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Discussion Forum : Scriptures and Doctrine : Ten Reasons To Not Ask Jesus Into Your Heart By Todd Friel

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No one preached or led me to the Lord, the Holy Spirit came in, when I came to the end of myself.

Thanks Tom for that word. That's how the LORD came to me as well or I should say, drew me.

I was reading the living bible at 15 when things changed for the better. I wept all the way through that bible soaking up every line and I remember crying out to God to save me.

I wept last night when I wrote my last post to think that anyone of these little ones reading Todd's message the thought of seeing them question their salvation was unbearable. I've stumbled all my life and Jesus has proven to be that Faithful One, that altogether Lovely One. I would never trade that for anything, for each time that I failed, I turned to Him again. He is the Saviour, He is the God. Holiness to the LORD.

 2009/6/1 9:05



DeepThinker wrote:

Peter told the first believers to repent and be baptized and they would receive the Holy Spirit. That was the formula it seemed until Peter met Cornilius when the Holy Ghost came upon them WHILE THEY HEARD THE WORD PREACHED. And it didn't say anything there that they repented or called out to God to save them, and they were baptized in water AFTER their conversion, so the formula was changed.

Amen - and the thief on the Cross got saved how?

These folks with "methods" of sharing The Glad Tidings upset me inside very much.

Jesus had No Method. He was led by the Holy Spirit and 'knew' the person who He was speaking to before they even opened their mouths.

GOD FORBID we resort to methods!

To say that the Only way to share the Gospel is to say "Repent" - which means to, Turn from your sins --- is IMPOSSIBLE to an unsaved person.

They must first be told the Good News - be "willing" to turn from, [as best as they understand] "sin" and be 'willing' to count the cost of asking The LORD to actually enter their lives in submission to Him before they can "TURN" from their sins by the power of the indwelling Spirit.
If they could turn from their sins before regeneration, why did Jesus die and then send His Spirit to indwell us?

Jesus, John the baptist and Peter could say "repent" to that Religious crowd, because they KNEW the Law - but to tell people now-a-days to "repent" before they are regenerated, when the Holy Spirit truly convicts of what "sin" is, is just as cruel of a statement as telling those who have been saved for years that they're Not saved, because of the "method" they were won by.

Jesus used NO METHODS and forgive me if that teaching bothers me completely.

I've never witnessed to the unsaved by asking them to "ask Jesus into their hearts", but if anyone tells me that they have "asked Jesus into their heart", I'd say PRAISE GOD. It's the fruit of their lives that will bear out whether one is truly regenerated or not, regardless of HOW they submitted to Him initially.

Methods are NOT the way the Holy Spirit worked through-out Jesus' ministry. Nor any of His Apostles. They walked by the leading of His Spirit and dealt with each individual by "knowledge" from His Spirit.

'Methods' are killing evanglization and truly making Christians look very very bad and Un-doing "the witness" to the world. Those out there doing methods or screaming in the streets for the gentiles to "repent" are ruining Jesus' Name to the world.

As Art Katz said, YOU must have that living - 'hearing' relationship with Him before you are "sent". You must "be" first.

How dare anyone pervert the Gospel with "methods".

We should have such a walk with Him that His Spirit is heard and we only say what He reveals to us to say - just "as Jesus Did".

These "evangelists" need to come to HIM as a little child that know Nothing and know that they can DO Nothing without His Spirit.
As a little child, listening to His Voice and He "will" reveal an individual's need or life before they open their mouths and He Will tell the evangelizer what to say to them! Read about it in His Word.

 2009/6/1 15:25

Joined: 2008/6/19
Posts: 1330



Jesus-is-GOD wrote:

Jesus had No Method. He was led by the Holy Spirit and 'knew' the person who He was speaking to before they even opened their mouths.

GOD FORBID we resort to methods!

To say that the Only way to share the Gospel is to say "Repent" - which means to, Turn from your sins --- is IMPOSSIBLE to an unsaved person.

They must first be told the Good News - be "willing" to turn from, [as best as they understand] "sin" and be 'willing' to count the cost of asking The LORD to actually enter their lives in submission to Him before they can "TURN" from their sins by the power of the indwelling Spirit.
If they could turn from their sins before regeneration, why did Jesus die and then send His Spirit to indwell us?

Thank you for your outstanding post! I thank my God for how this thread has finally turn out.

Brethren, it is clear from scripture that the disciples were told to tarry in Jerusalem until they were endued with power from being filled with the Holy Spirit.

The book of Acts tells us how the disciples presented the gospel to the people. Every where they went they preached Jesus Christ and How he was crucified for the sin of all people. They wanted people to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and what He did for them. Those who heard were told to repent and be baptized. Those who truly believed were baptized.

Telling people to repent without first telling them about Jesus Christ and Him dying for our sins is like trying to take bone away from a dog when that is all he's got, believe me he won't like you to well.

The gospel is the good news. We must make the good news of Jesus Christ so real to people that they will receive the conviction and enablement of the Holy Spirit that will cause them to be able to repent and trust in Christ as their Lord & Savior.

Blessings to you!

 2009/6/1 17:21Profile

Joined: 2008/8/13
Posts: 742


Throw the scriptures at me and tell me that Jesus is the only way...I know. But we all obviously listen to sermons and these sermons are contradicting.

Thus, the tear...the rip and the pain. Sorry if I caused tension by posting this article.

We understand, though it doesn't need to be that way, I believe we need to talk about this topic at times for the edification of the body.

My respect to the author of the article is not really lost, no intent to discredit his personality is meant, there are just statements which we are very cautious.

I believe there are declarations and statements that belong only to God or that we must respectfully leave to Him alone.

On the otherhand, I also believe, very strong warnings and diligent exhortations are really much needed in our time where so much is so deceiving and so enticing.

Blessings to you brother.

 2009/6/1 21:00Profile



passerby wrote:

...I believe we need to talk about this topic at times for the edification of the body.

...I also believe, very strong warnings and diligent exhortations are really much needed in our time where so much is so deceiving and so enticing.


I agree. Where is that balance?

 2009/6/1 23:59


I believe the balance comes from praying diligently and whole-heartedly for the mind of Christ. For His heart and to have His eyes for mankind.
To ask Him to show us through His Word how He walked in total dependence on the Father, through the Spirit and not by methods made by man that compensate for the lack of their depending on the complete leaning on His Spirit.

That's where "the cost" lies. It's much easier to depend on other men or methods than to work to know the mind of GOD Himself.
That would take dying to "what we want to do."
Or our plans or desires.

Study Jesus. Just study Jesus.

I just now finished listening to this message and if you can't feel the love for individuals in this - then maybe listen to it a second time.
I did.
Reminds me of that song, "Give me Your eyes" - and we add, and Your heart and Your mind - YOUR LOVE for every soul on earth - Your creations.

LORD Bless us this way -

[url=]You Can Cause Angels To Shout![/url]


 2009/6/2 1:05


the link doesn't work

 2009/6/2 1:24



Jesus-is-GOD wrote:
To ask Him to show us through His Word how He walked in total dependence on the Father, through the Spirit and not by methods made by man that compensate for the lack of their depending on the complete leaning on His Spirit.

thus your point in a faulty link ;-)

 2009/6/2 1:25



 2009/6/2 1:28



[url=]You Can Cause Angels To Shout![/url]

Good word. Well worth the listen.

Thanks Jesus-is-GOD.

"And if you and I can get that heart, you - we have found this treasure in the field that is spoken of in the scriptures. We hide it deep within. We cherish this deep revelation of God. You and I know you can't package this, you can't export this. It's a sovereign work. There are no steps to this. You can't teach this.

You either have it or you don't have it.

You either have Christ's heart within you or your don't have Christ's heart within you.

It's that simple."

- Carter Conlon (21 minute mark of "You Can Cause Angels To Shout!")

 2009/6/2 9:12

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