I feel like for several years there has been much cursing the darkness in the messages and things we have heard in trying to see revival, but I sense a totally different direction from the Holy Spirit in what God is doing with Sermonindex and in revival ministry. He is shining the Light. He is revealing Himself and His grace and I really feel like God has done a work. I am so very very encouraged. Beloved we need God's grace. We need His loving kindness and to share that loving kindness with each other and this world. I thank God for it.
_________________Robert Wurtz II
Another thought beloved, is that I really think we need to get our eyes on Christ so that we stop allowing the sin of this wicked age to anger us to the point of having a bad spirit. Maybe I'm just talking to myself here, but we cannot allow the sins of this world to anger us until we don't have the loving kindness of God, etc. and we lose our compassion. The focus has to change. Sure, the world is getting very very wicked and that should vex us from day to day, but we cannot allow it to poison our compassion until the world only hears what sounds like angry Christians.
A gal testified a moment ago that she feels like for the first time that she believes God 'really' loves her. That really moves me because revivalism can strip us of our realization that God really really does love us. A million hell fire messages cannot touch the testimony this young girl just gave.
You're a good Brother Robert. I've enjoyed your messages [url=https://www.sermonindex.net/modules/articles/index.php?view=category&cid=113]here.[/url] Looking forward to meeting you & your wife one fine day.Amen - we won't let this world cause us to have our love to wax cold. We must keep a guard on our hearts, right to the end.I'd like to recommend a book to download, that you probably have already read - but I feel it goes along with the feel of this post-conference reflecting - just for our own assurance - for all of our lives, for the days ahead as well.[url=http://web.archive.org/web/20071202165435/www.benisrael.org/writings/online_books/spirit_of_truth/sot_contents.html]"The Spirit of Truth"[/url] Praising GOD for all He's done to bring us all this far.GOD Bless you and all here with His Love & Truth.He [i]is[/i] both - Amen.
I've enjoyed your messages here.Looking forward to meeting you & your wife one fine day.
Prov 24:2121 My son, fear thou the LORD and the king: and meddle not with them that are given to change:KJVDan 7:2525 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.KJV_________________________This world-system uses ~change~ is want you to speak more on the physical of man (his carnal nature) i.e. "How do you ~feel~" or "What do you think". That ~change~ is "not" of the Testimony of Jesus Christ but of the world-system (also of The Apostate Church).