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 The Hidden Christ by Chip Brogden

"Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God" (Matthew 16:16).
Eventually the revelation of Christ moved Peter to make the bold confession that "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God." Jesus did not teach Peter what to say, He merely revealed Himself to Peter. He did not sit down with His disciples and say, "I am the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Now repeat that after Me several times, and I will test you on this in the morning." He did not teach them a catechism or a rosary or a mantra or a confession, He merely revealed Himself to them as He in fact is. They made the confession in due course, having revelation.
The Testimony of Jesus always springs forth from the Revelation of Christ. If we do not have the Revelation then we cannot have the Testimony. That is to say, we cannot bear witness of what we have seen and heard if we have not, in fact, seen or heard anything. We try to get people to confess in order that they may ATTAIN to something, but true confession comes forth naturally after they have OBTAINED it.

 2009/6/23 15:38

 Re: The Hidden Christ by Chip Brogden

I get this article this morning. He has many good articles.

 2009/6/23 17:02

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