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Discussion Forum : Scriptures and Doctrine : The Rhema of God

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Joined: 2009/2/1
Posts: 164

 The Rhema of God

Can anyone shed light on the meaning of the rhema of God? Is this a principle widely held? For some reason, it has just recently come to my attention. Rhema is a Greek word, very similar to logos in meaning.

From all I can gather, this is how God speaks to the individual through the Logos--His Word, and that for every situation or need, His Word will speak directly to that individual. For instance, God will reveal a passage or passages that are His living Word and counsel to that individual for that need. Sometimes it comes through reading, through recall, through a sermon--but God brings it to that individual.

I have had this experience of God's faithfulness to give me specific counsel for a specific time through His Word to address a particular need, weakness, etc. His Word is personal and able to nourish and sustain and encourage. There have been times in my life where He has given me a passage to cling to like a life preserver. Until yesterday, I didn't know there was a word for this.

Any thoughts or comments on this subject?

 2009/6/17 8:51Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534

 Re: The Rhema of God

King David said "Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against Thee." Can't get more basic then this, don't you think?

Jesus informs us He will send the Comforter who will guide you in all things. He will not say anything that will contradict the WORD so it would stand to reason why the WORD will come back to teach us, guide us.

Yes, I know what you are talking about. Whatever word folks have coined to describe this process is irrelevant: the fact that it happens is what is the most important, don't you think?


Sandra Miller

 2009/6/17 9:16Profile

Joined: 2007/8/17
Posts: 116
Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada


Acts 9:10-16 This also is the Rhema word of the Lord, Ananias, would have had a hard time backing this up with scripture, but it doesn't contradict the gospel.

Just more food for thought.

Love in Christ tom

Tom weighill

 2009/6/17 9:41Profile

Joined: 2008/4/7
Posts: 797

 Re: The Rhema of God

Here is a link to a broadcast TODAY on the subject of logos and rhema. Kinda timely as I read this post. Remember, don't follow man [David Jeremiah] follow God. Sounds like you can trust the Spirit of God in you about these questions.

[url=]The link[/url] He is doing a series on Warfare (listen on line 06/17). Today and tomorrow will be on the sword of the Spirit.

 2009/6/17 13:31Profile

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