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Joined: 2008/4/7
Posts: 797

 Acknowledging God in the affairs of a nation

This is NOT posted to open a conversation on politics.

The importance of acknowledging God in the affairs and governance of any nation, by leaders, is clear in the Bible.

Here is an encouraging step: [url=]Congressman Forbes from Virgina[/url]- a leader to pray for.

 2009/6/23 21:17Profile

Joined: 2007/6/27
Posts: 1573
Omaha, NE

 Re: Acknowledginf God in the affairs of a nation

We need more leaders like Randy Forbes. I would
encourage you to write in support of his resolution
acknowledging Judeo-Christian principles are the
ideals upon which this nation was founded!! ;-)

Martin G. Smith

 2009/6/23 21:39Profile

Joined: 2009/7/2
Posts: 18
Plano, TX

 Re: Acknowledging God in the affairs of a nation

Is he pro-war? Did he vote for the invasion of Iraq "to protect the integrity of the United Nations," as Bush put it? If so, he sends at best a mixed message, but unbelievers will use this as reason to reject Christ. How can you be pro-life and pro-war? See my comments under Re: Obama speech inspires mass Quran distribution (news and Current Events) for more detail.

Most GOP politicians use the church to advance their own political ambitions. Our local Congressman comes to our church before elections and the ministerial staff makes a big fuss of him. It's sickening really.

When interviewed on rightwing talk show radio he comes across as just another Islamic hater and pro-killing machine politician.

I feel sorry for American missionaries in Islamic countries. They must spend half their day apologizing and explaining why you don't have to be Republican to be a Christian.

 2009/7/5 9:28Profile

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