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HomeFree89 Member

Joined: 2007/1/21 Posts: 797 Indiana
| George Tiller Murdered | | Very sad....
"WICHITA, Kan. (May 31) - Dr. George Tiller, who remained one of the nation's few providers of late-term abortions through decades of protests and attacks, was shot and killed Sunday in a church where he was serving as an usher and his wife was in the choir.
The gunman fled, but a 51-year-old suspect was arrested some 170 miles away in suburban Kansas City three hours after the shooting, Wichita Deputy Police Chief Tom Stolz said."
For the whole story click [url=]here[/url]. _________________ Jordan
2009/5/31 20:05 | Profile |
poet Member

Joined: 2007/2/16 Posts: 231 Longview WA
| Re: George Tiller Murdered | | Pray that his family gets saved. Do we feel it ironic that an abortin doctor was serving in a church? Can you imagine him standing before the Lord and saying but Lord, I attended church and was an usher, you have to let me in. This statement is so shocking from the news
*Quote* The slaying of the 67-year-old doctor is "an unspeakable tragedy," his widow, four children and 10 grandchildren said in statement issued by Monnat. "This is particularly heart-wrenching because George was shot down in his house of worship, a place of peace." The family said its loss "is also a loss for the city of Wichita and women across America. George dedicated his life to providing women with high-quality health care despite frequent threats and violence." End Quote: Arent children supposed to be in a safe place of peace before they get a visit from this Doctor? who provides women with high quality health care. The babies I guess aren't deserving of health care. We are truly in the last days when we say right is wrong and wrong is right. We have no righteousness to reflect their corruption, even in a church that carries the name of Christ.... I'm sorrowful because this man had to die without Jesus Christ as his savior, is our preaching so bad anymore and the lack of power in our churches got to the level that we no longer feel the prick in our hearts, the conviction of sin. He never was brought to the place in his life to feel he needed to confess and repent of his iniquities, and people who name the name of Christ just shake his hand and say we love you but never warn him of the pit he is about to fall into. Ezekiel 3. How can a church full of people who claim to know the Lord not warn this man he is about to go to hell? I honestly believe the Lord is waiting for HIS people to pray like they have never prayed before./ I am talking of myself. God please empower us to witness, and to be vehicles of your presence to convict the world with your word, to bring men to repentance. _________________ howard
2009/5/31 20:16 | Profile |
ginnyrose Member

Joined: 2004/7/7 Posts: 7534 Mississippi
| Re: | | I agree - this is a tragedy. But is this more so then the one he was perpetrating? I can not and will not justify the murderer, but Tiller had killed a whole lot more people then this guy... Both terribly sad.
How can a church full of people who claim to know the Lord not warn this man he is about to go to hell?
It happens when this body of people no longer follow the LORD but are merely a social club. I am also told of an abortionist in Tuscaloosa, AL who is well loved by his community and church...Hey! These fellows know how to play the PR game: they are experts and the Enemy assists them. But take heart, there are former abortionists who have repented and they do help to restore ones faith that these folks are not beyond redeeming by the Holy Spirit.
Yes, when I read this about Tiller, I was saddened...
ginnyrose _________________ Sandra Miller
2009/5/31 21:33 | Profile |
repentcanada Member

Joined: 2005/5/9 Posts: 659
| Re: | | The Church and preachers are very responsible for the abortion killings in America and Canada.
Where are the preachers of righteousness to preach against this wickedness which has killed tens of millions in our land?
For one, churches that are 501c3 (tax receipt issuing "businesses" of the state or province) are linked up arm and arm with the government and are their hirelings and are scared to speak against sins of abortion, homosexuality, etc. |
2009/6/1 18:24 | Profile |
Compton Member

Joined: 2005/2/24 Posts: 2732
| Re: | | A few weeks ago we felt a chill in the air as we read a government report profiling right-wing pro-lifers as potential terrorist candidates. Some of us expressed feelings of betrayal and injury by what seemed unfair characterizations. We even wondered if we were beginning to see the early signs of state intolerance towards conservative Christians.
This murder of Dr. Tiller is a justification of the concerns of that government report.
Now what we need to do in this situation is not 'denounce' murder in the abstract, while at the same time consoling ourselves in this one case by calling attention to Tillers abortion record. We cannot express any empathy, supply any rationale, or derive any benefit from some angry man who thought he could be John Brown, walk into a church with a gun, and play the hand of God.
Because many in the public will wrongly link this man's cause to the Gospel, we cannot be ambivalent whatsoever in our hatred for his lawless violence. It is violence not only towards a man, but also towards the scriptures which say without equivocation that murder is a terrible sin. Our unanimous rejection of this vigilantism should be heard around the country and the world without a single qualifier or softener.
MC _________________ Mike Compton
2009/6/1 19:49 | Profile |
tjservant Member

Joined: 2006/8/25 Posts: 1658 Indiana USA
| Re: | | Found this article interesting:
[url=]George Tiller is Dead: For Whom Shall we Mourn?[/url] _________________ TJ
2009/6/1 20:18 | Profile |
repentcanada Member

Joined: 2005/5/9 Posts: 659
| Re: | | quote from above link from tjservant:
"Tiller the Killer is dead. Who will mourn for this man? Perhaps the bigger question is this: Who will mourn for the more than 60,000 babies that Dr. George Tiller brutally murdered in the most horrific manner imaginable over his lengthy career as Americas most notorious provider of late-term abortions? |
2009/6/1 21:35 | Profile |
repentcanada Member

Joined: 2005/5/9 Posts: 659
| Re: George Tiller Murdered | | The man who killed Tiller, is now a murderer - Yes. But I respect that he did something. Did you read the above article? HE KILLED 60,000 children in his "career". Women from allover America flocked to this pristine city of Wichita, Kansas to kill their babies. The man who killed Tiller rescued children from being killed today in Wichita, Kansas.
What has the church done over this matter? How many tears and loud prayers have you offered before God? My response has been basically nothing, other than some rantings. This will change.
How many churches in America stood arm and arm with Obama? How many stood by idle as Bush did nothing to end the killing of children?
In Canada, alledgedly our prime minister is a Christian. Abortion flows freely, and basically without any outcry. The church and its ministers do not care.
A final question, if your next door neighbour was killing children on a regular basis in his basement, and the authorities would not enter his house (much less do anything about it) when you told them - what would you do? What would your response be? |
2009/6/1 21:58 | Profile |
ginnyrose Member

Joined: 2004/7/7 Posts: 7534 Mississippi
| Re: | | Quote:
Our unanimous rejection of this vigilantism should be heard around the country and the world without a single qualifier or softener.
It is being done, MC. I have had a lot of emails reporting the denouncing of this murder by pro-life organizations and pro-life activists.
ginnyrose _________________ Sandra Miller
2009/6/1 22:08 | Profile |
Friedrick Member

Joined: 2004/8/19 Posts: 136 Nicaragua
| Re: George Tiller Murdered | | A guest speaker on Wretched Raido with Todd Friel made some good comments about the murder.
This link will only be good for today: [url=]Radio[/url] _________________ Joshua
2009/6/1 22:30 | Profile |