oppression to come, says Glenn Penner of Voice of the Martyrs Canada. Recent comments by the Iranian government and by the Ayatollah apportioning blame on foreign elements for these mass demonstrations is very concerning. Linking national unrest with international interference has resulted in increasing target of religious minorities, such as Christians. There is a growing church in Iran. Penner says prayer is needed. The situation for Christians worsened under Ahmadinejads previous term of presidency. Thats certainly going to deteriorate in the middle of this political chaos. We certainly need to be remembering our brothers and sisters in prayer during this time. ---------- IRAN: FIVE MORE CHRISTIANS ARRESTED Iranian security forces recently raided an underground church in Karaji and arrested five Muslim converts to Christianity. This is in addition to two women being arrested in March and placed in Evin prison. Jonathan Racho from International Christian Concern says: We believe that the latest arrest shows that there is a spike in persecution against Christians in Iran. Because of these raids, Iranian Christians have to be more careful with when and where they meet. However, It has not stopped Christianity from spreading in Iran. We have information that Christianity is truly spreading like wildfire in Iran. Many Muslims thousands of Muslims are coming to Christ, thanks to the courage of Iranian Christians, who are working very hard to spread the Good News. Pray for this revival among Iranian Muslims to continue. Also pray for the seven arrested Christians safety and release. You can also visit ICCs Web site to sign a petition for the release of the two women and to support ICCs work in Iran.
"The whole history of the Church is one long story of this tendency to settle down on this earth and to become conformed to this world, to find acceptance and popularity here and to eliminate the element of conflict and of pilgrimage. That is the trend and the tendency of everything. Therefore outwardly, as well as inwardly, pioneering is a costly thing." T. Austin Sparks
"Pray that we may enter into that travail of soul with Him. Nothing less is any good. Spiritual children mean travail of soul-spiritual agony." Amy Carmichael
"You must pray with all your might. That does not mean saying your prayers, or sitting gazing about in church or chapel with eyes wide open while someone else says them for you. It means fervent, effectual, untiring wrestling with God. . . This kind of prayer be sure the devil and the world and your own indolent, unbelieving nature will oppose. They will pour water on this flame." William Booth
THE PRESENCE David Wilkerson Recently, four teenage boys told me, You preached in our church last year and it was dead. So we four started a prayer meeting just for us. We wanted to get right with God, to repent and be on fire for Jesus. Our group grew to ten and we helped other fellows get saved. Now were inviting the deacons and pastors to come and pray with us. We really have a changed church. The Lord is there now! A true revival, as I see it, is a restoration of this kind of intense love for Jesus. This love is marked by a new desire to obey His every word, a heart attitude that says, Whatever He says, I will do. Indeed, a revival is a return to obedient love by a people who individually have confessed and forsaken all sin, desiring only to become channels of Christs presence. Revival is embodied in these people. They carry Christs glory and presence with them because His life flows through them at all times.
A REVIVAL MANIFESTO HAB3:2 Our standpoint and the way ahead The revival which by necessity lies ahead, which is prepared and made ready for Gods Zion, for the assembly of the hungry, for the company of the committed, for the solemn gathering of peacemakers, this revival will produce a call to the people of God to represent fullness, the attaining to the measure and stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ, the growing up in all aspects unto Him. The revival which by necessity lies ahead will present the possibility for a renewal of minds and hearts, a putting on of the new self which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth. Its keyword ought to be correspondence, a sacrificial identification with the fundamental purposes of God, a state of being and a mode of operation in which only in which the glory of God may be expected to be seen and experienced. A seven pages document produced by Lars Widerberg
Brothers and sister if you want to support your brethren in other parts of the world trough prayer, the greatest ministry we have, you can subscribe to the Intercessors Network mailing list and receive the short prayer list by sending a request to this addresses: [email protected] [email protected]
Latest mailings on the Urgent Prayer Targets list and the On the Walls-list: May 26 INDIA: CHRISTIANS BREATHE EASIER AFTER ELECTIONS May 26 Aung San Suu Kyi denies charges May 30 AZERBAIJAN: AMENDMENTS THREATEN RELIGIOUS FREEDOM June 06 SHORT NOTES-mailing # 610 June 23 SHORT NOTES-mailing # 611 Sent to you on request.
LOVE Karen
_________________ Karen